Sometimes people are afraid or intimidated by things that are new or not fully understood its human nature. The thing is that things of this nature a religious thing needs to be found by your own personal study and most importantly prayer. Satan will work very hard on you if what your doing will lead you to the truth about our Heavenly Fathers plan. Your Friends intentions may be good but please remember this is eternal truths and principles that the Missionaries are teaching you and only you can receive a spiritual witness as to weather or not the things being taught to you are true. Please continue to pray and study whats being taught.
2007-03-24 04:44:16
answer #1
answered by purplethrob 2
The best thing to do is pray to your Heavenly Father - He knows more than your friends (sorry friends but it's true). Like others have stated, most people out there who are not members or are former members, sadly, just spread things about the church that are half-true or completely not true. It's sad really, satan himself even knows the church is true, that is why he sways others away from it any way he can. As long as satan has power to tempt and deceive, there will always be opposition to the gospel.
I encourage you to continue your discussions with the elders, the good feelings you have are from the Holy Ghost and he is manifesting the truthfulness of the gospel to you. Continue to pray, read the Book of Mormon, ask your Heavenly Father for answers. I promise you the gospel will bless your life now and in the next life more than you ever thought possible!
2007-03-24 12:24:21
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I was wooed by missionaries some years ago and joined the LDS church. It sounds wonderful in the beginning, and everyone is so friendly. Be prepared to learn more as you get deeper into it, though. They don't tell you everything up front. My husband and I were married in the temple, and we left the LDS church soon after because we couldn't accept the "new stuff" we were being taught.
The missionaries are not "evil." For the most part they are sincere in their beliefs and are genuinely nice guys (and girls). Just be careful and do your research before jumping to any decisions... read church-approved materials and also materials that don't come from the church. Balance is key.
2007-03-24 19:10:09
answer #3
answered by jengirl9 4
Ever since the Restored Church was established in 1830 people of all faiths, particularly other Christians, have railed against the Mormons unceasingly and with vitriolic passion.
Why do you suppose that is? Think about it. No other religion receives such condemnation from other Christians as that of the Mormon faith. Even Jesus Christ and His Apostles were shunned, persecuted, and condemned by the "holy believers" of His time.
I believe if you ponder on why this happened then and why it continues now you will soon come up with the reasons why.
2007-03-24 11:47:59
answer #4
answered by Guitarpicker 7
Really you should just follow your heart! Every church has opposition! Satan does not want people to know heavenly Father so he will try in any way to stop people from finding the truth. Personally I think baptizing babies is evil....thats my personal belief not a reflection of my church. Mormons do not drink at all, or smoke, or drink coffee, other people do so they do not understand or even try to. They think we practice crazy stuff in the temple, when actually getting married in the temple and getting endowed in the temple I imagine to be boring to someone who is not familiar with our church and the symbolic nature of it all. Our churchs' main concern is the family! We believe families are eternal so we place a lot of emphasize on the family. Satan who was called lucifer was one of heavenly fathers children and so was Jesus and so are we, yes that makes us all brothers and sisters. Where the heck to other people commenting here that we believe Satan and Jesus are brothers think lucifer came from? Did Heavenly Father not create everything? They also did not mention that we believe everyone is brothers ans sisters, I guess saying Jesus and Satan are brothers sounds worse? The missionaries are teaching good things, you should listen to the positve not the negative things people say. good luck!
2007-03-24 16:03:39
answer #5
answered by divinity2408 4
I wouldn't really classify the Mormons as evil, but their faith is definitely based in man and not Divinity. They do have some very odd beliefs, but they also have a strong sense of family and community. They are definitely values based, but the values can become distorted just like any religious doctrine. I think that's where the polygamy comes in. Most orthodox Mormons do not subscribe to belief in polygamy. Mormonism is a new religion - only a couple of hundred years old or so - compared to the more well established religions like Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Good for you if you like what they are teaching. Anything is better than nothing.
2007-03-24 11:45:39
answer #6
answered by stebwood79 2
First of all let me say that i am a member of the church of the LDS church. The members of the church and the missionaries are not evil. I am thinking that your coworkers and friends do not know anything about the church, and they do not like it for some sort of way. I would not listen to your friends and continue listening to the missionaries and what they are telling you. It is up to you to believe if the church is true and if you want to join the church in time.
2007-03-24 12:30:33
answer #7
answered by freedoma586 5
angelz and that web site pretty much tell you why yourr friends tell you we are evil, but not why. It's because of lies like these people tell others.
>Try reading The Kingdom of the Cults or seeing the movie Temple of the God Makers.
Lies. Evil, nasty lies. I challenge angelz to find corroborating evidence for the lies in here.
>They practice baptism for the dead, eternal marriage, polygamy (secretly), blood atonement (secretly) .
We do not practice polygamy, or blood atonement, except as the law of the land controls capital punishment.
>Money is their God.
No, because unlike "Dr." Walter Martin, and Ed Decker, we don't SELL information on what we believe. THEY, on the other hand, will not tell you the lies they have unless you spend money on their books, movies, etc. We will give you a Book of Mormon (keystone of our faith) for absolutely free. See if you can get "Kingdom of the Cults" for free.
>f you join and go through the temple you will have to take two vows:
Your property become church property and they have the right to take it any time they deem it necessary, usually they wait til you die but not always.
If you ever leave the church the church has the right to hunt you down and slit your throat from ear to ear and disembowel you.
That's so wrong! My property is MY property and no one, not even my church, can, or is, going to take it from me. And I NEVER made any such vows.
But then, most Christians don't know about laws of consecration.
As for the other, I want angelz to give me some proof, because hundreds of people leave our church all the time and as far as I know, they are all still hale and hearty. Many of them even broke their vows in the temple to not reveal what goes on in there, and they have never had their throats slit, either.
See, this is why we don't discuss the temple with non-members. Like throwing pearls to swine.
If you have read the Book of Mormon, and sincerely prayed about it, and you believe it is the word of God, just like the Bible, then don't worry about what your co-workers say. You are in a good position to tell them that they are afraid for no reason.
2007-03-24 15:02:21
answer #8
answered by mormon_4_jesus 7
If you like what the mormon's are teaching, you need to take a class in critical thinking. The entire religion was invented by a con man, Joseph Smith, who re-wrote parts of the bible so that what he said could be validated! He invented an entire civilization that lived here 2000 years ago, that no one has ever found any proof of (you'd think such a large civilization living here would leave a broken pot or something).
He claimed that black people had the "mark of Cain" and were evil.
Here's a quote form a Mormon Publication on God's preference for white skin:
“We will first inquire into the results of the approbation or DISPLEASURE OF GOD UPON A PEOPLE, starting with the belief that A BLACK SKIN IS A MARK OF THE CURSE OF HEAVEN PLACED UPON SOME PORTIONS OF MANKIND. We understand that when God made man in his own image and pronounced him very good, that he made him white.
Finally, whenever Joseph Smith wanted something (like access to his friend's wives) he had a "revelation from god" that permitted him to do it.
It's a totally bogus religion (like most religions), stay far away!
2007-03-24 11:41:35
answer #9
answered by atheist jesus 4
You'll find there are some who are always willing to spread rumors and outright lies about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormons). It's interesting that this frequently serves to get people more curious about all the fuss and they come to find out that the truth is more wonderful than they could have imagined.
I recommend that you, "Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. " 1 THESSALONIANS 5:21.
Keep your mind and heart open to God and do what they (your mind and heart) tell you to do.
2007-03-24 12:00:45
answer #10
answered by Bryan Kingsford 5