You need good credit. To get that you first need credit. Having a decent longer term job will help you apply for a credit card. Pick ones that look like crappy cards because they will be more likely to approve you. You don't want to have to apply to many b/c each will check your score which lowers your rating. After you have a card you need to use it to show you are responsible with it. Basically charge it up and pay it off without being late.
FYI, I bought a house when I was 20 at 4.875 fixed having only had my first credit card for three months. It doesn't take a lot to make yourself look good, or bad.
2007-03-24 18:32:38
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
If you have to ask this.....then you probably can't get it without one.....actually there is what is called a "pre-paid" lease where you make all of the payments up front where there is no collection of payments....usually the lender will also give you a rate discount as a result of this......if you have been trying at a dealership.....and you have some money but not enough to do a the prepaid lease.....ask the dealership that perhaps if you volunteered to make a much large then normal security deposit for the lender to hold in case of a the end, you would get this money back and you would be establishing some credit without a cosignor and not have to ask this question again!!!.......good luck!!
2007-03-24 08:23:41
answer #2
answered by Mickey Mantle 5
The only reason you ever need a co-signer is if your credit score is too low to carry the loan or your debt to income is out of wack
2007-03-24 07:09:03
answer #3
answered by Bill in Kansas 6
Depends on your credit rating. I saw some awesome deals at for used cars.
2007-03-24 08:55:43
answer #4
answered by PC Wizard 1
good credit rating and be able to make the payments.
2007-03-24 06:05:34
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Have good credit!
2007-03-24 06:10:40
answer #6
answered by BillyTheKid 5