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2007-03-24 05:47:18 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Sports Martial Arts

10 answers

http://www.worldtaekwondo.com/tiebelt.htm this shows you in words and pictures on how to tie a tae kwon doe belt.

2007-03-24 06:56:38 · answer #1 · answered by wkdhaka 2 · 2 0

very hard to explain in words.There are many ways to tie a Karate belt. What most Karate instructors agree on is as follows:

Start by holding the "K" logo end of the belt a couple of inches longer than the length you want the belt to be when it is tied. Wrap the other end of the belt around your waist.

Karate Belt Tie Step 2
Continue around your waist a second time, while maintaining the position of the "K" logo end of the belt.

Karate Belt Tie Step 3
Tuck the end of the belt under both layers and up. Pull both ends straight up and down to tighten the knot.

Karate Belt Tie Step 4
Fold the belt down.

Karate Belt Tie Step 5
Tuck the "K" logo end of the belt under the other end.

Karate Belt Tie Step 6
Loop the "K" logo end of the belt around the other end and through the knot.

Karate Belt Tie Step 7
Pull to tighten the knot. If done properly, both ends will be the same length.

* The belt shall sit above the hip bones and shall be tied firmly, so that it doesn’t loosen or come off during the training session.
* The ends of the belt shall be of equal length, with both ends of the belt exiting the knot downwards. This reduces the chances of the belt to interfere with any movement or your hands or fingers getting caught in it.
* Do not let the belt cross itself at the back.
Some Dojos (Karate schools) make a point from not letting the belt cross itself at the back, mostly for aesthetic reasons and perhaps also for comfort reasons. Other Dojos do not pay much attention to belt tieing, and some schools teach tieing the belt in a way that makes it physically impossible not to have the belt go overcross

2007-03-24 08:07:49 · answer #2 · answered by iamjustbored10 3 · 0 1

1. Hold belt at its center, ends even, with stripes (if you have them) on the left side.

2. Place center of belt on front center of jacket, about one inch below the naval (a location called the tanden). Wrap belt around your waist, crossing the right side over the left side at center of the back. Stripes will now be on your right side. Pull ends of belt forward and adjust so the ends are even.

3. Lay the left side of belt over the tanden. Lay the right side of belt across the tanden. Stripes will now be on your left side.

4. Slide the left side of belt (striped side) under and behind all the belt layers at the tanden. Stripes will still be on your left side.

5. Loop

6. Bring left (stripped) end of belt down and over the front of the U

7. Loop stripped end under and up through the U shape to form a knot.

8. Pull ends of belt outward to tighten knot. Stripes will be on your right side.

9. Adjust knot so the ends of belt are even and hang neatly.

2007-03-24 12:09:33 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

In the tradition of TKD, I will show you for only $35 (per belt, per incident).

* Brown/red belts incure an additional instructional fee of $100
**Black belts must add an additional $250 for belt tying instruction

2007-03-24 16:00:53 · answer #4 · answered by sthetx 4 · 0 0

i know how to tie a karate belt but its hard to explain in words

2007-03-24 05:51:49 · answer #5 · answered by styce 4 · 0 0

Wrap it around your waist twice, once for your body & a 2nd time for your spirit. Then tie the too circles together symbolizing the unity of your body & spirit.

2007-03-24 19:07:16 · answer #6 · answered by yupchagee 7 · 0 0

put the middle of the belt o your front, then let each side cross over each other at the back. now both sides should be parallell to eachother at the front. cross them over, put the underneath bit over the top and tighten. now you cross them over again and this time cross the bit on the bottom over and tighten and there you go!Hope it helped!

2007-03-24 06:23:31 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Wrap it (the belt) around yourself, right over left and under, left over right and under, pull tight.

Whats all those 'long' answers all about?

2007-03-28 00:22:38 · answer #8 · answered by northcarrlight 6 · 0 0

You tie it in a square knot to sybolize power.

(A square knot is right over left, left over right)

2007-03-24 05:52:07 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

the guy with two points has the best anwser.

2007-03-24 13:47:06 · answer #10 · answered by sapboi 4 · 0 0

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