Well, you've pretty much answered your own question. The thing I must commend you on is that you're beginning to think and ponder the situation abstractly. Advice: Be prepared to face some pretty nasty responses. People seem to get extremely defensive on this touchy subject. They can't (or shouldn't) blame you for your curiosity or ability to entertain a thought. I feel that that ability is slowly diminishing throughout society. While I agree with your conclusion about there not being a higher "being" or "entity", most will argue agaisnt your reason, that god wasn't created, but has always existed. This, of course, puts "god" beyond the scope of nature and its laws and realities. A note to future responders: Before you grill this kid, do realize that most of are atheist. I could easily say that you do not believe in Zeus, or Buddah, or Muhammed. I just take it one step further by saying that there is no existance of a "god".
2007-03-23 12:30:29
answer #1
answered by brothdb 1
Believe on Jesus name as Saviour and Lord, and you will receive the Holy Spirit who is God. Moreover christians can seek the baptism of the Holy Spirit which puts the issue beyond doubt, in an experiential way This kind of proof is only available to those who seek it, so is not available to people just through their thinking.
There are also some christian ministries doing miracles you can search for if you are very keen. That sort of shows at a miniimum that the atheist explanation isn't sufficient.
Otherwise you can consider if this world can be created by chance. Some people think its too sophisticated to be just a result of the evolutionary process. (I don't find this argument so convincing myself, mainly because there is a lot of pain in this world.)
Spiritualists and people of other religions may also have arguments that will change your mind.
2007-03-23 19:42:48
answer #2
answered by Cader and Glyder scrambler 7
It all depends on how u look at it.
God in the dictionary is an image of worship or a 'supreme' being. Anything can be an image of worship and anyone over u can be your superior.
God in Hebrew is Elohim which litterally means 'these beings'. It is a plural word first of all so it should be 'gods' in the scriptures where ever this word was translated. This word is used (from Hebrew) for the creator, to man ,to man made idols/ statues. The bible says we are gods (ps:82-6/ john 10:34) and we exist. Based on this god exists.
The problem is the religious concept of "A OMNI- GOD" who is all loving & perfect. This is not real because eveen the biblical god repented in Gen-6:6,7 & Ex-32:14 so this CAN'T be who we were taught to be the "perfect" god cause of the fact that he admits to making mistakes in his own bible. So they have us looking for god outside ourselves in books and churches and whatnot- but the reality is the god or 'everliving' exists inside each & everyone of us.
Start looking for god from within to truly know who/ what god is.
2007-03-23 19:31:28
answer #3
answered by Nuwaubian Moor 3
We know that God is real because He has revealed Himself to us in three ways: in creation, in His Word, and in His Son, Jesus Christ.
The most basic proof of God’s existence is simply what He has made. “For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead; so that [unbelievers] are without excuse” (Romans 1:20). “The heavens declare the glory of God / And the firmament sheweth His handiwork” (Psalm 19:1).
If I found a wristwatch in the middle of a field, I would not assume that it just “appeared” out of nowhere or that it had always existed. Based on the watch’s design, I would assume it had a designer. But I see far greater design and precision in the world around us. Our measurement of time is not based on wristwatches, but on God’s handiwork—the regular rotation of the earth (and the radioactive properties of the cesium-133 atom). The universe displays great design, and this argues for a Great Designer.
If I found an encoded message, I would seek out a cryptographer to help break the code. My assumption would be that there is an intelligent sender of the message, someone who created the code. How complex is the DNA “code” that we carry in every cell of our bodies? Does not the complexity and purpose of DNA argue for an Intelligent Writer of the code?
Not only has God made an intricate and finely tuned physical world, He has also instilled a sense of eternity in the heart of every person (Ecclesiastes 3:11). Mankind has an innate perception that there is more to life than meets the eye, that there is an existence higher than this earthly routine. Our sense of eternity manifests itself in at least two ways: law-making and worship.
Every civilization throughout history has valued certain moral laws, which are surprisingly similar from culture to culture. For example, the ideal of love is universally esteemed, while the act of lying is universally condemned. This common morality—this global understanding of right and wrong—points to a Supreme Moral Being who gave us such scruples.
In the same way, people all over the world, regardless of culture, have always cultivated a system of worship. The object of worship may vary, but the sense of a “higher power” is an undeniable part of being human. Our propensity to worship accords with the fact that God created us “in His own image” (Genesis 1:27).
God has also revealed Himself to us through His Word, the Bible. Throughout scripture, the existence of God is treated as a self-evident fact (Genesis 1:1; Exodus 3:14). When Benjamin Franklin wrote his Autobiography, he did not waste time trying to prove his own existence. Likewise, God does not spend much time proving His existence in His book. The life-changing nature of the Bible, its integrity, and the miracles which accompanied its writing should be enough to warrant a closer look.
The third way in which God revealed Himself is through His Son, Jesus Christ (John 14:6-11). “In the beginning was the Word: the Word was with God, and the Word was God. . . . And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us” (John 1:1, 14). In Jesus Christ “dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily” (Colossians 2:9).
In Jesus’ amazing life, He kept the entire Old Testament law perfectly and fulfilled the prophecies concerning the Messiah (Matthew 5:17). He performed countless acts of compassion and public miracles to authenticate His message and bear witness to His deity (John 21:24-25). Then, three days after His crucifixion, He rose from the dead, a fact affirmed by hundreds of eyewitnesses (1 Corinthians 15:6). The historical record abounds with “proof” of who Jesus is. As the Apostle Paul said, “This thing was not done in a corner” (Acts 26:26).
We realize that there will always be skeptics who have their own ideas concerning God and will read the evidence accordingly. And there will be some whom no amount of proof will convince (Psalm 14:1). It all comes down to faith (Hebrews 11:6).
2007-03-23 22:57:00
answer #4
answered by Freedom 7
You can't prove or disprove God without first defining God.
It might be a simple task to refute some explainations and definitions of God...but just as not all explainations and definitions of horses are accurate, not all explanations and descriptions of God are accurate....
If you show how the explanations and definitions of a horse are false, you have not shown that horses are not real, see?
So, for the sake of entertainment, let us consider this most basic definition of God: that which is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent.
All the information in the universe exists, and works together in perfect compatibility regardless of anyone's agreement with it.
As such, it would appear that omniscience(all-knowing) is in fact the nature of Nature...a very real phenomenon.
Next, it is impossible to defy reality...as reality is the manifestation of all that is possible. Hence, reality is omnipotent(all-powerful)...so omnipotence is a real phenomenon.
Next, there is nowhere that exists outside of reality...so reality is everywhere/omnipresent.
So the three qualities that we use to describe God are in fact qualities of reality...very real. As such, there is something which meets the criteria for that particular definition...Reality itself is God! wow!
And as it turns out, both atheists AND theists believe in it...only not everyone calls it God.
the end.
2007-03-23 19:34:37
answer #5
answered by Rob S 3
Yes God is real. and we will all meet him one day. the logic of he created us, then someone created him etc and so on cant happen. it is an endless loop of so and so created so and so. God is eternal and almighty. God created all. just look around and see there is no other explanation. the Bible is God's inspired work written down by the hand of man. there is no other way numerous stories/accounts from so many different people, different times in history, in so many different languages could have coincided to be a complete flowing book. they didn't communicate like they do now back then. read the bible i will answer your questions. and if you have any more ask.
2007-03-23 19:27:27
answer #6
answered by mxlj 5
The question about who created Him could also be applied to whatever evolution says got here. The fact is, there is something here, and something would have to be independent of a Creator. Now which makes more logical choice to you, an all powerful God existing forever and independent of time because He created it and who is far beyond us, or some simple bacteria? God won't forgive you if you die in disbelief.
2007-03-23 19:29:01
answer #7
answered by Me Encanta Espanol 4
In this life there are alot of mysteries and questions we cannot comprehend or answer, as a Christian I believe what the Bible says about God. Before I had an encounter with God, I did not belive in Him. Is when I took that step of faith in believing in Him that he made himself real in my life. You will seldom have an encounter with God if you don't believe in him and have faith that he exists. You have to take that step of faith and you will see that God will show up in your life. The reason many people don't feel God is real is because they don't give Him a try: taking that step of faith will change everything. You have questions, I have questions, we all have questions but that does not change the fact that God is real.Our job is not to ask questions (although we always have them)but to put our trust and faith in Him and He will reveal himself to us. You can take that one to the bank. I hope you and others take that step of faith, it's sure worth it.God bless.
2007-03-23 19:46:03
answer #8
answered by Canseco J 2
I am 24, and I don't pretend to have the answers, but this is what I think so far.
It's ok to not have proof of something, but still believe it.
I think that a Creator made us (not that I can prove it), and because he made us for a special purpose. Because I believe all of the understanding of life is encapsulated in that purpose, which I believe is to let us "choose to believe" without too much pressure, then the idea that someone made him is something that might be true, but can't make sense to us.
Think about it this way, if he made us to only understand ourselves and the only world we live in, than we can't really apply the logic of our world to things outside of it. Time is a good example, it doesn't exist outside the universe we live in, so that is why the Creator isn't limited or controlled by time. But doesn't thinking something like that not make sense to you? I feel it is because we are not meant to try to apply our logic to where the Creator came from, but to understand why we are here and why he would make us.
I think it is ok to wonder about the state of existence of our Creator, like where did he came from, but don't know if we can really find those answers because our entire understanding of the universe/everything is based off our viewing everything from "inside the box" of the universe itself.
Not to sound really crazy, but what if the idea of "creating" and "destroying" was concept limited to our universe, and didn't really apply to the reality of our Creator?
I agree that Bible was written to show us the laws of life and to give us something to work toward. I choose to believe that our Creator gave them to man, but I can't prove it. But even if they are not, those laws have never be shown faulty in my eyes, so I will continue to use them as my guide in life.
2007-03-23 19:45:58
answer #9
answered by Zaarix 2
How can it be hope if it's not real? And you're right - it was created to give us hope.
Faith is what allows us to live without having to understand what our finite minds cannot grasp. Since we are the created, obviously our Creator would have to be a lot smarter and bigger than us. We cannot try to ascertain the things of God. But what we do understand is that He loves us so much that He sent Jesus Christ to die for our sins.
He promises us that once we get to heaven, we will be perfect. We will understand everything.
For now, I'm quite content knowing that my God is so huge that I can't begin to comprehend how He could even conceive of the idea of gravity and all the other wonders of creation. It means He's big enough to know what's best, and to be in control. His purposes will work out for our good and His glory.
Trust Him.
2007-03-23 19:24:26
answer #10
answered by Caryn 2