He didn't sacrafice his son to stop us from sinning. He did it because up until that point nobody got into heaven.
You see, the sacrifice was to forgive original sin. That is, the fall of man from the garden of eden. After the fall, but before Jesus, people didn't ascend or descend, they just slept in blackness. The Bible uses some euphamism or other, but that's the gyst of it anyways.
So when Jesus comes along and is "sacrificed", God is able to forgive, because of the sacrifice that Jesus made.
Now, the real mind-burner, the one that gets all the priests, is "Why couldn't God just say 'I forgive you for original sin' instead of sacrificing his son?"
I think the answer is pride. If God admits he is wrong then the world would end or something. I have yet to get a real answer from any religious official on the subject. They are all pretty much stumped.
Anywho, hope this helps!
2007-03-24 21:52:06
answer #1
answered by p37ry 5
TON2 D Deuteronomy 19 says that if someone murders someone else ,then the next of kin shall kill the murderer. Satan was behind Christ's murder . That means according to the law God has the right to kill Satan. And He has every intention of doing so when the time is right. But please notice that god is abiding by his own law. That way nobody can say ... no fair. That may seem insignificant but it is part of if not the main reason Christ had to die on the cross. Satan was inciting and teaching the rest of gods children to sin and be lawless. That is why it is written that Satan is already condemned to die. Everybody else has a chance.
My explanation is not as flowery as some but it is accurate and i try to put it in plain talk that is means something to people. Check it out. excellent question by the way. This may answer some of Allahu's doubts and questions also . think about it.
2007-03-24 22:24:26
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Why would he have created the world if he were to simply end it? The fact is God is all knowing and knew we would sin and fall short of his glory and it was his plan before our creation to bring us to his righteousness not to join us in our sin. It is written that God's plan from the beginning was the atonement provided through Jesus Christ but remember Jesus is more than the Son of God as he was in the beginning with God all things were created by him...Jesus is the son and a part of the whole of God and it was his plan from the beginning before creation to be a Savior for his people.
2007-03-24 21:47:57
answer #3
answered by djmantx 7
He almost did, on at least one occasion. The sacrifice was a death for sin requirement that God made for the atonement of sin. Jesus took our place because He wanted to out of love for us, and the desire to restore fellowship between God and His creation, man.
Jesus is very much God, born as a man, and did all that the Bible and various secular Historians of His day say that He did.
Islam rejects Jesus as God, and as the son of God because their religion is based on works. How much can you do to make yourself acceptable to God by the works that you do. The problem here is that Jesus had little respect, and out right condemnation for the religious leaders of His day because of their duplicity and trying to keep the laws to the exclusion of what they were supposed to be doing as a result of obedience to those laws. They were supposed to be serving God, and the people, not trying to show off how good they were. Islam is no different in one respect, and much worse in others. Islam is a lie, regardless of what it's proponents have to say.
2007-03-24 21:52:58
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Jesus was God incarnate, a physical manifestation of God put here for us to have something to relate to. Before him, there was burning bushes and people hearing voices. A lot of the Bible is metaphorical and symbolic. The Son does not mean literal son.. in their context, the son was the father, so when Jesus was called the Son, it was in reference to his being the from the Father, God.
For God so loved the world, he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever should believeth in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. If we are all children of God, how did he have an only son?
2007-03-25 01:48:55
answer #5
answered by Dolm 1
Jesus being fully human yet retaining the fullness of divinity :ie:God in human form,came to give his life as ransom for humanity,Who are lost to God in their sinfullness,although people repent,it does'nt mean they cease to sin,it only means they are aware of their sin and therefore have the opportunity of approaching God to ask forgivness,which is only possible through the sacrificial death of Jesus.And by doing so gives sinners the promise of heaven.No human being can conquer death thats why God came to us to conquer death and give us life everlasting.
2007-03-24 21:58:53
answer #6
answered by hunsareretards 3
well think about your question for a minute...God knows ALL right. i think we both will agree on this. God is All Powerful, All Knowing and Most Merciful. Jesus .peace be upon him. has for centuries been mistaking as a god. in the first commandment to humanity, God commands that "Thou shalt have NO OTHER GODS or graven images in my name" (some versions of the Bible states in place of "in my name" it states "before me") ok so. why is he a savior. he's not. because no one holds the Ultimate Power but God. some times i hear ppl say Jesus. pbuh. is God. then this would mean God died on the cross...this concept makes no sense. why would God sacrifice himself if He already knows the fate of humanity?? God doesn't need a son. He needed prophets. and prophets he made. some performed miracles while All the prophets were human. the things that God did in the prophets time where miracles for these human prophets. He never told us to worship ANY of them. in fact, He told us to worship ONLY Him...correct. i respect your faith and i am not bashing so don't take any of this as so. it may not make sense to you or to any believers of your faith. but at least think about it...at least something in what i have said must've made a little bit of sense that you will be able to concept. i know you will want to argue with me that Jesus .pbuh. isn't a son but a prophet, that's alright God has premitted you Free Will and you are allowed to believe accordingly. but also remember the Bible was written by followers. Jesus .pbuh. is the only one in the Bible who delievers words of God. this is the job of a prophet. and we are all sons and daughters of God...He is the True Father and Creator. Jesus didn't create the Heavens and Earth. Jesus didn't create Adam and Eve. Jesus didn't give Adam the right to name the animals...nope God did and He did this all by Himself. So God gets ALL the worship...He even tells EVERYONE so...yet ppl still partner God in worship...isn't this considered disobeying? just think about it...I AM ONLY SHARING MY OPINION...I AM NOT TRYING TO FORCE IT.
2007-03-24 22:17:28
answer #7
answered by baba where art thou 4
He didn't sacrifice his son to make us not sinners, but so that we could be saved from our sins...so the story goes...I think.
2007-03-24 21:46:05
answer #8
answered by Daisy Indigo 6
It's BECAUSE he knew we would still be sinners, that God sacrifeced JESUS(who is also God, so, in actuality, God sacrificed himself) God is perfect, and according to his nature, he must punish sin. and according to our nature, we must sin. so he punished Jesus for our sin. Now we can have a loving relationship with the Father, through JESUS.
2007-03-24 21:50:41
answer #9
answered by Scott L 2
I am a Muslim. I do not believe That Jesus was the saviour or died for our sins or hope of salvation. He was only a very special messenger of God. The original sin concept is very sick. I mean, let's say your father kills someone, would the court rule you for murder as well.
No human being will account another for crimes done by another. How can then God account us for sins Adam and Eve comitted. Come on, God Almighty; is mighty Just too. He would never do that. In Islam every man is accounted for his own sins. And what sins do Christians talk about. Adam and Eve repented to God and God forgave them. May God Bless You All.
2007-03-24 21:43:48
answer #10
answered by Mr.POP 5