There may be a support group in your area that has been very helpful to me. It is called DBSA (Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance).
2007-03-23 13:43:58
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Social anxiety can cause these feelings, which can also lead to severe depression,
if not you could be suffering from Generalized Anxiety
There is hope; I've been there, and still am there, it is a long, hard struggle. I recommend
Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) worked best for me, with mild anti-anxiety meds. I suffered from social anxiety for over 15 years. I've tried individual therapy, and group therapy and studied psychology for 10 years, as a profession, but also with the hope to cure myself.
Depending on your comfort level, you could go to a psychologist that practices CBT and specializes in anxiety disorders, seek a group therapy, or create one. Usually those that do attend the group therapy are a bit more high functioning because as you know, it can be difficult to speak in a group.
Another idea is to see if there are any local research studies being conducted that you could participate in.
The program that finally worked the best for me is this one: and I was lucky enough to have a structured behavioral group to go along with it. Sometimes the people that actually attend this program come back home and form groups.
I recommend a mild anti-anxiety med in addition to CBT therapy.
Any questions, let me know ... I can't tell you how much this has improved my life!
2007-03-24 06:46:52
answer #2
answered by Advice Please 3
There is this guide by anxiety expert Joe Barry , he has taught thousands of people to be panic free without any medication using a revolutionary new technique, , its really a great guide , it should help you get rid of panic attacks forever in a few days
Hope this helps you and wish you the best of health
2007-03-24 08:38:04
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
hi Stylist4. are you able to digital mail me while you're sill involved in reasonably priced (and powerful) care of your situation? I suffered from melancholy maximum my existence and it have been given worse purely after having a infant. I joined a well-being corporation and their product relatively does artwork for me. between the perks it that each physique their products are subsidized via a 60/ninety day a reimbursement assure, so I easily have not something to lose. yet another perk is that I shop 30-40% on what i might oftentimes spend on much less powerful stuff at Walmart.
2016-10-19 10:46:35
answer #4
answered by ? 4
I think the National Alliance of Mental Illness,, can help. It even has message boards that you can go on, read & post, to help. Also, if you want to check out a book or two, try "Depressed & Anxious" by Marra or "Overcoming Depression one Step at a Time," I forget who is the author. Going to therapy will help.
2007-03-23 07:47:43
answer #5
answered by Armenia415 2
In the interview Dr. Richardson told of her own study in which a young schizophrenic patient, who refused conventional medication, was practically symptom free after only 2 months of taking Omega 3 supplements. Both doctors agreed that this was 'quite remarkable'.
2007-03-23 06:58:50
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
#1 Social Reprogramming Method :
2016-06-21 13:37:15
answer #7
answered by ? 3