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Can a hole (the diameter of pencil lead) in copper pipe be spot soldered to stop the leak?

2007-03-25 03:28:21 · 13 answers · asked by Icareaboutstuff 1 in Home & Garden Maintenance & Repairs

13 answers

Depending on pressure, you could do allot. J.B. Weld might even work. Replacing the section of pipe is best, the problem will resurface if you don't. That is the Zen of home repair, do it now or do it later; small problems will only become larger if left unchecked. Soldering is but a band-aide...

2007-03-25 03:35:31 · answer #1 · answered by High-wire 4 · 1 0

It can be done by watching the melting point of the solder so you don't get a lot inside the pipe. This is not the best remedy though. If the hole wasn't caused by something being punched into the pipe, it indicates that the pipe is very thin and more holes will soon be popping up. You could repair it with a piece of rubber and a small hose clamp.

2007-03-25 03:36:51 · answer #2 · answered by sensible_man 7 · 0 0

I've dabbeled in a little work that involved copper plumbing and every hole I've ever delt with be it the size of a pin head is repaired by working a new piece with a coupler on each end into the place of the damaged length. solder alone shouldn't be trusted at any pressure that focused. With the new couplers the pressure and stresses would be spread out over a much greater area. Also take into account what caused that hole if the forces causing it punched a hole in the copper solder wont stand a chance.

2007-03-25 03:35:30 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Pinhole Leak Copper Pipe

2016-12-29 17:28:43 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes.... if the pipe is completely dry.
If the pipe can be drained , spot soldering will work.
If steam continuously escapes from the hole when you heat it, it is best to cut pipe & put in coupling as others have mentioned.
Again ,the pipe must be dry.
Old trick dad showed me, is to put a wad of damp white bread
Into pipe upstream from new joint & heat it w/ torch
The bread hardens & will stop water long enough to solder in coupling.
When you turn pressure back ,on the bread dissolves.
Watch your flame as mentioned ,
Good luck

2007-03-26 05:25:08 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Best to cut out and re-solder. You can buy connectors that will easily connect the section cut out adjacent to the hole. It is very important you buy the connector first so you will know the "slip distance" and from that you will know how wide a cut to make in your leaking pipe.

Carefully prepare for the soldering - it is easy if you prepare properly. Be careful of fire while soldering - many buildings burn to the ground as a result of soldering/welding.

2007-03-25 04:13:50 · answer #6 · answered by kayak 4 · 0 0

If this is CPVC the only thing you can do is to cut the pipe right on the spot where the hole is, then glue a coupling onto each end of the pipe and put them together. There's no effective hole repair on plastic pipe.

2016-03-18 05:47:19 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

FORGET ABOUT SOLDERING IN YOUR HOUSE if the hole is far enough away from a fitting cut the pipe in the middle of the hole and use a compression coupling

2007-03-28 10:41:12 · answer #8 · answered by md_plumber_girl 2 · 0 0

When the framers will shoot a nail in our water lines on the two story apartment complexes that I worked on, we would just solder seal the hole.

I'd do it now under the same circumstances.

In the repair work I now do though, it's procedure to cut out the damaged piece and replace it.

Back to when I did the apt. complexes during those years, we always kept the lines under air pressure and would monitor the gauges.
When one dropped, we would repressure and start look/listening for where they got us.

2007-03-25 04:13:21 · answer #9 · answered by rangedog 7 · 0 0

Best and simple way if you can move the pipes enough, make one cut with a tubing cutter right on the hole. Clean the pipes, slip in a coupling and resolder.

2007-03-25 03:47:48 · answer #10 · answered by stedyedy 5 · 0 0

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