You asked for it...i come to answers because i HONESTLY beleive that i can give advice to someone who needs help! but when i see a question where it is said that " Whites are the race that produces serial killers by the thousands, something other races don't do" ticks me off so the highest because those people are the ones asking the "what can stop racism" know what cna stop racism??? ok all the people who have an inferiority complex killing thmesleves!!! ignorant people killing themselves!!! i am sick and tired of hearing african americans complaining about how the white man does this or that to them!!! well i would think that you would stop considering them the white man!!!! jesus ******* christ!! i'm not done remember u asked for this...i am tired of people telling me to prove the existence of God that it's not scientific or not!!! i am respectable enough to not tell you that ur going to hell or to try to conervt you but no you need to compensate for something else by showing people that you are so smart, intelligent, ******* sweet!!!! what else let me think...oh yea i'm also tired of people calling me a fake catholic because i'm pro-choice well to all of you ex-communicate me!!! I'm still going to be God's child no matter what you do to me, on the contrary do it because this isnt a time for peace, we'll only be at peace when we're with Him!! so come every single one of you...i'm also sick and tired of everytime I go on a ******* date the guy asks me if i put out...IT IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS ************!!! i do put out but unfortunately not for you!!! i'm sick and tired of people cheating on each other and claiming it's a mistake!! mistake my ***...i'm sorry when you were unzipping yourself did you not realize that her face was kinna different from mine? oh right u werent looking at her face were you???
But even thought this venting sounds like i'm depress, actually i'm happy that i see all of that because it makes me a stronger and better person...i guess that's the process that one has to take eventually, mine just came sooner
Thank you for this!!
2007-03-25 04:59:44
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
We in simple terms had a clean bathing room put in on the 1st floor. Code required that they vent all the hot furnishings. they had to zig zag the vent pipe in the time of the present partitions and up in the time of the 2nd floor into the attic. as quickly as contained in the attic, they ran the pipe up in the time of the roof and placed on flashing below the shingles. that's the way it is going to be executed. it may come out everywhere on the roof, yet you will in all likelihood want it contained in the decrease back so it won't have the capacity to be considered from the line.
2016-10-01 11:18:29
answer #2
answered by ? 4
Yes I want to vent; that in 2007 the 21st century people are still dying of starvation when we produce enough surplus food to feed the world over countless times! That in 2007 peope die of easily curable diseases! That frikkin TV stars earn twice as much as surgeons and still think they have the right to complain!
2007-03-25 04:35:22
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
no thank u but i hope u have a wonderful blessed day with this open vent case u will need a decompression chamber
2007-03-25 04:32:17
answer #4
answered by mmbmw2000 4
I think it really sucks that it is cold and cloudy out. I want to be outside. OK I do have worse problems than that. However thanks for the opportunity to vent over something simple.
2007-03-25 04:35:30
answer #5
answered by Tess 3
I'll let it all out. I'm getting ready to get kicked out of school and now that the school year is almost over, they want to do something now. Then, my mom just keeps on yelling at me. Nag nag nag. I have too much stress on my hands
2007-03-25 04:31:55
answer #6
answered by I luv me some chris breezy 2
I think Randy Kleen would probably pick this one up...especially now that I've mentioned his name. He'll be combing my answers to see if there's anything interesting to answer.
2007-03-25 05:03:22
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I need to desperatly vent, but not to you.
Thanks tho.
2007-03-25 04:30:20
answer #8
answered by ♥Charming's Princess♥ 3
Thank you but no thank you.
I do need to vent, but not to you i guess..
Thank you.
2007-03-25 04:43:37
answer #9
answered by sllikylloh 4
No, not really.
My life is finally shaping up =]
2007-03-25 04:29:41
answer #10
answered by Anonymous