I have a 85 lb, 1 year old chocolate lab. he has been itching and licking himself constantly. he didnt used to have flees as bad before the itching and licking, but now he has quite a bit. his coat was perfect and the first thing i noticed was a sore, right above his tail at the bottom of his back. and it slowly went up. and im not sure if he even created the initial sore and what followed because hes been itching and licking so much when im not around i couldnt tell. we've been using different food over the past 3 months to see what he likes. he pretty much eats it all so its hard to tell what food would be the problem if the problem at all. im pretty sure its allergenic, even though the sores are on his back., he has inflicted scratches badly all over his body. and continues to lick and lick, sometimes he wines and continues. even though we try to stop him everytime, he is constantly still doing it....
8 answers
asked by
➔ Dogs
My St. Bernard used to constantly bite her back end. She was hairless from midway down her back to the tip of her tail and she had sores and scabs all over. Our vet said it was allergies and we were getting ready to do allergy tests but we changed our dogs food and she did a complete turn around. She now has the fullest shiniest coat and no more scabs or sore. It sounds like you dog could have allergies to his food just like my Saint did. Now we were feeding Purina and switched to Nutro Natural Choice Lamb and Rice but there are other foods out there you could try. They ever have special allergy foods.
2007-03-24 17:11:47
answer #1
answered by Grace 3
if you are seeing trouble in the area above the base of the tail, this is almost always a flea allergy. They say that one flea bite, once a week on an animal with flea allergies could cause severe itching. So make sure your dog and environment is free of fleas. To control the itching an 85 lb dog can have up to 50 mg of benadryl without even causing drowsiness. (50mg would be 2 benadryl tabs) If you take care of any flea issue, try the benadryl, and this is not working, you may have a food or contact allergy. These may need to be treated with cortisone injections or tablets.. you will need to take him to the vet for an exam and prescription if it doesnt clear up. Good luck!
2007-03-24 17:09:09
answer #2
answered by doodlebugmeem 4
He could have flea dermatitis. Work hard to get the fleas cleared up. Make sure he has plenty of vits C&E in his diet. Put 1 fish oil capsule in his food on a daily basis, once the skin problems are under control you can cut back to 1 or 2 a week.
If you think it is a food allergy take a close look at what is in his food. Soy, wheat & corn are top allergins for dogs. Try switching to a food that has none of those.
Consider checking out some natural remedies for your dog.
2007-03-24 17:10:20
answer #3
answered by Shalvia 5
Go to the per store and pick up the medication for hot spots, put it on the sores. Also give him a bath, with Johnsons baby shampoo, doesn't dry the skin out like dog shampoos do. Gentle on the skin, prevents dryness and itchiness
2007-03-24 17:06:31
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I use this Wonderful nutritional product that helps with skin allergies, shedding, skin conditions, itchiness, hot spots, digestive problems, and the list goes on and on! And the product is guaranteed.
The website is www.dinovite.com
The product says it may take up to 30 days before you see a difference, but we saw a remarkable difference in a matter of days.
2007-03-25 01:52:21
answer #5
answered by Marilyn M 2
First get rid of the fleas. Then see if it clears. If it doesn't, take him to the vet.
2007-03-24 19:15:39
answer #6
answered by Dani 3
take your dog to the vet to get him checked out, and it's better if you decide what kind of food to give him, if he will eat it all, it won't matter to hi will it?
2007-03-24 17:06:29
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
my little daschund hound has allergies and ill put calomine lotion where he scratches and bites, try that
2007-03-24 17:20:44
answer #8
answered by juicyfruitishandsome 4