We've been living in the end times since the first human came to the realization that he was going to die, and that everything he knew, his world, was going to die with him. The end of a human life is the end of a world, and each of us projects our own inevitable death onto the big screen by believing that "the world ends with me."
Here are a few "end times" predictions in historical context:
2007-03-24 13:24:51
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
It probably wasn't possible until Israel was refounded in 1948, so people were getting bothered over nothing before that. There's always such frightful things going on that people have a tendency to think 'it must be near the end of the Age'.
One of the significant things that had to happen first was that Israel had to be trampled on after its prophecied destruction. (Luke 21). Then the time of the gentiles would come to an end.
The Jewish nation was shattered pretty much 30 years after Jesus' crucifixion, and most eventually went into exile, and remained so for 1800 years. Then of course it got re-established in 1948. So is Israel still being trampled on by the gentiles? They now have their own homeland, but still face a lot of opposition from surrounding nations, and also from Arabs close at hand.
There will also be serious problems for the planet before the Son of man returns, it says in Luke 21 and Matthew 24. There will be a great sign in the sky, and all the nations will mourn - something apocalyptic such as an asteroid methinks.
Jesus says it will come as a surprise for most people, so its not something that can be easily predicted.
2007-03-24 13:35:00
answer #2
answered by Cader and Glyder scrambler 7
Jesus Himself warned us against speculating about the timing of His return or claiming we know when it will take place. He said, "No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father" (Matthew 24:36).
But Jesus did tell us certain events must take place before He returns, and these will be like signposts pointing to His coming. For example, He told us that He would not come again until the whole world has had an opportunity to hear the Gospel: "And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come" (Matthew 24:14). Certainly we see this happening today through television, radio, publications and the Internet.
Jesus also told us that we would see an outburst of evil on an unprecedented scale before He comes again, as Satan lets loose his fury in a final effort to defeat God's plan: "When you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come" (Mark 13:7). Can anyone read the headlines today and doubt the reality of Satan's power?
No, we don't know when Christ will come again—but we don't need to know! Our responsibility is still the same: to love Him and live for Him with all our strength. Is this your goal?
2007-03-24 13:22:25
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
At 6,130 years after Eden, 2670 years after Babylon Empire #3, and 2064 after Jesus was in Rome Empire #6 is Rev.20:1-6,12,13 [ No Satan 1000
years ];
Matt.24:3,7,14,15,22,34,36-38 [ Only God knows day and hour ];
Now 6,073 years after Eden, 2613 years After Babylon Empire #3, and 2007 after Jesus in Rome Empire #6.
Eph.2:7; 3:21; The world with Jesus is without end. John 3:16; 2Pet.3:13; Rev.21:1-5; ALL IS MADE NEW.
2007-03-25 09:27:32
answer #4
answered by jeni 7
The tribulation couldn't start until Israel became a nation again, which was in 1948. The tribulation has to start during that generation, and a biblical generation is 70 years, which gives us until 2018 for it to start. The rebelling of the earth, earthquakes, floods, etc., are just birthpangs, precursers of the tribulation.
2007-03-24 13:08:50
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
We have been living in the final part of the last days since 1914 when Jesus was installed as King of God's Kingdom.
So it will not be much longer.
2007-03-24 13:03:08
answer #6
answered by Here I Am 7
Every generation has had to put up with doombats who insist that "this generation is the last one!" It comes as no surprise that we have just as many of them today as we always have.
And they'll be wrong, just like all the others were.
2007-03-24 13:04:51
answer #7
answered by Scott M 7
here, it is worse than you think.
2007-03-24 13:08:23
answer #8
answered by U-98 6