I am real thin but I have muscle. i have a six pack and im a female but I got that because i am arabian and i started belly dance lessons when i was 5 and every since i was about 11 i have had a sixe pack because belly dancing works out your abs, also by doing crunchies and sit ups i do them in the morning and night 100 each time, and i run 2 miles a day and go to a gym where they have yoga classes. Also eat your 8 servings of fruits and vegies and moderate your junk food intake, try only having a dessert once a week that is junk, and healthy dessert after dinner like fruit salad with non fat wipe cream its reall good and good for you!
2007-03-24 15:39:17
answer #1
answered by Massacre 2
Weight loss isn't only going to be one time thing that you need to lose and then it's gone and lost forever. I think the secret is to watch and try to maintain what you eat. At the same time try to stay active as much as you can and not become a 'couch potato'. Try to do something every day in being active ...jogging, swimming, walking, biking will surely help, but try to remain off of the couch as much as possible because that is what will cause the weight to tend to stay.
2007-03-24 15:39:15
answer #2
answered by mikeatola 2
Video video games helped me shed pounds. I can preserve my stability at the Gazelle (which a few could uncover complicated to do). As such, I plugged an Xbox 360 into the TV and began to play it even as I used to be figuring out. Immediately, I observed that I used to be sweating greater than I used to be while I used to be simplest looking TV passively! The rationale boils right down to a unmarried phrase: adrenalin. Now, the one manner I’m ready to paintings up a sweat is while I play a speedy-paced recreation at the recreation console. Yes, even recreation style is primary; preclude any diversions that require lengthy pauses among duties. Racing video games (like Burnout) have labored very good for me. The extra senseless the sport, the bigger your burn, the quicker the pastime consultation will move.
2016-09-05 14:55:11
answer #3
answered by ? 4
Pilates...plain and simple. Joseph Pilates believed that if the center of the body (abs, back) were strong, than the rest of the body would feel better and work better, especially since your center, or "core" as Pilates trainers call it, support your posture. Hence, the Pilates "moves' will hard-core strengthen your abdominals. Don't be discouraged if you can't complete a lot of the moves at first- they are very intense and difficult for beginners. I suggest "Pilates on the Go" for beginners, as it contains a latex band that can assist you in executing the moves until such time as you're strong enough to do them on their own. You will see and feel the difference within a week- I promise you.
2007-03-24 15:43:17
answer #4
answered by scouseryank33 3
since you prefer one over the other and dont like doing one thing, try alternating for about 1/2 hour a day (to keep it at a steady rate). this way you wont get tired of something. try: situps and running monday
biking tuesday
so on and so forth... change it up from week to week and it will get 'fun'
Also try eating healthy like a turkey sandwitch on wholewheat bread, a fruit, barbecue chips and a treat.
Good luck and have fun!!!
2007-03-24 15:33:54
answer #5
answered by just me 2
Exercise everyday like jogging around the block
Skip meals. Eat 2 times per day than 3 times per day
Dont eat until you're full
Eat fruits at night if your hungry.
Drinks lots of water and stop all the fast food and chocolate.
There are more tips and info.
there's a video on success fitness too.
2007-03-24 17:32:54
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I do the slim fast diet, eat that food and drink those shakes then 100 crunches in the morn and afternoon, i also go the ab lung those made my belly amazing, i have my dream stomach, i also attended belly dancing classes, or just buy a video at home and that works too.
2007-03-24 15:28:00
answer #7
answered by MarinaMCR 2
maybe go for a walk...about 3 miles. and then rest and eat some fruits. after that, go biking aroung ur neighborhood for a while. and then of course, take a shower!!
2007-03-24 15:29:06
answer #8
answered by Little_asian_chick 2
mabye biking sit ups they would work good do like 10 sit ups each day
2007-03-24 15:29:05
answer #9
answered by cork218 1
Go to Chimaenterprises.com. They have excellent natural and safe weight loss programs.
2007-03-24 15:29:46
answer #10
answered by Anonymous