You are displaying the classic symptoms of adjectival starvation. This manifests itself by describing trees as f******, or b***** and not as large, green, leafy, dead, etc. What you must do is to try in your life to use more adjectives. In the morning greet people with a cheery Good Morning, eat a healthy breakfast and go on your way with a cheery wave. On your way past the church think of its beautiful, spiralling architecture, and the vicar as a grey clad man of the cloth with a happy smile on your face.
Seriously you need to get rid of this idea that external forces make you want to swear. It is not THEM it is YOU.
2007-03-23 04:55:40
answer #1
answered by BARROWMAN 6
Sounds like an anxiety disorder, possibly OCD (obssesional compulsive diorder)a lot of religious people suffer from it. Your not a bad person remember that. It just that if you try and suppress what you percieve as a bad thoughts it builds up and it comes out stronger. We all "think" its normal to think just try to let the thought go rather than trying to push it away. Its hard i suffered from this type of thing years ago. It could also be toreuttes a compulsion to swear but its the same background. They're all anxiety disorders so have cross over, nothings pure this or that. Consider your health as well i notice a lot of people with anxiety have a sweet tooth (i did). Adjusting to a more heatlty diet might help. Things improve when im more healthy no matter how many times i relapse.
Try researching cognitive therapy but keep clear of the pill pushers and people who want to help you with an agenda i.e. money or control or both.
2007-03-23 16:40:29
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
The only thing that bothers me about what you said is that you swear at the thought of church, going to church has helped me with swearing, But, I do have times when I swear like a truck-driver!! And it's my business. But if you really want to quit just do it. I cuss half as much as I used too. It wasn't hard just don't say the words. And never say the Lord's name in vain.
2007-03-23 14:16:48
answer #3
answered by Kat 5
That's a good question,because once we get on that swearing roller coaster it's hard to stop I myself have gone through periods where every word out of my mouth was foul and I got some kind of personal satisfaction from sounding so down right nasty I kept doing it,until i realized I sounded at times like a "truck driver"talking amongst his buddies,and I'm a woman,who has a full range of vocabulary that does not need to entail vulgarity,unless I want it to.It's fun at the right times with the right people when it's just all in fun,but if you use it in your everyday communications with others it dulls the senses and not only makes you sound ignorant it makes you feel ignorant to.
2007-03-23 11:56:46
answer #4
answered by FYIIM1KO 5
stop. It's not hard. Make a consious effort. Don't let your mouth run away from you. Tell yourself everytime you speak, you will think first. It's not uncontrollable. It's that you aren't giving yourself enough credit to be consious of your actions.
2007-03-23 11:49:46
answer #5
answered by 3
definately a bit of tourettes mate. There are varying degrees, its best if you talk to a professional if its causing you real trouble. It's nothing to do with god so ignore the bible bashing loosers in this post!
good luck.
2007-03-23 12:02:23
answer #6
answered by spacegoblin 2
What you do is get this jar and everytime that you swear you put money in it. Soon you will be moneyless so you should get tired of it. When you first start you start out small, then it will grow.
2007-03-23 11:52:12
answer #7
answered by Monkey 1
okay if ur mad go somewhere alone take a breath threw ur nose then breath out from mouth or maybe think of something very good in ur life
2007-03-23 11:48:57
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
What about a swear box? When you swear put money in a box.. then the poorer you get the more you'll realise not to swear :P
2007-03-23 11:52:41
answer #9
answered by Mikey 1
I don't have any bleep, bleep, bleeping, bleep idea. #$^%%# I have the same problem only it's constant $^%&$ swearing. Even when I $*&^%^&*$ type. It's nuckin' futz.
As for the $%&%^^ing swear box, I #$^%^ near became a $&%^$ millionaire on all the #$*$%^% quarters in the %&$^#$&$ #(%&%^ thing.
2007-03-23 11:52:04
answer #10
answered by Anonymous