I myself have just lost 30 lbs and I'm still going. How did I do it? Good ol' fashion diet and exercise. Go to www.calorieking.com (with permission from your parents) and buy this program. It allows you to track your calories and gives you a budget to follow. Currently I'm on an 1204 calories a day diet. You need to do cardio which could mean walking, jogging, running, ellipticle trainers, treadmills, skating, etc. You need to see a doctor first though because you don't want to hurt yourself during exercise. Good luck and don't give up! It's not easy losing weight but once you make a liftestyle change you'll never put it back on. :)
2007-03-24 08:11:44
answer #1
answered by gone2fragglerock 2
Everyone is going to die but you will not live a long life with that weight. Also how is your quality of life at that weight? Do you have trouble fitting on the chairs at school? It is a problem and you are not a baby.
Nourish your body thin, instead of starving your body fat. Good carbs like celery and carrots will never make you fat. Bad carbs like cake will, but you don't need to know the whole science of glycemic load. You need to re-learn how to eat so you can become thin and healthy. Salt has no calories but makes you fat and burning more calories does not help this fatness.
Find out about fastest way to lose weight, most effective exercise, good and bad fats, water retention and secret trick used by models to flatten their tummy before an event. Reading a book will take you hours but the information on a post, taking minutes to read, is not enough. The webpage below has just enough to know what you need to know. Links page has gov. BMI calculator to find out just how much overweight you are (teens plug in your age to compare to others your age).
You can force your body to lose weight with not enough calories, but if you continue it, you will starve to death. With an abundance of healthy foods, you lose weight just as fast, but only until you reach your ideal weight. You can continue eating this way the rest of your life and always be at your ideal weight.
2007-03-24 15:12:16
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Honey you are not going to die but yes, you are seriously overweight. Can you die from it? yes you can. My suggestion is that you go on a diet. A very strict diet. Your best bet is to see a nutritionist. You need to exercise and eat healthy. This is a big problem. Seek some help honey and you will be fine. Obesity is a major problem in older people but when it starts out young its even worse. You can get diabetes and heat issues as well as artery problems. Please get some help with your weight. try to lay off any fast food eat a lot less and eat healthier. :) I really hope this helps you!
2007-03-24 15:16:23
answer #3
answered by T 1
At your height and weight, it appears that you are very overweight. Your BMI is at 52, and 30 is considered obese. This can lead to a future of health problems. Have your parents offered to take you to the doctor? You should really be under the guidance of a physician, dietitian and personal trainer. Feel free to e-mail me if you like.
2007-03-24 15:23:19
answer #4
answered by Laura R 1
Yes, you morbidly obese and may need medical treatment right away. I am 5-7 and less than half of your weight; you do the math. You must tell your parents to bring you to a doctor right away and if diet and exercise don't work, surgery is an option.
2007-03-24 15:07:04
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Um- youre 14- that's no baby. You are about 5 inches shorter than me and outweigh me by nearly60 lbs and I am considered to be obese. So, yes, you are overweight and are at risk of diabetes, heart disease, and a host of other stuff. The twinkies arent worth it man!
2007-03-24 15:09:55
answer #6
answered by heather 2
You are at risk. That is a very dangerous weight for you height and age. You need to do something. Try sparkpeople.com... this has helped me in changing the way i eat and it gives you programs to follow... exercise is good too.. try to get at least 30 minutes a day of cardio... Try walking...
2007-03-24 15:06:26
answer #7
answered by Jessica G 2
I would say that you are very over weight and need to do something about it. I am 5'7 and 132 pounds and am not skinny....
2007-03-24 16:26:40
answer #8
answered by jk0091 1
I think you know the answer to your own question. it is up to you to decide how you are going to change your lifestyle to get yourself on the track to a healthy body and lifestyle. at your age and weight it sounds like you need to make a lot of changes. I would first start out with getting some daily exercise. through on your MP3 player and hit the neighborhood for an hour every other day. work your way up to walking daily as the endurance increases. as you increase your level of daily activity, changes need to be made in the diet.
the current level of body fat that a person has is a direct reflection of the ability for the body to metabolize glucose. when carbohydrates from the diet are ingested, whether simple or complex carbohydrates ultimately they all end up as blood sugar or serum glucose. the body stores serum glucose as glycogen in skeletal muscle and in the liver. in the muscle cell (myocyte) the body metabolizes glycogen to form the cellular energy source ATP. in the liver it is stored for future release when blood sugar levels are too low (in between meals, during sleep, etc.). when muscle tissue is inactive as in the sedentary individual glucose uptake is minimal. so when a lot of carbohydrates are consumed blood sugar will increase, glucose uptake in the muscle cell is low, the body releases more insulin (storage hormone) to clear blood sugar. some is "pushed" into the liver the remaining will be converted to a lipid and head towards storage in the fat cell. the effect that insulin has on muscle tissue is determined by the level of insulin sensitivity. when insulin sensitivity is high nutrient uptake in muscle tissue is high, less gets stored in the fat cell. when carbohydrates are constantly consumed and insulin levels are constantly elevated muscle tissue becomes less and less sensitive to the effects of insulin. as insulin sensitivity decreases in the muscle cell and nutrient uptake is decreased more gets stored in the fat cell. fat cells (adipocytes) do not become resistant to insulin. they will grow until they reach maximum capacity then the body creates new fat cells.
exercise increases insulin sensitivity in the muscle cell. with each session of exercise, insulin sensitivity increases. this is why daily exercise is optimum when on a fat reduction diet/training program. ok...insulin is a storage hormone, it's job is to metabolize nutrients and store any excess. when protein, carbohydrates and fats are consumed in the diet there is a related insulin response. from protein insulin secretion is minimal, then fats and carbohydrates causing the greatest release in insulin. this is why high protein diets are very successful for weight loss. as insulin sensitivity is increased in muscle tissue from increased exercise the release of insulin from eating can be greater controlled with protein than with the other macronutrient groups. fiber also has a direct effect on resting levels of insulin. the higher the fiber intake the lower resting insulin levels will be. elevated insulin levels halt fat burning (lipolysis). lipolysis is the process by which stored fats (free fatty acids) are metabolized for energy and converted into ATP. fats provide the most # of units of ATP, then glucose then amino acids. one molecule of fat provides more energy than several grams of amino acids.
* this is a very brief over view of how the metabolism functions and how fat storage and loss occurs. healthy fat loss is a slow process, stored fats are only converted to ATP and then utilized by muscle tissue for energy.
so the keys to losing fat are:
increasing the daily level of activity
increasing the fiber intake
getting sufficient calories to support the BMR
increasing the protein intake when applicable
low to moderate carbohydrate intake (body fat determines this)
plenty of vegetables they are low calorie and nutritious
sufficient water intake
regular sleep patterns
* you are only 14, you have plenty of time to get control of your body and health. doing it the "right" way the first time is the key to living a healthy and fit lifestyle. a caloric excess and lack of exercise has made your body into a energy storing machine. only will increasing the level of daily activity and a sufficient intake of the "right" foods will reverse this procedure and turn your body into a fat burning machine
2007-03-24 17:28:40
answer #9
answered by lv_consultant 7
unfortunately yes, you are overweight..but there are several things you can do to slim down. First of all..you need to watch what you eat and how often you eat..and second, you need to exercise.
2007-03-24 15:05:42
answer #10
answered by Anonymous