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Im 15 and Ive been losen pounds 195 to 176 already im not done yet but im already noticeing i have some extra skin what can i do to tightin it up or somthing without surgery???

2007-03-24 16:47:17 · 5 answers · asked by uhuhkmmk 2 in Health Diet & Fitness

5 answers

you are 15 .. congratulations.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

that is awesome...!!!!!!!!!

be patient and do some exercising try stuff for your abs.


2007-03-24 16:57:24 · answer #1 · answered by pbear i 5 · 0 0

Ditto with the strength training! Large amounts of the supplement "MSM" I've heard does wonders for skin. I've also heard that about "Sun Chlorella". Or is that spelled differently? I think that's right.

You might not want to hear this, but losing weight slowly while you workout would give your young skin time to smooth back into shape.

I would imagine that any natural supplement or herb etc. that contributed to skin health especially in the way of contributing to the elastin & collagen production in your skin would really go far in helping that problem.

Also, skin that is dry & doesn't have enough moisture would make this problem more pronounced.

If you want to, I would suggest you study up on natural health. Fascinating! Free access to endless different sources & types of info at the library.

Outside of surgery, natural supplements is where your help would come from. God bless!

2007-03-24 23:48:10 · answer #2 · answered by grizzeybear1 2 · 0 0

Weight training will tighten up your skin significantly, Check out some fitness websites for ideas on your workouts.

2007-03-24 16:56:18 · answer #3 · answered by Blinkin 2 · 0 0

i dont think theres much that you can do outside a tummy tuck. because you lost weight all this skin has been streched. you could try skin tightening cream! or duck tape lol. but just give it some time and see if the skin goes back to normal

2007-03-24 16:53:22 · answer #4 · answered by bulletprooflonliness 4 · 0 0

Your young and your skin is very flexible, i don't think you have to worry much about your skin staying stretched out if you work out and do strength training. I think that with the training your skin will tighten up easily.

2007-03-24 17:35:32 · answer #5 · answered by Boredmp 3 · 0 0

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