Wow, someone sounds a bit cranky. LOL I know what you mean. I take my son out to eat with us and he's 8. He knows damn well you do not yell, scream or talk to anyone who's not at our table. It's wrong and WILL NOT happen. We will leave if he does not behave. I know others have paid good money to eat out and so have I. And I will have an enjoyable dinner even though my son is with us. The waiters always tell him how nice and respectful he is. They act like it's so rare for a child to sit still and eat his dinner without acting like an animal.
I know what you mean about the movies too. We went to see a movie and some idiot brought her screaming baby into the the theater [I don't see why they allow that anyway!] the baby screamed through the first half of the movie. I went to go get someone to take care of this but someone had already complained and they told her to take the baby out. It was weird though because she left with the baby and was back five minutes later without the baby! I don't know where the baby went!
My son never runs through a store, nor does he throw fits. He has twice and we left. That's the way it goes. Now he sees kids running through the store and he says, "I'm so glad I don't act like that!" I tell him if he did he'd be very sorry. He hasn't had an outburst in public since he was about 4.
But if you think society funds so much in the schools and play grounds you need to realize it's not that much. Our schools are in dire need of repair and play ground have become a place for drug dealing. I don't think society owes me anything but please don't fool yourself into thinking that the schools are so great because of your funding. They are not. Besides, when we send our children to school we are preparing them for the future not only of themselves but of our country and our world. They are who will be running the country, the restaurants, the theaters, everything really when we become too old to do so.
All in all I agree with you!
Edited to Add: Someone mentioned Mc Donalds ect. I don't think the orginal poster was talking about Mc Donalds. Even so why should children be allowed to run around like wild animals just because it's Mc Donald's? It's rude. I feel sorry for those poor people who work there and have to deal with families that think it's ok to run all over the place and climb all over the tables. People have to clean up after them. Yes, it's their job but it's the parents job to teach [even little children] that there is a time to be hyper and it's not in a dining area even if it is Mc Donalds! Take them to the park with a lunch, that's a great way to let them run around! I don't care, if my son acted like that I'd be out the door with him in tow. MY Child will NOT act uncivilized. No matter what his age. He is a person with intelligent thoughts and creative ways to amuse himself. Know why? Because he was taught to do so. He's a great kid and if he happens to act up in the store, a restruant, or movies he's out of there.
2007-03-23 09:46:42
answer #1
answered by musicpanther67 5
I think partially, some parents honestly think that their children are good kids and never do anything even if their child is running around screaming in a nice restaurant they still believe their kid is the best behaved kid in the world. I also think, sometimes people get the "well I have every right to take my kid anywhere I damn well please" mindset or the "kids will be run around and are loud all the time. It's completely normal" mindset. Chuckee Cheese is the kind of place you expect children running around...but a nice, expenisive restaurant isn't the most appropriate place, just like a violent movie isn't either. I think sometimes parents are so desperate to go out and have a normal evening (which every parent deserves on a regular basis!!), that they bring their kids along and the children can get out of control. Other reasons include laziness or inability to discipline properly. I definately understand how you's frustrating to me too (and I'm about to be a mom in 2 months). But I will probably do what my sister does with her 20 month old...they don't go anywhere that isn't completely child friendly (like Chuckee Cheese)...if they want a nice dinner out then they get a babysitter! They realize that other people don't want to hear and watch their toddler get cranky (just like when they shell out the money for a babysitter and nice restaurant THEY don't want to hear and see someone else's child running around like a crazed lunatic.)
Another thing I don't get is when parents let their babies or children scream bloody murder in church or weddings...refusing to get up and leave (until the baby stops crying)...
2007-03-23 10:02:03
answer #2
answered by LittleRoo 4
well as i totally agree with the movie thing, i think its rediculous to bring small children to an adult movie, not only is it rude but do they want to kill there childs ears. also when u have kids u sacarfice that stuff for them or get a darn babysitter. the restuarant thing however, as long as its not an adult resturant then theres nothing u can complain about, i take my daughter to resturants maybe 4 times a week, but shes not screaming and acting a fool, shes used to being there so shes pretty well behaved, i wouldnt sit there witha screaming baby having a tantrum. ive walked outa resturants when she was very little becuase of her crying. i agree that is rude and obnoxious and the parents should feel embarassed that their children are acting liek that. I think the problem is that ppl are taking the approach of if u dont like it u can leave which is totally wrong. I still dont understand the reason for taking an infant or toddler ot a movie theater i mean what fun can the parent have when tehy constantly have to keep the child in line and sitting still. just wait till the mvie comes on video or get a sitter.
2007-03-23 09:43:32
answer #3
answered by cudybug 3
No, it's not just you! My husband's cousin has a 7 year old and a 5 year old that are honestly little terrors. The mom acts like coming to our house is a break for her and her kids are our responsibility to watch. We had them over last Sunday for my son's first birthday party and they were horrible. Threw their food that they didn't like on the floor (thank God for hardwood floors), had horrible tantrums for no reason, colored on the living room floor with markers (once again, thank God for hardwood floors), threw toys over the fence and onto the neighbor's property, and broke some of the plastic window blinds. I'm sure there's more damage that we will discover this week. I know their bad behavior stems from their mom ignoring them and not disciplining them, but I'm not exactly sure how one would go about telling a parent that their kids are brats and they need to do something. I'd like to build up the nerve and tell her the truth!
2016-03-29 01:17:17
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
totally agree with you, and yes i have 2 children. oh and by the way i am 26 and i do know how to raise and properly discipline, for those of you that are blaming it on age. there are 30 + old people that have little monsters for children for God sakes! i never in my life would even consider taking a infant or toddler to a movie, especially an adult themed one. in actuality, i have no intentions of taking my children to a movie until they are about 5 years old at a minimum. that is why we have dvd's and dvd players!!!!! i absolutley hate it when i go to a restaurant and see those horrible little rugrats running around and screaming at the top of their lungs. makes me want to stick my foot out and trip em! and the whole "kids will be kids" excuse is just a cop-out, that is why they have parents, to keep them in line! if my daughter, who is a toddler, throws a tantrum in public and i cant put the fire out within a couple of minutes, ill leave, plain and simple. why should i subject other people to my daughters unruliness??? i guess its called consideration and nowadays there really arent many adult that are very considerate when it comes to other people, i think thats what it really comes down to in the end.
2007-03-23 10:23:27
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
No it is not you. I to have a problem with some people today. When my child, who is 9, was a baby either my husband and I took turns going to the movies or we had a family member babysit.
I guess these people thikn they are letting their children express themselves, but they will pay in the long run with a terribly loud mouth child they can't control in the future.
I have even went as far as getting up and getting a manager in the movies to ask the people to leave. In one case I had the parents hitting the child for crying...WTF!!! Hitting makes the child cry more!! hello!! it is not the childs fault the parent is an ignorant fool.
So good luck but no matter where you live you will always have these fools!
2007-03-23 09:42:11
answer #6
answered by shellie t 2
More and more people think only about themselves than about others including their own children. They want to enjoy themselves when they go out, and they could care less what their kids are doing because they only care about their own enjoyment. When people go out with children, their CHILDREN must be part of their plans. It's when they realize this that they will accommodate their kids enough to put their focus on the family rather than allowing their kids to ruin people's evenings.
The movie theater experience has gotten so bad between idiots bringing in a newborn who shouldn't even BE in a place with all those germs and moron teenagers who can't shut up.
2007-03-23 13:32:30
answer #7
answered by roguegirl25 2
Maybe we should speak up! Maybe you should have reported the incident at the movie theater, they took the adults money and not care if the children disrupted others night. The restaurants and movies and everything else in society centers around money. And you are probably right about those people not wanting to pay for a babysitter, again the issue of money. Report to management for inconviences.
2007-03-23 09:41:47
answer #8
answered by karenmbs 4
I believe that parents should absolutely consider others where their children are concerned. I myself am a parent and if my child were to seem disruptive in any environment, he will get called down immediately. I do not tolerate such things.
However, if children are disruptive in your presence and nothing is being done about it...I do advise to either remove yourself from the area or suggest that the parents somehow get the message that they could really step up their roll and show some respect for others.
I totally sympathise with you.
2007-03-23 09:41:30
answer #9
answered by Tiff 2
You are right.....there is nothing wrong with taking your child to a fancy resteraunt, but you have to teach them to behave.....they don;t need to be running around, under tables, screaming, etc.....I just think some parents refuse to see, and even if they do see, refuse to do anything about it. Part of that could be is getting to the point some parents are afraid to disipline their child because someone who has never had children might turn them in to social services for putting their kid in time out for to long. ANd some kids are just spoiled rotten......
2007-03-23 10:13:39
answer #10
answered by yetti 5