the good news is that you want to stop!!
please go to a doctor or hospital today..and ask for their help.
take care and good luck to you.
2007-03-24 06:58:07
answer #1
answered by manhattanmaryanne 7
There really isn't an easy way at least without a miracle. Getting off any long term drug is hard. But your body will thank you. The longer you use speed and the older you get the greater the danger of cardio problems and maybe even more serious the greater danger of weakened blood vessels and arteries giving way or ballooning out in an annurysm. This happened twice to a friend of ours from speed. I really thought one brain surgery would have been enough but as you know the stuff and the feeling you get from it has a strong hold.
Here is how she finally got off from it. She checked in yet again to the detox facility. This time she really knew that she wanted to be free no matter what. That helped a lot. It is almost not worth trying if you don't know that are are not pretty sure. She went through the initial physical withdrawl there and got good help with the withdrawl symptoms. When she got home she also did an herbal detox but a gentle one because she knew her body was weak. She was straight with her dr about what was happening and when things were bad some days the dr would giove her a shot to help her through recurring symptoms. She joined a couple of support groups and interestingly enough Yahoo answers where she is able to share w/ other ppl whom have similar situations and which she feels helps her feel worthwhile when she can help someone. She is the one who talked me into checking out Yahoo. Not for that situation but just as a good website.
She also made it a point to use all she knew (which in her case is a lot) about natural health. You can do the same by doing net research or talking to a naturopaqth or even a well informed natural health store person. She is eating a lot of whole grains for the B vitamins. She is also doing a lot of fruit and veg as tolerated (she also has other physical challenges) And she has had a lot of prayer and prayed a lot. She had been seeing a therapist for other reasons and that helps with this too. She is 80+ days free right now.
Something she did not do but which I have seen work for others is to check out meth suport groups and meth help places because of the chemical relationship betweem meth and speed sometimes those facilities and groups are better equipped to help than a general drug related place since other drugs do work differently.
Many years ago I used a speed related drug. I really did get free the easy way but it was a gift. I had been searching to find my way back to Jesus and one night I really surrendered to Him. I had gotten to the point where if I was going to get up and function I needed something and I kept that something on the bedrail next to the slat under my matress. 3 months after the night I surrendered to Jesus I was moving and took the bed apart and there it was I literally had not thought of it again till then and by then it was not even a temptation. I know Jesus can do that for otehrs because I've seen HIm do it. That is the only easy way. But if you are not ready for that these other natural things help too. God bless you. Please let me know when you make it. :)
2007-03-24 14:12:08
answer #2
answered by A F 7
Your only option is to go to a rehab center. Don't try to substitue the speed with other drugs because that will only make you feel worse. Please for your sake dont stop cold turkey, the problem with that is it never truely works and the withdrawl symtoms could kill you. When you go into withdrawl without the benefit of medical care, you will get extremely sick, this means vomiting, nausea, diarriha, high fever and paranoia. The whole point of the severe withdrawl symtoms is that your body has become dependant on whatever substance you are addicted to. Your body needs it to function normally and when you all of a sudden stop your body actually believes that it is dying. This is why withdrawl is so severe and could kill you. You need to go to a rehab center to have the best chance of success because they can put you into a medically induced coma to help your body manage with the withdrawl symtoms. Good luck
2007-03-24 15:12:11
answer #3
answered by Laura B 2
Go cold turkey, and find something to take your mind off any cravings.
Start to do more exercise and fitness.
Also, take other less potent uppers to replace the hit of speed (caffein tablets), after a few weeks take gradually less potent uppers again (like loads of coffee or tea and sugary food/drinks), then come off the tea/coffee/sugar to something more normal of an intake.
2007-03-24 15:09:47
answer #4
answered by harry_the_monk 3
There is no easy way out. You may have to decide to go into a rehab clinic.
If you don't take action, sooner or later, the government will step in if you're obtaining speed from illegal sources.
2007-03-24 13:55:45
answer #5
answered by rann_georgia 7
i know from experence. there is no easy way to do it. Especially by yourself. You should go seek help somewhere, its not, at all, an easy thing to do and if you have someone helping you its much better. You got to stick it out through the cravings........
there's clinics out there to help you.
2007-03-24 13:56:53
answer #6
answered by Captain Fatal 2
up-grade to something stronger.
2007-03-24 13:49:34
answer #7
answered by Obino 10-10 3