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9 answers

YES! I am a flight attendant(7 years) and everyday people say to me "Wow, what a fun job!" ....not exactly.

Sure, there's benefits, but not many. After 9/11, I was laid off 3 times, the 3rd time my insurance and flight benefits were taken away, yet I still had to pay my union dues each month. Sure you can fly for next to nothing, but that's about it.You can barely pay your bills much less take vacation because with what we get paid you cant afford to take time off from work to go anywhere. Passengers are getting weirder by the day and if I had a dollar for every time I was sexually harassed by one, I wouldn't be a flight attendant, I'd own an airline!

Yes, our job is definitely underestimated and under appreciated. Be nice to the flight attendants on your next flight, remember, we know how to get your a** off the quickest in an emergency. ;)

Great question!

2007-03-26 00:38:54 · answer #1 · answered by Cricket Monroe 6 · 0 0

I believe that they underestimate their job greatly...
Why? Cause people tend to forget that Flight Attendants are there for your safety, to help save your life in the event of an emergency.
As a courtesy of the airlines, that are not flying restaurants contrary to what a lot of people think, the flight attendants do serve or sell you drinks or snacks and even a full meal depending on where you are flying to & class of service you purchase your ticket in.

2007-03-25 12:15:31 · answer #2 · answered by wanna_help_u 5 · 1 0

Most people consider flight attendants as servants, waiter and waitresses. Nothing could be further from the truth.

A flight attendants is an evacuation expert. It is their job to empty that aircraft ASAP whether they are hurt, blind, breathing smoke or dodging explosions. Then they are supposed to become emergency medical technicians, survival experts, a pillar of strength and all the while looking like a million bucks with a smile on their face and thanking you for flying XYZ airlines.

Yep, they are underestimated.

Consider them an insurance policy. You hope you will never need it but if you do it has to work.

2007-03-24 18:15:57 · answer #3 · answered by gimpalomg 7 · 1 0

People definitely underestimate the job of flight attendant. Consider the following scenario. You have to seat 300 people in a dining hall, with limited space. Throw them a dinner party, show them a film, get them to sleep, wake them up, and send them on their way at the end of it all. During all this, you are also expected to know the basics of first aid for any small incidents that may occur while you're stuck in this "dining hall", without an medical doctor in your jurisdiction. The fact that one may be in the room is pure luck. You've got guests that may not be completely fluent in English, and have brought with them provisions for a huge slumber party. That's all saying the entire event takes place on the ground. Take that whole scene, and send it 36,000 feet up into the air. Does it seem like such an easy job?

2007-03-24 15:34:42 · answer #4 · answered by Robbyo 2 · 1 0

They have a grueling job..closed up in tight quarters, serving 200 people, sometimes in 40 min during a short flight, listening to screaming children, being a bartender, picking up trash, an instucter, running here and there down an aisle that is ony 3 feet wide, having to breath everyone elses germs and probably getting sick at least once during the month, taking a risk of getting beat up because of an angry flyer, and getting paid peanuts which they serve on most flights..The average pay is 25,000 a year starting..No Thanks..They deseve a standing ovation, if everyone could stand up all at once on a plane...

2007-03-26 15:33:28 · answer #5 · answered by Tamitay 4 · 1 0

Most people don't understand the real function of a flight attendant: to administer emergency medical tretment in the air if needed, and to get people off the plane safely in case of an accident. People generally treat them like waitresses, which is a shame since they're very highly trained professionals.

2007-03-24 12:49:20 · answer #6 · answered by poorcocoboiboi 6 · 1 0

Everyone underestimates, or underappreciates their function.............a pity.
They have the patience of Job (the biblical guy), and put up with soooo much.
Serving snacks and drinks in the environment they're in, while continuing to be friendly is remarkable.

2007-03-24 12:43:44 · answer #7 · answered by mantle two 4 · 1 0

Like a LOT of people they are never appreciated till the crap hits the fan.
I have ALWAYS made it a personal point to be very Polite to those Men and Woman and THANK THEM for their service when I fly.

2007-03-25 02:54:32 · answer #8 · answered by Wolf of the Black Moon 4 · 1 0

They have to be prepared to offer instruction during times of emergency.

2007-03-24 12:49:24 · answer #9 · answered by REXnC 3 · 1 0

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