1. because the world around me seems so very magical, and since I don't understand any science, it must have been all created by god.
2. I fear death- so it makes me feel much better to believe that I'll go someplace else after my body dies.
3. I'm so sure because I have faith. Faith is all it takes to spend an eternity in the blissful wonderland of heaven. Those of you who don't have faith will burn in hell for all eternity.
2007-03-23 07:16:14
answer #1
answered by Morey000 7
1. What makes you beleive that God exists? God exists because someone greater than I made all that I am and all that is, Plato called Him the Creator of the Forms, we must have come from something. Evolution is a pretty picture and we have evolved, but it isn't as simple as that.
2. What makes you beleive in Heaven or Hell? If there is a perfect place there is an imperfect place as well, there is balance in all that is universal, physics 101, if you dont have evil there is nothing to compare good against, so you cant have one with the other.
3. What makes you so sure of all this? When I look at other cultures, those not exposed to what we are exposed to, no Christianity, no Islam, no Judaism, they still have a belief in something or someone greater, everyone is born with this most inert feeling, why would we have it if it weren't placed there. People always look for certainties in life, but Faith is the one certainty that can only be described by one's self.
2007-03-23 07:23:56
answer #2
answered by Perhaps I love you more 4
1) It's more that I can't believe that God *doesn't* exist. Before studying theology, I was headed into the sciences. (I still find them facinating, btw.) The more I studied, the more I realized that I believed that everything had to have a source. Since I was raised Catholic, I automatically call that source "God." Science is such a beautiful "perfection" with balance and harmony and reason and mystery that I can only grasp that someone/something beyond my comprehension set it into motion. So yes, I believe in God - how else could this marvelous universe exist?
2) Heaven and Hell... well, Hell is an easier one. To me, Hell is dying in a state of utter and complete denial of God, by whatever name you call God. In other words, if you have no use for "good" or "love" at all, you will quite probably get a taste of Hell. Heaven for me is more of a theological conception - it's the state of being in THE presence of God. Why do I believe in them? It's more comforting than the thought that there is nothing after death. And if that's a crutch that helps me see the point in living, then I'll cling to that crutch, even if it's a lie.
3) What makes me sure? ahhhhhhhhhh, I'm never 100% sure. The more I study, the more I question. There are some days when I honestly do wonder if any of it is all real. But the belief helps give me personally a purpose for living a good life. Not a "fear of God's wrath" thing, but a feeling that life with all it's ups and downs is part of a journey and part of something greater. Faith, by its very definition, is belief in something that cannot be absolutely proven. For me, my faith and my religion "click" with me on an level that I call "instinctual logic."
Like I said at the beginning, I mostly believe because I can't NOT believe.
2007-03-23 07:35:47
answer #3
answered by Church Music Girl 6
Well - I am not Christian. I have no religion, but I have faith.
With that out of the way:
1. I know God exists - because I know God. I don't just believe and hope that God exists. Big difference there. I know God and have a personal relationship with God.
2. I don't believe in the Christian ideas of Heaven and Hell. Where one is either not punished at all because they believe something, or one is banished (in some faiths even extinguished entirely) for eternity because of something they did wrong is a short life. I believe that the soul does live on - and that there is a time when we are made to feel the suffering we inflicted on others. But that this time is short - while the soul continues, growing cloesr to God.
3. Because I know God. Literally. Like I said before, I do not just hope and pray that God exists, I know God exists because I know God. Period.
On a side note - I don't think the bible is a book of excuses - although there are a lot of Christians who use it that way. It was a book, especially the OT, written to help lead people to be closer to God. For the Jews it was the laws - the way they could become closer to God and do good works. To know what God wanted. It shouldn't be used as an excuse to not think for oneself, and it is a pity that it is used that way.
2007-03-23 07:20:59
answer #4
answered by noncrazed 4
Well, did you know that Christians live by God's Laws, which are written in the Bible so the answers are all based on the Bible and obviously from life's experience. What kind of contradictions did you find in the Bible that it seems you're 100% sure that it's contradiction? Did you actually spend many years doing research? Theologists have actually been to the places written in the Bible and have said that everything is exactly as it's written in The Book. They found scrolls that have the actual scriptures and prophecies.
For your questions, well, look at yourself. Question #1: You're alive today, clothed, fed, and have some kind of shelter. (Did big bang allow this to happen?) Here, God is showing that He is with us all the time by feeding us and clothing us. As for myself, I have been in very difficult situations and I know for myself that it weren't the atheists who helped, or the government, or the devil, or the tree, or my parents, or relatives, or friends. It was God. Personal experience proves that God exists, and everyone, even you, have that experience.
As for Heaven and Hell, well, again, the Bible constantly speaks about it.
2007-03-23 07:37:10
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Before I answer your question, I must let you know that WITHOUT the bible, I too would be an atheist. So I can answer your question but the bible is the source of my beliefs.
1. First of all humans are not intelligent enough to create what we see on earth. Even the simplest lifeform cannot be recreated by man without having materials that already contain the foundation of life. Man's intelligence is limited, in the last century we have made leaps and bounds in science and still don't know half of what there is to know about the universe. If man were the most intelligent being in the universe he would at LEAST have to know how to create himself...think about it.
2. The bible does not support Hell. There is a Hebrew word that when translated means hell, but in references in the bible it is not depicted as an eternal place of torment. This is a pagan teaching, and any church that supports this doctrine, is not on Gods side.
3. I have seen the and experienced enough in my life to be aware of corrupt religion and the right religion. True religion has no loopholes, no contradictions, no perverts or homosexuals molesting children, it has honest people who except nothing but truth.
Many people follow religions that appeal to their hearts, and where they can have their ears tickled. That is not what true religion is about. The terrorists who crashed the planes into the twin towers on 9/11 in their heart they thought they were doing what was right, but does that make it right because they felt it in the heart? I know you don't want me to use the bible but it says at Prov 17:9 “The heart is more treacherous than anything else and is desperate. Who can know it?
Obviously you have been exposed to a lot of propaganda by people who are supposed to represent God. These individuals will pay dearly for falsely representing the true Almighty God Jehovah.
2007-03-23 07:36:47
answer #6
answered by ? 1
As for me I would say:
God exists because of the creation thing
it seems too organized etc and quite unlikely to be accidental
In my life
I have had my faith rewarded FAR TOO MANY TIMES to deny GOD
that wouldn't be unfair to everyone,and illogical. Maybe like a non god creation, just a series of fortunate accidents, but answered prayers, things I'd call miracles, visions, dreams, finds etc. just TOO MUCH COINCIDENCE TO DENY.
ALSO others say so...
people who don't otherwise seem drunk, drugged or nutsr report similar feelings, and findings etc.
throughout history believers and the Bible etc. have survived and even prevailed against very powerful, and determined enemies i.e. Hitler just to name one and of course there have been and still remain others who would burn a Bible and a Christian. The Bible has been banned, burned, mis -quoted,
attacked as false, ridiculed and still today in this age of science REMAINS!
And I understand your point about quoting the Bible and I realize as a former member of the High School debate team you can't quote the source as proof of that source
i.e. the Bible is true because it says it is.....which it does...but
I really sincerely invite anyone to open it up and read it and put it to the test I have read it all and some bits I've read a lot and it continually "blows me away" unlike anything else
even the Beatles aren't that imaginative. I know some dismiss it as a hoax etc. But no one has been able to shut it down and it continues to be and as science and historical discovery continues The Bible often is proven to be factual etc. AS far as Heaven and Hell I have no reasons to believe in their existence outside of the Bible and the testomonies of some individuals who have come back from being dead and junk like that. I have been studying about God etc off and on throughout my life and I've come to believe in God and if God wants to have a Heaven and Hell that's fine with me. God is BIG, really really BIG, and Smart too, at least that what a dummy like me thinks.
AS for being so sure, it is as I mentioned earlier, the history of my experience.... there is a saying I've heard....,Faith leads to Faith and in that is my surety
I can't think of any reason to give up my faith now...If I was threatened etc. well I'd not be the first would I and if I was killed and was wrong I'd be worm food that would be a drag but If I am right AWESOME and ETERNAL REWARD
Kind of like a free lottery ticket everyday of your life! So take a chance what do you have to loose?
2007-03-23 07:50:32
answer #7
answered by Eco Doc 4
I will not make fun of you or the question. By the way, it is interesting. If a Bible verse pops in I will apologize in advance.
The first question is easy for me. I received a physical healing almost 9 years ago. I was at church with my wife and basically dared God to prove He's real. It was the most incredible feeling I have ever experienced. It can only be Him that performed the healing.
The second question is a little tricky. Once you let Jesus into your heart and the Holy Spirit guide you, Heaven and Hell become very real. You learn through study of scriptures, prayer, fasting and attending a Holy Spirit filled church with an annointed teacher.
The last question also is easy to answer. It's called faith. I could tell you the biblical definition or give the dictionary definition. I believe that all this is real because of faith. Everyone has faith in something or someone. Some may have faith in their own abilities. Others, faith that another human being will support them for ever. You get the point. I have faith in God and until He proves contrary to His word, I will continue to have faith in Him.
Hope I helped in your quest for knowledge a little.
2007-03-23 07:41:06
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I did not even own a Bible on the day of my Salvation. I was a mocker of those who thought God was real. I woke up that morning a mocker and 4 hours later I weren't mocking no more.
Only God can give The Gift of Salvation. There is no way I can prove to you what happened to me. But, I am telling you that I had a personal contact with God. In that contact with God I was given The Truth That God wanted me to have at that time about His Word and Will... not ALL of His Word... just what God wanted me to know at that time, as it applied to me personally.
There was no man, priest, pastor, Book, act, ritual, doctrine or dogma of man's invention involved. Just God and me.
This occurred in a matter of a moment... but in that time I knew that I had the option to accept or reject what God was offering me. I do not know what would have happened if I had rejected... because I accepted... and I became, in that instant, a part of The Body of The Church of which Jesus The Christ is The Head.
Faith not based on fact is fantasy... God is The Fact... I know this with absolute certainty.... This gives me the confidence(Faith) to follow the guidance God gave me... His Word is that Heaven and Hell are real... that is my Faith
I had heard the Christian stories... my grandparents had tried to get me into Church as often as they could... so I knew about Jesus and and all that "religious" mumbo-jumbo... but for over 40 years, since rejecting what my Grandparents believed, I had only thought of all that as, at best, noncense.
But I am here to tell you... when you learn The Facts... from The Source... only a fool would reject The Truth...
The story is not finished yet... but I am now 60 and in the 7 years I have been of The True Christian Faith I have learned nothing that would make me doubt what God gave me in that single instant
If you have a question about the basics of The Faith feel free to email me
Oh..btw... The Bible of The True Christian Faith dose contain The Word and Will of God... But the Bible dose not prove God... God proves The Bible... only those open to the leading of God, through The Holy Spirit, will find what God has for them there.
I see you added that you have read The Bible cover to cover... did not do any thing for you did it... it is not intended for you... feel free to toss it in the trash... you will never find God or anything else in The Bible... untill you come to God first.
2007-03-23 07:33:54
answer #9
answered by idahomike2 6
Well, without using any scriptures, I would have to say the existence of our conscience. Wherever and whenever men have lived, there has been an inborn sense of right and wrong, also sometimes called moral law or natural law, to guide their actions.
Murder is universally regarded as a crime, and if the murderer is caught and brought to justice the penalty is usually death. . . . Incest regulations are universal . . . private property is universally respected
The law of conscience was used to legally convict certain Nazi war criminals at Nuremberg after World War II. Though these pleaded they were merely obeying Nazi law and their own governmental superiors, it was ruled that the “higher natural law of justice” should have been followed.
Where did these "Laws" come from, why do we all have the same basic knowledge of right and wrong? Every law has a law maker. The Maker of a natural law that has worked for the obvious good and even preservation of all human society, is God.
As far as belief in Hell..I don't believe it is a fiery place of torment...(the Bible doesn't teach that it is either) It is the common grave of mankind. I don't believe all good people go to heaven, I have a hope of living on the Earth.
2007-03-23 08:53:54
answer #10
answered by izofblue37 5
1. He told me so.
Seriously, He was my invisible friend when I was really little, He was there all the times my parents were screaming at each other, He gave really great advise, He could help me find my shoes whenever they would go missing, and His hugs are the best (that really warm fuzzy feeling that suddenly sweeps over you when all you want to do is die).
2. There has to be something after this and I really hope that being a child molester or serial rapist keeps you (not you the asker, but you that fit this category) far away from me.
3. Logically it makes sense to me. My religion and common sense have never been at odds with each other.
Just as a side comment about the bible, most of it is extremely figurative and isn't meant to be taken literally. I read the Bible and then ask God himself when something is really confusing (always go directly to the source).
2007-03-23 07:31:34
answer #11
answered by Shanna J 4