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There has not been any "gaay gene" discovered or it would be all over the news more than Anna Nicole Smith was in the news.

Does anyone think that they can pick out from a line up of babies in a hospital the "gaay" one?

I think this is an honest question, and I would appreciate someone actually trying to answer it instead of name calling.

I misspelled the word on purpose because I think that certain words get red flagged and the question gets censored automatically.

2007-03-24 14:28:29 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

33 answers

I agree, people become gay. It's their choice.

2007-03-24 14:31:47 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 8 6

There have been twin studies done that indicate male homosexuality has a genetic component. The componant is more complicated than a single gene if it exists. The evidence is that bi-sexuality is far too common for homosexuality to be controlled by a single gene. If homosexuality were controlled by a single gene, bisexuality, as a case of duel expression, would be as common as having two different colored eyes.

There is no evidence that female sexuality has any genetic component.

The morality or immorality of homosexuality in the Abrahamic faiths can not be determined by whether the desire to perform homosexual acts is genetic or something else. Morality is decided by the divine will. If he banned an action that people are genetically inclined towards, it is still forbidden. There are psychosis that are genetic, yet murder is still forbidden.

2007-03-24 14:43:31 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

The thing is there are some people who at a very small age tend to like thing that the other sex likes. For example I knew a boy who at 4 years old use to play with dolls instead of cars. When the boy was about 16 years old it turned out he was gay. But I don't really think that someone could be born with the gene. And i don't think you could actually pick out a baby from a line up and say he/she is gay.

2007-03-24 14:36:43 · answer #3 · answered by CR 3 · 1 1

It has been proven that boys and girls are in fact are born with their sexual orientation,( not preference) already wired at birth(PBS Nova). Xs and Ys decide what that wiring is going to be. The same as where your nose is going to be. Being born gay is a victim plea, I can't help how I was born. The fact is that there is no real scientific proof, genetic, or neurological, that makes their case for them. And all the emotional pleas, and political cloute, can't change the reality of the science that fails to prove their position. They have made a choice in their sexual preferences. I wish them well with that. I think they're wrong, but that's my choice.

2007-03-24 16:24:11 · answer #4 · answered by Perry B 3 · 0 0

--Good point!

--EVEN IF we for arguements sake, not label homosexuallity as evil(although it is) just a general sin, this text shows what needs to happen if one is going to accept---a life-style and certainly an infant cannot do that:

(James 1:14-15) “14 But each one is tried by being drawn out and enticed by his own desire. 15 Then the desire, when it has become fertile, gives birth to sin; in turn, sin, when it has been accomplished, brings forth death.”

--THIS GOES for any perverted desire:

--A pedaphile, a rapist, lesbian, adulterer, one who practices bestiality, etc all choose to practice that type of perverted sex!

--If a child is molested studies show that such ones more often become involved in prostitiution etc.

--SO THEN unless there is a direct influence a child more likely will grow up with the natural view of sex.

--*** g80 4/22 p. 5 Family Decay Today—How Serious the Consequences? ***


According to a report by the U.N. Subcommission on Human Rights, in just one South American country about 50,000 children are prostitutes. Child prostitution has become epidemic world wide. Why? “Many who become prostitutes typically are the products of broken homes,” notes the Detroit News of May 16, 1978. In some studies 25 percent of prostitutes had incestuous backgrounds.

*** w74 8/15 pp. 486-487 Is Change Possible for Homosexuals? ***


As one reads material on the subject or talks to homosexuals, one is struck by this fact: Homosexuals want to be homosexuals. An article largely sympathetic to the homosexual movement appeared in the Minneapolis Tribune, May 14, 1972. Notice the writer’s observations:

“Behind all of this, one senses the unspoken fear that some factor might be found in research that would make it seem possible to change a gay into a straight. They wouldn’t want this. They are happy in their gayness. They don’t want to be straight.

“Lena Hardin, who is coordinator with Mike McConnell of Gay House’s speaking bureau, put it this way: ‘The only advantage to being straight is that you no longer would be different. Other people’s concepts and considerations of you would be altered. And, to tell you the truth, it’s not all that valuable. I still want to be what I am.’”

Notice, no appeal to being ‘born homosexual’ or with a ‘poor family background.’ The individuals involved just plainly say: “I still want to be what I am.”


Since a person chooses to be homosexual, it is his thinking that has been affected, urging him to make that sexual preference. Reasonably, the Bible agrees that this is at the base of the problem. Paul writes about homosexuals, that “God gave them up to a disapproved mental state, to do the things not fitting.” (Rom. 1:26-28) Such individuals have come to reason from the heart in a wrong way, developing perverted desires.—Matt. 15:18-20.

What the Bible says in this respect accords with the facts revealed by homosexuals. Thus an American explains the process by which his reasoning was won over to the homosexual viewpoint: “Homosexuality is the product of very complicated conditioning over an extended period of time . . . [Homosexuals] deliberately go through a brainwashing experience—‘I’m gay and I’m proud. I’m beautiful.’ This is reverse therapy.”

This thinking is at the core of the homosexual problem. One could stop being homosexual only if one no longer thought like a homosexual and no longer had their desires. The Bible, in 1 Corinthians 6:11, shows that such a change in thinking is possible. Then why is it that more do not change?

An interviewer for the Long Island (New York) Press asked a converted homosexual this same question. In answer, the man said:

“In the first place, there’s the widespread belief that it’s impossible. Second, thousands of unhappy homosexuals have no resources to get into expensive therapy. Third, fear of exposure inhibits a lot of men.”

Though many psychiatrists and others have given the impression that a person cannot change, this man’s experience shows otherwise. He admits to knowing six other men who have also changed.

Such adjustments admittedly are not easy to make. Why? Because not just one’s pattern of thinking has developed in a certain way, but one’s body has come to crave something abnormal. As a person’s pattern of reasoning is adjusted back to that which is entirely natural, so must his whole way of life. Slowly, the old ways must be replaced with new ones."

2007-03-24 14:47:56 · answer #5 · answered by THA 5 · 2 1

God does not create a person with homosexual desires. The Bible tells us that a person becomes a homosexual because of sin (Romans 1:24-27), and ultimately because of their own choice. A person may be born with a greater susceptibility to homosexuality, just as people are born with a tendency to violence and other sins. That does not excuse the person choosing to sin by giving into their sinful desires. If a person is born with a greater susceptibility to anger / rage, does that make it right for then to give into those desires? Of course not! The same is true for homosexuality.

2007-03-24 16:16:40 · answer #6 · answered by Freedom 7 · 0 0

I don't actually believe anyone could be born gay. The idea that it's in our genes is insane simply because of our need to reproduce. Think about it, in order for these genes to be passes along there must be a child, and that is something a homosexual relationship can't provide.

2007-03-24 15:46:44 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Current research on homosexuality shows that homosexuality is at LEAST partially genetic.

The most convincing research thus far has dealt with twins. Studies of twins have shown that if one twin is homosexual then about 50% of the other twins are homosexual also. This statistic is WAY too high to be coincidence, so a genetic factor must be present.

It is currently believed that genetics INFLUENCE a person's being homosexual. In the case of the twins, if one twin was homosexual the other was more likely to be homosexual, as well. One's environment is still believed to play a role, but more and more evidence is actually showing genetics and homosexuality are related.

(Thumbs down for scientific evidence? How homophobic...)

2007-03-24 14:36:27 · answer #8 · answered by Rabbityama 6 · 3 4

I think you're paranoid. Perhaps you should try the word homosexual. I don't think babies are born thinking about sex that seems to be an obsession for adults. Although I wonder, how many anti-abortion Christians would make a bee-line for the family planning clinic if their baby tested positive for a genetic predisposition to homosexuality.

2007-03-24 14:40:20 · answer #9 · answered by God 6 · 5 2

the gay gene was all over the news back in the early nineties, the reason it isn't anymore is because it's not new--is Krysta MacAuliffe still making headlines? Oliver North? No, because they aren't news anymore--news shows expect you to have a long term memory

2007-03-24 14:43:06 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

1) There has been no sexuality gene discovered at all.

2) There is evidence that (often) homosexuals have what would ordinarily be the hypothalamic structure of the opposite sex.

3) Judeo-Christians insisting homosexuality is immoral suggests that they believe it is a choice. Usually such "choices" only become apparent to those who struggle with them regularly. How often are you tempted?

2007-03-24 14:37:37 · answer #11 · answered by neil s 7 · 4 3

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