Read The God Delusion, understand how religion works, and be freed from it forever.
I'm sorry for your pain.
2007-03-24 09:18:52
answer #1
answered by eldad9 6
When you love God, you trust Him. When you trust Him, you will know that He is still in control . Keep that in mind because it is very important. God is always in control. You can't think of suffering and death here on earth as so important. It might feel bad, but it is temporary. If your suffering (or your relatives) was for an entire lifetime. Imagine that compared to eternity. It becomes really really insignificant.
Now I know that is not the answer you are looking for, so I will elaborate more. Faith is somehow very important in our walk with God. If God answered all your prayers and made life easy, how much faith would you use? None. We wouldn't need any, we would have the absolute knowledge that things are under control.
Also God loves us. He loves us so much, and wants us to be with him so badly that He would do almost anything to bring us closer to Him. If things were perfect and there was no suffering or problems on Earth, how much would we need God? None. Why would we need Him at all on Earth? God wants to bring you, or your family, or someone reading your question closer to Him. he want you to rely on Him and not yourself or this world.
Also if suffering did not exist in this world, what would make Heaven so great?
I can tell you that it is the point in which you completely trust God and acknowledge that He is in control that things start to happen in your life. If God is allowing you or your family to go through something that bad...He must have a really big plan for you to let your faith be tested so much. Remember to keep faith in the wisdom of God. Things may not make sense right now, but soon enough they will all come together. If you come out the other side with a stronger faith than you went into it with, you have passed the test and God will begin to use you in ways you never imagined.
Keep praying. Keep the Faith! God loves you.
2007-03-24 09:32:24
answer #2
answered by RedE1 3
No your not wrong for being angry or losing faith but acting like you know what exist is ignorant but people who believe in other god/gods also most definitely KNOW that what they believe is right and you are no different. Not everything in life is going to be perfect. Everyone suffers because this is not a perfect world. Plenty of others have it worse like people in Dar fur so you should just do the best you can and keep your faith if you want. I know a story and this is how it goes:
A woman goes to God and tells him ,"Why am i suffering? I have the biggest problems." God takes her to that desert and tell her to lift up crosses that are laying in the sand. She tries to pick each one up but they are all so heavy. Finally she gets to the last cross and it is so light so she is able to pick it up. She tells God,"This cross is so light," God says,"That is because it is your cross, the crosses represent peoples struggles and the ones that are heavy are people with worse struggles. You struggle is not as bad."
So basically don't complain because there are others you have it way way worse than you.
2007-03-24 09:25:54
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Sometimes God puts people through trials and tribulations to strengthen them and/or to test their faith. If you believe in God, then you must believe that He is all-knowing and all-powerful and that He knows what He is doing. We don't know why God does and allows some of the things He does, but I believe that He has a reason and it's not for me to question Him. Half my family died when I was 16, people that I treasured, and I don't know why, but I trust God that He had a reason for it. Maybe because of my experience with it I can help someone else someday going through something similar. I don't know, none of us do, but you must have faith and trust Him, even and especially in dark times when you don't understand and your faith is wavering. Pray to Him, explain that you don't understand, but that you trust Him and what He is doing with your life and of those around you. Ask Him to give you just enough light for the step your on. He will never give you more then you can handle, and while at times it may seem like you are going to break, know that God believes in you, and when it feels as though your strength is at it's end, lean on Him for strength, He will give it freely. I'll keep you in my prayers.
2007-03-24 09:22:28
answer #4
answered by Bella_Donna 2
Believing in God does not exempt us from suffering.
Sin is the reason that we experience hurt or disappointment or fear or frustration, not God. I'm not sure of what your loved one is going through but please understand (as I once had to figure out) If we ask God for something and we don't get what we ask for that's an answer. Answered pray does not always mean God gives us what we pray for. So from that perspective God ALWAYS answers pray. Now, does ths mean that God wants your family member to suffer. ABSOLUTELY NOT! God does not delight is seeing our pain. It hurts him also, but many times strength comes from experiencing difficult situations. Sometimes we draw closer to God when the world is closing in on us. So some times God allows things to happen because His goal is to build us up. Thats what God wants. Not only does he want us to have peace while here on earth, He also wants us to make it to heaven. EVERYONE suffers. EVERYONE hurts, EVERYONE gets frustrated. No one is exempt from these, but please don't lose your faith. God will ALWAYS work on His time schedule and not on ours.
The bible says, "I've never seen the righteous forsaken or his seed begging for bread." I can vouch for this promise. Just remember that when we pray, God's delays are not necessarily His denials." From course sand comes pearls, from fire comes pure gold, from rough diamond comes precious stone (or a girl's best friend) Allow your faith to be tested and WHEN God comes through testify to others how good He truly is. But just remember even the most righteous christian will experience bad times.
Be strong. Be strong. Be strong!!!
2007-03-24 09:57:15
answer #5
answered by Mark D 1
Some times the lord gives strong people a thorn in their side to make them even better. We came to this world to be tried and tested not pampered. The lord will give us all enough to try us and sometimes we add things of our own to the list like getting addicted to harm full substances etc. Maybe you need ask why your family suffers and ask what you can do to help them ease the suffering, not just that he preform a miracle and dump happiness upon you.
2007-03-24 09:30:26
answer #6
answered by saintrose 6
There are many times when the answers aren't what we expect. He may have answered by saying no. The sufferings we go through are many times what builds our faith and trust in God. "In everything give thanks." We may not understand why we or others suffer but we do know that we draw closer to God during bad times then in good.
2007-03-24 09:21:13
answer #7
answered by wkennedy 2
I found that it is so easy to give up but you hang in there don't let the devil smile, make sure you remind God of the promises he made to his children.
2007-03-24 09:19:59
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I refuse to tell you how to believe. You have to come to your own conclusions hon, and I honestly hope you find a solution to your hurts... nobody should hurt.
2007-03-24 09:20:04
answer #9
answered by vinslave 7
keep prayiong and ask God to give you an inner peace.
2007-03-24 09:17:33
answer #10
answered by Anonymous