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I want to make a movie with flight simulator to post on youtube about a dogfight between a spitfire and an me-109, but I want it to be realistic. I want to know what models of spitfire and bf-109 fought it out, I have right now a spitfire mk.xix, blue with invasion stripes, although I think this paint job would be historically inaccurate or something. I havn't downloaded a bf-109 yet, so what kind of paint job or model should I have? Remember this could be any year in the war that spitfires and messershmitts were fighting.

2007-03-24 05:21:45 · 3 answers · asked by Dan 5 in Cars & Transportation Aircraft

3 answers

Battle of Britain (1940)
Spitfire Mk 1, 1a and Mk2 - Dark green and brown camouflage above, light blue underneath. Three-colour (Red, white, blue) RAF markings on wings, fuselage sides had an extra yellow ring around the outside of the RAF roundels
Bf109E - Mottled dark grey over light grey on sides and upper fuselage, dark green and dark grey splintered stripes on wing upper surfaces, sky blue underneath with yellow recognition stripes on wingtips and under nose.

North Africa (1942)
Spitfire Mk 5b - Dark brown over lighter brown above and deep blue underneath. Two colour (red and blue) RAF roundels above and on sides, three-colours under wings.
Bf109E and F - All over light tan above and sky blue underneath with white recognition stripes on wings, nose and rear fuselage.

Europe (1944-45)
Spitfire Mk 9, 14 and 19 - Dark Green and dark grey above and light grey underneath. Invasion stripes only on D-Day up till approx september 1944. RAF markings as 1942.
Bf109F, G, K - As 1940 colours, but more variation in colour schemes - different combinations of light and dark grey, dark green spots on the fuselage.

2007-03-25 00:47:58 · answer #1 · answered by Mojo Risin 4 · 0 0

You would actually do MUCH better to get your hands on a simulation called IL-2, with all of the expansion packs. It's entirely the most realistic WWII flight sim ever created, and the graphics are quite good!

2007-03-24 11:53:36 · answer #2 · answered by MrSkyGuy 1 · 0 0

Well Bf-109s ran from E "Emils" to K models. Any one of which could've tangled with a Spit.
The most common Spit models were I through IX.
Without knowing which theater and year, I can't be more assistance to you.l

2007-03-24 15:54:42 · answer #3 · answered by jim 7 · 0 0

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