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If so this is both good news and a little known fact. Many of us who are Catholic are told every day about how we are followers of the anti-christ, idol worshippers, don't read our Bible, belong to a false church, secretly worship satan, knowingly worship satan, etc. etc. If many of you oppose these slanders and know they are lies would you please start saying so publicly? If it is possible to build a bridge and close the gap between us will you help to do it?

2007-03-24 01:43:43 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Father K, you are a good a man and a good leader and teacher. Enjoy your golf game sir

2007-03-24 01:52:13 · update #1

Father K, you are a good a man and a good leader and teacher. Enjoy your golf game sir

2007-03-24 01:52:27 · update #2

19 answers

I dont think it is possible, I wish it was possible. But they are going to believe lies about the Catholic Church. I cant count how many times I defended Jesus's True Church. But its like we as Catholics dont know what happens in our church, they think they know what goes on in our church on assumptions. I think they feel validated in their own religion to bad mouth the Church Jesus established and placed in Peter's hands.Little do most of them know, is that without the Catholic Church they would not have the Bible, only the Torah, and that their own religion is a branch off the True Vine (the Catholic Church).

2007-03-24 01:53:20 · answer #1 · answered by tebone0315 7 · 3 0

Personally I have the highest respect for the Catholic church. And I am known as a "fundie." Many others, I think, just take their own self-righteousness a little to far, to be different, I suppose.

And I surely hope that a bridge can be build to close the gap. In my answers here I have always shown my support for the Catholic church. And it is about time that Christians as a whole come together. And quit acting so petty about small differences in opinions.

2007-03-24 01:55:13 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Well the Christians try and tell me stuff about the catholic religion. Although I don't follow any religion I was born a catholic and defend it. It is like all religions a way of life and a dam good one to raise your children into. All the other Church's steam from the Catholic religion and should be dam happy, but they want all these money giving Catholics money, because they don't have a dam thing to offer. I remember the catholic women would get together on Wednesday night to socialize and now the Christians have bible study on Wednesday night. I AM Catholic used to mean something now its just trying to fit in

2007-03-24 01:58:11 · answer #3 · answered by man of ape 6 · 1 1

Yes I fellowship with lots of them. I belong to an Ecumenical community with about 500 members and only half of us are Catholic. I also work at a Christian Nightclub, as a volunteer, which is almost totally Evangelicals, the young people embrace me as a mom and confidant. And the owners feel that, as a Catholic I am the "aroma of Christ" among them.

I also attend an International House of Prayer regularly and they feel the same way about Catholics. They speak often about Catholic saints that are the forerunners in the faith and worship that we use at IHOP.

2007-03-24 03:33:40 · answer #4 · answered by Makemeaspark 7 · 1 0

Not all fundamentalists are anit-Catholic. There are some who make a big issue out of the Catholic church but many do not. I've said it often and I have the privilege of going to a church where the pastor stated the same thing from the pulpit.

2007-03-24 01:50:19 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

is Father K tee'd off today? oh my... golf calls... you will be happy to know that although the pope being the antichrist was in the original draft of the Westminster Confession it was not in the final draft !!! so cheer up

There are many stunning truths protestants and Catholics share... by definition, religions views have points of disagreement as well Even Wheaton college teachers will quote Catholic fiction writers sometimes like Flannery O'Coner 'everything that rises must converge!!' In any case most protestants will agree, God looks on the heart and it is a person by person issue

Certianly notable Catholics like MOther Theresa's views on meditating on God and going out and serving him would be taken seriously... you will find many evangelicals quote Catholic fiction wirters like Tolkien, or Jansenite Catholic theologieans like Pascal, or Thomas Aquinas and lobbey together, even go to Bible studies and work on vacation bible schools together, or enjoy the national prayer breakfast functions together Sp you will find pro life and pro family conservative cooperating on many issues

some prefer taking a more seperate position to stay as far away as possible....some are more ANTI and some disagree more respectfully and some cooperate as much as possible

there is a range of positions... but with regard to some Mariology issues, Papal authority, and justification by faith there will be points of dissagreement which are historical protestant disagreements. in some regards the Catholic church is too liberal with regard to accepting evolution, and doesnt promote Bible reading enough ... historically opposed translating the BIble into the common language too often too long... and for some people some of the practices tend to become gospel substitutes or God substitutes but I appreciate much of what they are and do

2007-03-24 01:57:21 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I visited a catholic church recently that had no statues. The priest taught about Jesus. I saw no praying to Mary or saints, but the church carried a saint's name. I felt out of place because I'm accustomed to reading out of the Bible which no one brought in or used from the pew. I heard nothing about pergatory which I don't believe in. That is like telling Jesus what He did on the cross was not sufficient. I don't believe in praying to saints. I pray only to the Father in the name of Jesus my Savior. I don't believe Mary should be prayed to and I don't believe in her divinity. I know she was a virgin when God gave her Jesus and I know she is the mother of Jesus, but praying to anyone other than the Father God or Jesus is wrong. Jesus taught us how to pray. I believe in baptizing when the age of accountability is reached and when the child wants to accept Jesus as their Savior. Any other sprinkling of babies is a ritual service. I don't believe in praying long repetitive prayers because this also is a ritual. God wants to know us personally. I want to know God personally. I want to hear the voice of God, because He says His sheep hear His voice. I don't believe the Pope is anything but a mere man. I believe I can confess my sins to any Christian and that Christian will pray with me so I can get deliverance from God. I believe the church is soured in rituals and so are protestant churches. I believe priests and pastors teach to pacify believers to keep the money flowing and they tolerate and appease when they should be shouting the word of God.

1 Peter 4:17,18
For the time is come
that judgment must begin
at the house of God:
and if it first begin at us,
what shall be the end of them
that obey not the gospel of God?
And if the righteous scarcely be saved,
where shall the ungodly
and the sinner appear?

Notice God said the disobedient, righteous, ungodly, and sinners are all in the HOUSE OF GOD and that judgment must begin at the house of God.

No where does the Bible teach a "live and let live" message of "tolerance" for all kinds of beliefs and philosophies and religions. Truth unites some people and alienates others. I understand that we can unknowingly distort the word of God, but to knowingly distort God's word is wrong and will be punished.

In II Corinthians 11:13-15 we learn Satan's ministers are in pulpits preaching Christ and righteousness.

John 8:31,32
If you continue in My Word
then are you My disciples indeed,
And you shall know the TRUTH
and the TRUTH will set you free (from Satan's deceptions)

For example, we are the most deceived generation that has ever lived on this earth. We change God's word to allow for science when science is the greatest deceiver in evolution and in astronomy. We are taught the earth moves around the sun, when God says the sun and moon and stars move around the earth. It is the earth that is the center of the universe and not the sun. The earth is fixed and does not move. Science is pagan religion in our schools.

2007-03-24 03:14:52 · answer #7 · answered by Jeancommunicates 7 · 0 0

That is true. I have had many friends and others that I worked with or just knew from other contacts who were Fundamentalist Christians and not anti-Catholic. I have had many good, civil conversations, even a few on-going conversations with them on religious issues.

2007-03-25 05:04:35 · answer #8 · answered by Br. Rich OFS 2 · 0 0

Hi David!
Fundie here who believes Catholics are like any other person who goes to church. Most are true lovers of Jesus Christ, read their Bibles, love God, are not idol worshipers etc. etc.
I will help bridge that gap.
I go to a church where this truth is told. (An evangelical, charismatic Methodist)
I used to go to a church (a Pentecostal ) where one man began to speak against Catholics... whereupon our dear lady preacher o so gently took him aside and explained to him otherwise.
Their love and kindness and generosity helped this man change his thinking.
I thank God that they were able to do so.
Your sister in Christ.

2007-03-24 01:59:48 · answer #9 · answered by thankyou "iana" 6 · 2 1

While I am not Catholic; on some issues I agree with the Catholics rather than the )Protestant) sect I was raised In (and a deacon). No,I do not agree with all, Catholic 'doctrine'; but then again we (Christians) all have some growing to do presently in the Lord!!!

2007-03-24 03:31:56 · answer #10 · answered by jefferyspringer57@sbcglobal.net 7 · 1 0

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