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Wouldn't it be far better for them if they knew we all were behind them!

2007-03-25 02:18:02 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

12 answers

Of course, they are our countrymen! Gold star for you!

2007-03-25 03:03:57 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Being "patriotic " means that I am inspired by love for my country. It does not mean that I am disallowed the right to criticize my government because of IT's illegal, self-gratifying, criminal treatment of my troops. It does not mean that I do not support my troops. I am behind my troops to such an extent that I want them home. I am not an anti-war activitivist, but even those people are against the WAR, not the troops. There is a distinct difference. It cannot be made any clearer than that.

2007-03-25 02:34:03 · answer #2 · answered by rare2findd 6 · 3 1

Patriotism......love and support of one's country. It IS possible to love one's country and disagree with the current rulers and their policies. It would be UNPATRIOTIC to support a war you felt hurt your country.

Note: I support our troops and our occupation of Iraq. I have a brother-in-law serving over there as I type this.

2007-03-25 02:42:59 · answer #3 · answered by Michael E 5 · 0 0

When no one can really tell us what the mission is (Saddam is gone, remember?), and what victory would look like, then no, it would not be better to support the mission.

Put yourself in the troops shoes, and tell me which one seems like it is behind you:

(A) I support those who send you into harm's way, unquestioningly. I will not call them into account when they send you out without proper protective equipment. I will not question them when they constantly rotate you back into battle for longer and longer periods with less and less recovery time. I don't care if they leave you in moldy and vermin-infested rooms when you are wounded. I'm fine with them turning their backs on you after you are used up by cutting VA funding. I'm fine with an unlimited commitment to being caught in a civil war crossfire. I'm for treating you like Chinese take-out food by sending you to be bulls-eyes "over there" so "evil-doers" won't harm me, back here. After all, why would they come after me when we conveniently deliver you to be shot at? But I do have a yellow ribbon sticker on my car, so I'm behind you.

(B) I don't want you to be killed in a worthless, unproductive boondoggle that only enriches someone else's corporate buddies, and want to get you home out of harms way. I also want to make sure we take better care of you after you are home.

2007-03-25 02:32:22 · answer #4 · answered by ? 7 · 3 1

You've gotta love those republicans. Wanting to keep the troops alive is translated into not supporting them.

Our troops in Iraq are not even being used as soldiers. They are cops in a country where half the citizens want to kill them, and the other half just hate them.

I support our troops. Lets get them out now.

2007-03-25 02:27:59 · answer #5 · answered by mark 7 · 5 2

Dissent is the highest form of patriotism. ~ Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson was the third President of the United States,
the principal author of the Declaration of Independence (1776),
and one of the most influential Founding Fathers for his promotion
of the ideals of Republicanism in the United States.

2007-03-25 02:22:04 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 8 2

Nope. They need to know that we do not support their mission. That is the truth and they deserve to know the truth. And of course, we the people need to end the mission. They rely on us to do our duty also and if the mission is wrong, then we need to stop it.

A true patriot loves his country enough to save it from itself or its government.

2007-03-25 02:23:34 · answer #7 · answered by KERMIT M 6 · 6 2

Patriotism is not supporting a political whim of a subborn President. Patriotism is voting for what is best for your & other countries.

2007-03-25 02:28:54 · answer #8 · answered by frangipani 2 · 3 2

Because patriotism is love for one's country, not obsessive worship of the people in its military.

Patriotism is not defined as doing what's best for someone else; it's defined as loving your nation.

I don't have to support some ridiculous endless war in order to love my country.

2007-03-25 02:25:44 · answer #9 · answered by Bush Invented the Google 6 · 6 2

It is your duty in a democracy to question what the government is doing and if you don't agree with it to voice your opinion

2007-03-25 02:24:13 · answer #10 · answered by bill 5 · 6 1

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