The Bible is accurate, culturally, historically, and spiritually. For example, you and your friend could test this by doing some research on say the people and places the Bible mentions. Take the book of Exodus. It states that a daughter of Pharaoh found Moses, took him out of the water (or reeds) and raised him as her own son as a prince of Egypt. Research Egyptian history and you'll find in the 18th dynasty the name of the first woman to rule Egypt as queen. Not only did she live during the dates of the events recorded in the first three chapters of Exodus, but she was the daughter of Thutmose I, a Pharaoh. Coincidence? I think not. The Bible is both accurate and trustworthy, full of spiritual truths and 100% fulfilled prophecies. Anyone who tells you that the Bible is made-up, a myth, or full of inaccuracies has neither read it nor done their homework.
2007-03-24 12:43:15
answer #1
answered by Blessed 5
I believe that the bible is accurate. If you look in the book of Revelation and read the last scripture in the book it states that any man that changes a word in that book will be cursed and put to death. The bible says that Jesus is the same today yesterday and forever. I believe that. You should look into other religions and study their ways of beliefs and their books that they live by. You will find that their beliefs and their books change with their way of life as far and their wants and needs. They fit their beliefs to their life. They can't be held accountable for their wrongdoings because they can change their "bibles" to their convience. You can't do that with the Holy Bible. That book has been translated so many times over the years but not a word was misplaced or changed. The words or the meaning of that bible never changes to suit man. The bible is full of prophecies in both the old and the new testament that have happened, such as the birth of Christ. There are prophecies in the bible that are still yet to come true - the antichrist and the tribulation period that most people claim to be the end of the world. I believe the bible is accurate when compared to other belief systems and seeing the hands of God work through his word and seeing his promises that he made 1,000 yrs ago to his people that he is still fulfilling today.
2007-03-24 12:30:09
answer #2
answered by busyliz 3
The historical narratives in the Bible are all true, none to date have been disproved. The parables and metaphors are not necessarily factual events, but are stories used to make a point. Although some may have a factual origin. The seemingly bizarre descriptions found in Daniel, Ezekiel, Revelation and other books are for descriptive purposes. They may be more symbolic. Future events spoken of will happen, when-who knows but God. The Bible is the most dissected book ever written. Thousands of highly educated men and women have analyzed it from cover to cover in many languages. Even though many just refuse to believe its contents-no one has been able to successfully challenge any part of it.
I am willing to bet its accurate. There are literally thousands of ancient Biblical manuscripts from several different countries. In the whole group there is less than 1/2% total text variation. Of that part, almost all of it is variant spelling of names.
No other group of documents in history has that consistency.
2007-03-24 12:26:16
answer #3
answered by Desperado 5
The Bible is the Word of God without error. For those who would say the Bible is not the Word of God, or that the Bible contains numerous errors I would say this: Paul could say in 2nd Timothy 3:16, "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God." That's the Greek word, "theopneustos" meaning "God-Breathed." Every single word was given from God to 40 different men, and 2nd Peter 1:21 adds: "for no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God." Now that was the Old Testament. The New Testament wasn't in existence when Paul used these verses. He was telling the churches in his letters what had happened in the past, but in John 16:12-13, Jesus talked about the coming of the New Testament. He says, "I have many more things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. But when He, the Spirit of Truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come."
That's the New Testamant. And we can say with John 17:17, "Your Word is Truth." Today, we have 66 books written by 40 different individuals on 3 continents covering a period of 1,500 years and there's not one mistake, regardless of what some of the critics say. They haven't studied God's Word enough to know the truth. Among the writers we had kings, poets, philosophers, prophets, scholars and fisherman. And I want you to know we have all of the Word of God today. Someone says, "Yes, but we don't have the original manuscripts" Who said so?
We have copies totalling 24,800. Now, how do we know that they're right? Well, if you take 20 items and you compare them and 19 state one thing and one doesn't, then the one is in error. We've got 24,800 manuscripts that exist today to compare one against another and we have another 80,000 quotations from the church fathers, enough to put the entire Bible together with the exception of 11 verses. Take the 80,000 quotations from the church fathers and the 24,800 manuscripts for a total of 104,800 and you have all of God's Word dozens and hundreds of times. This is so because God's Word is literally flawless. After computers have compared millions, or even billions, of letters in analyzing the 104,800 manuscripts the texts are basically flawless. So, don't listen to the critics.
2007-03-24 12:58:21
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Parts of the Old Testament was told orally for hundreds of years before it was written down. Much of it is not to be taken literally.
The New Testament was written 30 to 40 years after the resurrection. Only John was actually there and heard the Gospel first hand. The New Testament is not to be taken literally. The story may be accurate but the words vary.
2007-03-24 14:08:10
answer #5
answered by Mary W 5
From the Barna Survey that explores who qualifies as an Evangelical::
"Self-described evangelicals" are 27% less likely to contend that the Bible is totally accurate in all of its teachings than "9-point evangelicals."
Asking people if they consider themselves to be evangelicals produces a comparatively large number: 38% of the population accepts that label.
The Barna Group has traditionally used nine questions to categorize people as evangelicals, whether they consider themselves accurately described by that label or not. Using the nine questions about their beliefs produces a much smaller figure: just 8% of the adult population in 2006 fit the criteria.
2007-03-24 12:24:00
answer #6
answered by djchuang 2
History and archeology show the Bible to be accurate.
The Bible has been doctored with to acclimate pagan beliefs, but we have the older writings to show that.
We have more now than when the King James was made.
That is why Bibles like the American Standard, the Darby, the English Standard are more accurate Bibles.
But why God allows the others to be here is because the truth that leads to everlasting life can be found in them also.
2007-03-24 12:26:37
answer #7
answered by rangedog 7
Even Og know Bible is myth. Like pageturner or airplane novel you can pick up and read once and be satisfied but you don't really want go back and read again and again unless you really into that stuff. Sure, parts are based on real events to give it some credibility but mostly it's there to give moral guidance. It not meant to be history, meant to be science (!?). You live that way and you live long and healthy.
Og's tribe have such teachings but never write them down. Used to think that was a bad thing but now, in internet age, it's probably best not to cling to the old ways. Og never liked leaches.
Happy hunting.
2007-03-24 12:18:10
answer #8
answered by og_i_og 2
The Bible was inspired by God.
Bible is 66 books written by 40 inspired different authors over thousands of years.
1000's of Men and women died for this book so we could have it.
There is 100s of prophesies throughout the Bible
In Isaiah, Daniel, Revelation and more.
The Bible is the most historical book from that time in print.
It also has 1000,000,000s of copies maybe even more.
It is the oldest book that is still widely printed today.
The Bible never controdicts its self and it is insync with history
2007-03-24 12:21:23
answer #9
answered by rockinweazel 4
Bible: Jehovah's God's written Word to humankind. He used some 40 humans secretaries over a period of 16 centuries to record it, but God himself actively directed the writing by his spirit. Thus it is inspired by God.
2Tim.3:16,17 "All scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work."
The Bible is completely accurate. There is NO other book like it
2007-03-24 12:48:12
answer #10
answered by Vivimos en los Ultimos Dias 5