I have just read all through very carefully each and every answer, only 1 or 2 have actually answered you (somewhat). My opinion is that yes athiest are open minded thats why they dont read something and think yep!! thats gotta be right cause the book says so, Nobody knows how we truly got here, there are many theries but once again an athiest will explore and not be closed minded. All people Christians and any religion or NON religion should be accepted unconditionaly as put us all in a melting pot and we will all come out the same. Good Question.
2007-03-23 14:45:51
answer #1
answered by Leah 4
Know what you are....
Agnostics- are people that say that they don't know if there is a God or not. They are open minded.
Atheists- are people that say there is no God at all.
Through out the Bible, the history of the earth, the life of Jesus, the writing and teachings, is to show us God's Love. You shouldn't trust in man's religions and philosophies, but have a open mind and read the Bible and God's love can be seen in it. People don't want to choose a religion, but in saying that and doing that, they neglect to do anything. Reading the Bible doesn't require you to be associated to any certain religion.
Being open minded = " if you don't stand for anything, you will fall for anything."
Also research other religions, see what they believe instead of just hearing about them and saying thats not for me. As you learn more, you can choose for yourself. Don't just say there is nothing out there for me without even knowing what is out there.
And we should except people for who they are, not for what they believe, or do.
You might not fully believe in God or there is a God but i'll be praying for you. God Bless :)
2007-03-23 15:08:27
answer #2
answered by ikatchur 1
Most Atheist I know are people that need evidence for everything and have no faith in one's life. But the most notable Atheist in history at their deathbeds on most accounts turned to god in Fear that they were wrong. But one advantage an Atheist has is that Jesus said that he respects people more if they acknowlege that they are cold and the ones that are really lost are the ones that arer lukewarm. That means that Atheist at least have a better chance at redemption for being honest to themselves, where a lot of people that say they believe in God really don't follow the ways of Christ and thus are hyporcrits and not honest with themselves. If you are an Atheist it is never to late to turn to God. And if you are a lukewarm believer like Jesus said many christians are that means that when you learn your lesson you shouldn't repeat it, you know better. The catholics have it wrong you can't just ask for hail marys and everythings ok. To be a good Christian learn from your mistakes and be a good person, that is what a christian is.
2007-03-23 14:28:57
answer #3
answered by The Captain 2
Being open-minded means doing research. The oldest and most controversial book is the Bible. So start there and come back with any questions. Start maybe in the book of Matthew and maybe read Acts.
2007-03-23 14:22:23
answer #4
answered by nancyshannon53406 2
The bible doesn't say that non-believers believe in Satan, but why would you worry if you aren't religious? Also, if you believe god might exist but you need evidence to believe, you would be an agnostic. As for accepting other people, I think it is fine as long as you set limits- you don't want to accept a murderer's beliefs that he can kill anyone he wants.
2007-03-23 14:23:07
answer #5
answered by tsbski 3
Some of the pagans I've met on here seem more open minded than some of the atheists I've met on here. There are a few atheists that seem to be as bad as most Christians.
2007-03-23 14:23:33
answer #6
answered by Flop Mucket 2
first question; i think Atheist are people who do not have a reason to believe in God.
second question; the bible does not say anything about assuming people who do not believe in God, must believe in satan.
third question; yes i can and do accept people unconditionally.
I also do not believe that Atheist are followers of Satan.
I also doubt that Atheist believe in Satan.
2007-03-23 14:28:37
answer #7
answered by Hannah's Grandpa 7
Yes---it's such a pity people blindly accept the religion of the culture they were born into--then insist it is the only "true" religion--without even investigating other cultures religions.It's this close-mindedness & intolerance that causes the tribalism we see stemming from all organized religions.
2007-03-23 14:27:17
answer #8
answered by huffyb 6
Let me get this immediately,you are asking questions of atheists and complaining once we reply? Would a while now not be greater spent complaining approximately the devout now not answering while you ask questions of them? Religion is backwards. I consider eighteen is your lot kind of
2016-09-05 13:53:03
answer #9
answered by brinton 4
I think that most atheists are against all religion in general because I think that they want to think that they run their lives and not a higher being.
2007-03-23 16:08:25
answer #10
answered by stargazercrazydude 2