The idea of god is not of a rational, omnipotent, or all-powerful being. God and Satan are concepts created by one part of humankind to explain the world, the human condition, and thet existence of evil. It's easy to find errors in religion.
2007-03-23 07:51:32
answer #1
answered by Dalarus 7
God did not create Satan. God created Lucifer an Ark Angel and he was made the full pattern. Lucifer achieved the highest rank an angel can. God rewarded Lucifer in every way that He possibly could. It was a wonderful thing for billions of years.
Then, Pride was found in Lucifer's heart. Things went from bad to worse till God had to fire Lucifer from his lofty place above all the other angels.
God literary lit a fire inside Lucifer and he became Satan.
If you have read the Word of God then you know the rest of the story, so no need for me to continue.
Just remember, God did not create Satan. Lucifer choose to become Satan by and through his own free choice.
God creates everything perfect. Everything.><>
2007-03-23 07:56:16
answer #2
answered by CEM 5
You have to observe Greek theology of those times to get that answer.
The trinity concept:
God the Holy Spirit - Mind mass that created all things by first thought - knowlege is knowing that you need balance - for every positive you need a negative - no matter if you think of atoms/magnets/good and evil - there is no firm grip on a perfect medium with some forces of energy, because like with good and evil, too much is based on point of view.
God the Father - whom i consider to be the form of God that first inhabited the Spirit realms, is pretty much imperialistic. A form of God who weighs positive and negative. Most argue about Heaven being Imperialism, hahaha, what do you think it'd be? Democracy? I never read in any religion of God's term being up and elections to see who will be God next, did you?
The third of the trinity concept would be Jesus who of course is supposed to be God in physical form.
That is the trinity theology idea in a nutshell. I had to say that first to answer your question - sorry if it was long. Now if God the holy Spirit was to partially merge with the spirit realms by thought - God's transformation / thought energy / would have to be in both positive and negative form to coexist. Which explains why God never just simply wipes out Satan. That would end God's rule over the spirit realms. Positive and negative forces have to coexist.
2007-03-23 08:01:31
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
All created things are imperfect, as God alone is perfect. Therefore human decisions are often imperfect, as are angelic decisions. Free will allows us to make meaningful moral decisions rather than just being guided by instinct like amoral animals. Our imperfection combined with our free will therefore allows us to make decisions contrary to the will of God. Satan used his free will for that purpose. So do many humans, and like Satan their immoral decisions cause much pain and suffering; and like Satan they will reap the eternal consequences of such free will decisions.
2007-03-23 07:53:41
answer #4
answered by PaulCyp 7
Because he was one of the lead angels before he rebelled in Heaven and took along whatever angels would follow him so he could start creating evil on earth once God created earth and humans. Satan's job is to cause as much pain and suffering along with telling lies to anyone through his evil forces.
2007-03-23 07:51:05
answer #5
answered by Josh D 6
He created satan as the worship leader in the choir. He knew satan would betray him and out of love He created him anyway. God didn't create him imperfect but satan allowed pride to come into his very thoughts and began to think himself equal to God.
2007-03-23 07:55:58
answer #6
answered by Jan P 6
Well let establish what god we are talking a bout, the god of Abraham or the god that fathered Jesus. God was thinking like a human and created Satan, but Satan was an atheist, looks like god can put the blame on us
2007-03-23 07:53:52
answer #7
answered by man of ape 6
Satan was perfect when God created him.
God didn't create an unemotional robot. God created a perfect being.
Isaiah 14:12
How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
Isaiah 14:11-13
2007-03-23 07:53:01
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Looks like agree with most of the people that have responded...
God is fake and so is Satan. They were both created to control mankind thousands of years ago when there were no police.
The bible is fiction. It was written for financial reasons to make money. Write a big book about some fictional myths, stick the name Bible on it and sell millions $$$
Sorry to give you the news, but it's the truth my friend.
2007-03-23 07:52:17
answer #9
answered by Mr. Luva Luva 4
Opposition creates knowledge and helps us to learn and grow. Also to learn about evil.
People have to have there own agency to decide which side of the fence they are on. People who are afflicted and remain true stand as a witness to those that deny good and do evil.
God did not make Satan pick his path he picked it himself.
God just used him in the plan of salvation.
To learn more about these eternal truths and recieve confermation of these things through the holy ghost.
Please check out
2007-03-23 07:52:16
answer #10
answered by Anonymous