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I've asked a few questions here, and the answers have been great, but perhaps I should read some actual railroad site message boards. Is there one "prime" site that all the railfans go to share their info and ask questions? Thanks

2007-03-24 02:28:26 · 4 answers · asked by LanceMiller77 2 in Cars & Transportation Rail

4 answers


2007-03-24 12:27:00 · answer #1 · answered by Brian Ramsey 6 · 0 0

To begin with, i am very sorry that you had a foul experience at a church. That may make you now not need to go anymore. It nearly did with my husband and i , nonetheless i am very grateful that i did not reside with that idea for terribly lengthy. What occurs online is that it can stay impersonal. Even on areas like this you'll by no means have to meet anybody, and it can be risk-free. Nonetheless trustworthy isn't continually a excellent thing either, for growth as a Christian. What i would suggest you to do is seek advice from come other churches on your discipline. Not all of them shall be horrible like your prior one was once. When you first that community of believers, you're going to be very blissful that you just did. Don't keep yourself from worshiping collectively.

2016-08-10 21:42:08 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

This site has sort of a message board... may not be what you're looking for. But it's easily the best site I've ever found for learning about the history of the transcontinental railroad:

Discussion group:

2007-03-24 04:47:55 · answer #3 · answered by Mr. Peachy® 7 · 0 0

www.railroad.net has any kind of railroad message board you can think of.

2007-03-24 10:15:58 · answer #4 · answered by big web 2 · 0 0

fedest.com, questions and answers