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I don't know what excercises to do to make my rear end more firm and tight, to loose pounds off my waste and my thighs? I am not fat.. I just would like to have a perfect body.
I can't go to a gym however because I'm only 14 therefore my mom won't allow it. What are some excercises I could do at home?

2007-03-24 02:54:43 · 5 answers · asked by gymnast.girl520 2 in Health Diet & Fitness

5 answers

There is no such thing as a perfect body, only being in the best possible shape that you can be. Walking, running, and biking are all good exercises that work the muscles from your abdominals to your feet and burn calories in an aerobic way. That means that even when you stop you keep burning calories for up to 3 hours afterward.

2007-03-24 03:09:43 · answer #1 · answered by wezy53154 5 · 1 0

squats and lunges , add walking too
dont spend money on a gym invest in hand weight 3 to 5 pounds (3 for a start)

2007-03-24 04:21:23 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

you are not able to lose fats in any specified facet of your frame. it does not paintings that method. fats simply collects in exact places like thighs and hips on ladies due to the fact that of genetics. you'll be able to do sports on those field to make stronger the muscular tissues beneath with a view to aid you look a bit extra toned, however the fats will stay till you reduce weight. the great solution to reduce weight is to devour much less and transfer round extra. whilst you do devour, be certain it is exceptional meals like lean proteins (fish, bird, turkey, tofu), avoid some thing fried, no starches like potatoes or white bread....you'll be able to and will have to get a few books on consuming healthful. it is HARD to begin consuming proper however whenever you do your frame will think such a lot greater. in the event you wish a frame like jessica biel then you definitely have got to installed a few severe hours on the health club. she works out with weights plenty and also you have to force educate to get that lean and toned. most likely she works with a private teacher, a nuitritionist and possibly even a plastic general practitioner to lipo what she are not able to eliminate. whilst i'm going to the health club, and it is only a pair days every week, the ladies that seem the great are living in there. they're very sizzling, however they don't seem to be any a laugh and take it method too severe!! correctly the most up to date lady at my health club works at the back of the counter and she or he does not pastime a lot. each and every man there's in to her due to the fact that she's lovable, pleasant and no longer hung up on herself just like the leisure of them.

2016-09-05 14:17:49 · answer #3 · answered by puzo 4 · 0 0

go here for exercises that work my thighs, waste, and buns...


2007-03-24 02:58:52 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

do sum squots( it will tone ur thigh so much betta)!!!!

2007-03-24 03:03:40 · answer #5 · answered by alexis f 1 · 1 0

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