This is exactly my position on this subject and I need help. I am clearly not an atheist because I still have hope but not faith. I find religion rhetoric totally illogical and delusional and I do not believe in one word the bible says. I don't beleive in Jesus and I am really angry if there is a God and think he is totally wrong for all the things he has accomplished thus far but I refuse to fear him and any notion of going to hell for it, so where does that leave me? How do I fit in, how do I classify myself now? I guess Im just one of those people, I need to fit in somewhere. Any nice this is my spirituality im throwing out here and I dont need smart *** answers.
26 answers
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Society & Culture
➔ Religion & Spirituality
Wow very good points everyone and I thank you all for your consideration. My hope is basically that someday I will be reunited with all my relatives who have died; like my dad. This is the only hope I have and why I would ever seek heaven so much. but I do not truly believe it exists, creationism is not logical to me just as much as the big bang theory isnt. Evolution seems to be somewhat of a partially good answer but even that has flaws. So thats is the hope but that is not faith nor belief and I will never stop being angry at things like rape, abuse and war, that is where my anger towards GOD is and no it wasnt just humans who did this, god did too as it states in the bible in many places and I am not going to quote on this. What I seek is true human peace, compassion and love and I guess that is something unobtainable but how do you find a balance...................
08:44:05 ·
update #1
I can feel the confusion. You're expressing resentment toward a "God" you don't believe in. You can believe and be resentful or you can disbelieve and say that none of these things, good or bad, whether they happened or not, were "acts" of "God". You can't do both. Very possibly you are resenting the claims of religionists, using God as a surrogate for their flaws.
One solution is to develop an understanding of the universe, a "belief" if you will, about the world, life and people that doesn't require God to exist. Another is to use your reason and determine how God would rationally work, despite what the religionists say. (You can't take any concept for granted, not scripture, not church organization, not even the afterlife. Basically, you are reconstructing God out of logic and practicality.) You might then find a compatible religious organization or you may need to go your own way.
But you have to find peace for yourself. Believing THAT something is, or was, is much less important than believing IN ideas, like the power of altruistic love, the innate goodness of people, the value of cooperation and tolerance. The ultimate hope is that "things" will turn out "okay", that it all adds up to something meaningful. Without hope, there's no point in trying.
Hope is the battery that gets you going. Faith is the roadmap that tells you how to get anywhere. But any map won't do. It has to be understandable, with the right landmarks. Any map you're given, religious or secular, you have to make your own. Allow others to use their own guides but don't try to follow their path. Make your own, sharing the journey where you can, diverging where you can't.
2007-03-23 08:53:03
answer #1
answered by skepsis 7
I can not say that i know exactly how you feel, because I became a Chrsitian at a young age. Let me first say that you are classified as an agnostic (not an atheist, but you just don't know). There is not enough room here to answer all of your questions (really wish I had time). Josh McDowell is a name that you might want to look up. He was actually a devout atheist. He spent his time in graduate school 'disproving' Christianity. He was also very honest about the research he performed and eventually he decided that the only logical responce to what he had found was to become a Christian.
I am sorry you have had such a bad time with Christianity (maybe friends or pastor that made you hate it?). Let me give you some good websites that can help to answer your questions.
2007-03-23 15:38:38
answer #2
answered by justin singleton 2
You have hope for what exactly? That you will not be "over" when you die? I am a Christian, and I will not preach at you. I am just curious. I know why I believe what I do, and I feel sad that you don't share my belief in Jesus and the Bible. I also feel sad for you that you do not fully understand what, or how to believe what you do. I would strongly suggest that you study various beliefs (if you have no already) and compare and contrast each, and the different aspects of each that you agree and disagree with. See historically which you believe are truly backed up. I know what I found through my personal spiritual journey, and I know different people find different things. I hope you can find what you need to to be complete, and to find faith, because a life without faith is not much of a life (to me). Good luck.
2007-03-23 15:32:13
answer #3
answered by psalms1192532 2
Isn't that the way it always goes. The moment you think you've got it, you realize you are furthest from it.
Woody Allen joked, "eternity is a long time, especially towards the end."
Isn't that the way truth is? The moment you think you have everything figured out, is the moment you are furthest from truth.
I'm going to give you a hint. Pride is the only wrong, the root of all sin. Truth is humility. It is when we admit that we don't know everything that we are closer to the truth.
I do believe the bible and the resurrection of Jesus. God's law isn't about right and wrong, but pride and humility.
I know the world can be a sad place, but I trust the promises of God. There will be justice and God will wipe away every tear. There is no other hope than the resurrection.
2007-03-23 15:35:36
answer #4
answered by wassupmang 5
Don't give up on God and don't quit believing in Jesus. It is man who is totally confused, fraudulent and a liar. The great Deceiver is in this world and he is called Lucifer, Satan and the devil. Evolution is his work. Science is his cover. The devil has many followers and they are swarming. I'm doubting whether the earth rotates on an axis around the sun. I believe the earth is fixed and the sun and moon and stars rotate around the earth. We have geocentric Bible Scriptures which means the earth is the center of the universe and it doesn't rotate around anything. It is just the opposite everything rotates around the earth. The Bible repeatedly declares that the sun moves around the earth. The Copernican Revolution declared the Bible wrong. The Bible says God set the sun and moon in motion. Religion keeps covering for God so they will agree with science, but God has always been right and science is wrong time and time again.
You are confused about God, my dear friend, you'd best stick with God. Man is so confused that he doesn't know what end is up.
2007-03-23 15:55:55
answer #5
answered by Jeancommunicates 7
what reasons do you still believe in a god?
Think about it. A being capable of flinging hundreds of billions of galaxies into existence comes to one microbial blue speck in the cosmos, assumes the form of a human animal in a minor scrubland province in a primitive age, performs unremarkable tricks which any third rate magician these days can surpass, and he dies in total obscurity, unnoticed and unrecorded by any chronicler of the period, leaving behind only rumors that he was ever here at all--and even the paltry rumors are indistinguishable from the ordinary and commonplace myths that humans think up in abundance. Does that really make sense to you? Does that sound like the modus operandi of an omnipotent god?
There's no reason, in theory, why god's presence couldn't be measured or detected in some way. The only reason that believers claim that god "can't" be detected in this way is because god *isn't* detected, and so a vast and intricate rationale has to be devised to explain this vast, loving, eternal, all-powerful "something" which is, in every external, objective respect, indistinguishable from nothing.
2007-03-23 15:31:32
answer #6
answered by KryptonOne 5
Hummm... What exactly do you have hope in? Do you believe in a "higher being" just not the God of the Bible? Perhaps study theology. Try to find yourself.
Yeah, I would stay away from religion at least until you know what it is you believe in.
I personally believe in one God and that is the God of the Bible and I personally don't believe there is any other way.
But I will say that is a journey that only you can take to finding the truth.
2007-03-23 15:37:01
answer #7
answered by momof2 5
Hope in what? You don't believe one word the Bible says? Have you read it? Do you want God on his terms or yours? If you want him on your terms, you will not find him. He won't be manipulated. You could invent yourself a religion or try out stuff till kingdom comes. What works though, is surrender on your part to him. He wants it ALL! Nothing kept for yourself.
Tell him you want him on his terms. You will do whatever he wants, just to show himself to you in some way. Atheism is just another way to be a god in your own life. It's not very satisfying though. Imagine the chaos it would throw this world into if everyone decided for him/herself waht was right and wrong. We weren't created for that. We were created for communion with God, that's wahy we humans, from every corner of the earth, are always seeking him.
2007-03-23 15:44:15
answer #8
answered by IKB 3
I can only classify you as fair game for anyone. If you will not stand on one side of the fence or the other, then, as you sit straddle atop the fence, you will get pulled to the strongest side at any moment in time. Better to make a conscious decision than to find yourself lying on the ground with a ton of people piled on top of you trying to force their beliefs on you. Don't say that it won't happen to you because neither the devil nor Jesus is going to leave you alone until you fall either way..
2007-03-23 15:32:20
answer #9
answered by Preacher 6
I think you're spiritually lost and searching for the Truth. Sometimes the Bible might not make just have to take the step of faith and believe! Trust me, salvation is the BEST gift you can ever get!
2007-03-23 15:35:24
answer #10
answered by foreverme 3