Proper diet and exercise.
2007-03-24 14:22:55
answer #1
answered by octo75 4
The main problem with losing weight is a person's will. Fasting works, but few ever do it. Fast for about 4-5 days. About the 2nd-3rd day you get headaches, etc, because the toxins and sugar addictions are being broken (drink lots of water to help flush it out!). Everyone thinks they are different and can't fast because of this, but it is not true. Fasting is good for you. Drink lots of water, too. I actually fast much longer than this. Once you have done it, you realize the power you have over your body, not the other way around. Break the fast on soft foods. Immediately start in to a diet that eliminates processed foods, and what I call whites (rice, bread, sugar, potatoes). You have now cleaned the sugar out of your body and that is what kept you craving more sugar, hence causing you to overeat. After fasting, it is much easier to make good choices to not let that sugar back in the door. Eat lots of veggies, all you want. Eat meat in moderation. Don't eat sugar, bread, or white rice, or potatoes until you reach your goal. When you do eat sugar, be careful, because your system is not clean and it rebels to sugar and it will go right through you.
2007-03-24 14:35:59
answer #2
answered by Sherry 2
Here is a place that reviews a bunch of weight loss programs, dieting aides, supplements and so on. The site even has categories like diabetes, low fat and hypnosis. Pretty cool site.
Many of the programs listed have consumer reviews, so you can read what others think of the different programs.
Hope this helps!
2007-03-25 15:15:05
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
My mom is trying out this thing called the rice diet and someone she works with did it and lost a lot of weight in a short amount of time. It just takes a bit of sacrifice, since the first week all you eat is fruit and rice, and then later add on other things. But it really does work and my mom is losing tons of weight because of it and her exercise of course ;)
2007-03-24 14:26:08
answer #4
answered by tygertyger44 1
Go to They have great weight loss programs that work. Good luck.
2007-03-24 15:06:55
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Yes, I lost 11 pounds and almost 14" in 9 days almost a year ago. I've been able to keep it off plus 5 more pounds and have told lots of my friends about it too. Lots of them told me that they had tried everything and nothing worked, but this worked for them. Hope that helps. Let me know if you need more info.
2007-03-24 14:40:48
answer #6
answered by booklady 2
sugar busters you can eat almost anything but no sugar. potatoes no they go straight to sugar .all the meat you can bread.i,ve been on it 6years it great loss weight kept it off.the only thing i eat some of the things shouldnot .but haven,t gain any weight no haven,t lossany.all i have to do now is go bach on it 100%.its easy will do it the rest of my life. look it up. i
2007-03-24 14:36:20
answer #7
answered by AIR HEAD 2
Weight Watchers woks. I lost over 70 lbs.
2007-03-24 14:23:40
answer #8
answered by LaraSue 6
Try the CSIRO diet. I did not even get hungry, lost 9kg, and it stayed off when i stopped the diet over a year ago.
2007-03-24 14:29:14
answer #9
answered by Kate B 2
following a healthy, balanced diet with sufficient calories\nutrients and participating in regular daily exercise. this has always worked and always will.
2007-03-24 16:14:12
answer #10
answered by lv_consultant 7