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...... what do you do?

When you either need to choose between food or lights, what do you do? Or when you need to choose between a car payment or a house payment.....? .... Or when you simply have no money at all what so ever to pay for any thing....... what do you do? How do you handle it? how do you keep from bringing yourself down even more?......

I need help...... :(

2007-03-23 05:31:20 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Mental Health

7 answers

Personally I make a difference between the needs and wants. Such as I need my vehicle to get to work I don't need the cable television hook up there is always analog. Cut out the want's Figure out a budget from there. What need's to be paid first when second. third. Set up an envelope budget such as rent figure out how much you'll have to set aside weekly for your rent a month say your rent is $400.00 a month you'll need to set aside $100 dollars a week. Put that into your envelope marked rent. I figure this out in between all of our needs. Rent, Lights Heat ect and do this on a weekly basis in different envelopes settins aside weekly amounts is every different envelope and when the month is over I have enough to pay for the month. Reading books on financial responsibility is a good idea also! Keep your checking account balenced by doing your checking on-line that is an easy way of keeping it together!

2007-03-23 05:57:00 · answer #1 · answered by Wayne S 3 · 0 0

Sounds like you need a major life overhaul.

I would pay lights over food, house payment over car. BUT:

Some suggestions:
1. Move to a cheaper place on a bus line.
2. Rent for a few years.
3. Get rid of the car with high payments, & get a good used one that you can pay for.
4. Utilize the food pantries in your area. Even during weeks you don't see the need. It gives you a chance to catch up a bit.
5. Get rid of the tv cable, credit cards, cell phones, eating out, movies, etc...anything that isn't
Food, and a way to work...and in that order.

2007-03-23 13:50:01 · answer #2 · answered by C S 3 · 1 0

It's not as simple as choosing which bills to pay, worrying about where your next meal will come from or who's ringing (or not ringing once it's disconnected) the phone. It becomes a matter of how you view yourself too. Let me explain. I found myself in this exact situation 6 months ago. Hubby started his own business (it didn't exactly work as planned) and due to illness I was unable to work at all. Long story short, car repoed, phone, cable, internet gone. No money for food. We're not really religious but we went to the church for help. It was embarassing at first. They were amazing though. Helped with food, clothing and even gave me some resources to go to within our community. It doesn't matter what your religion even if you're none at all. The church can help. For us, it was 6 months and now our "nonessentials" are coming back to us. Cable, phone, INTERNET, car. Prioritize for now. Look at what you HAVE to have to SURVIVE. Pay those if you can. Turn to the church nearest you. They'll direct you. I promise. Don't turn on yourself. That's the mistake I made. Good luck!!

2007-03-23 19:36:36 · answer #3 · answered by Chica 1 · 0 0

Welcome to my world! I get paid every other wednesday and as soon as I get paid I have to run around like a wild women paying the car payment, rent, personal loan payment, light bill, water bill, satilite bill, etc. etc. etc. Insurance payments, put gas in my car, grab a few price saver groceries and then immediately start worrying how I'm going to make it to the next paycheck!!! Ahhhhh!!! It seems that the American government isn't looking out for the people who actually "try" to earn an honest living. They look out for the two other groups. White trash and the rich! Makes me want to move to Canada or Mexico! DO NOT GET A PAYDAY ADVANCE LOAN! THOSE THINGS WILL KILL YOU!!

2007-03-23 12:37:40 · answer #4 · answered by Angel W 3 · 2 0

Pay what you can pay, Most Mortgage Lenders usually will work with you so you don't lose your house, as for the car, its also a must so a person can drive to work. Try working with them also. Otherwise you maybe have to get another pt job to get back on your feet. Its tough, been there, done that. I had alot of stress from it, believe me!!! I would advise though not to ask for money, if thats what you are doing. People are frowning on that over the internet. good luck.

2007-03-23 12:38:40 · answer #5 · answered by Sunflower 3 · 1 0

Whatever u have to do sometime. I always choose what bill is more important. One might have to be late. Or ask family or close friends and if that falls through( because its happend to me) go to some check cash place and ask for a payday loan. Its not the best but it helps sometimes. And always pray, even though it seems it doesn't do nothin it will. If u get desperate pawn place. Ull get through it gurl, dont worry.

2007-03-23 12:37:24 · answer #6 · answered by gurllucky7 4 · 0 1

Try getting a part time job after work and on weekends, when I was buying my house that is what I did to save for the downpayment, etc.

2007-03-23 12:42:20 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

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