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I don't have cable just regular channels. I like the flat panels because of the design. I'm really not interested in the HD features.

2007-03-23 04:03:16 · 2 answers · asked by HelenB 1 in Consumer Electronics TVs

2 answers

If you're buying a new tv make sure it has a digital receiver..

In 2009 tv as we know it will not exist. everything is going digital..
Look for a tv that has SDTV which will be able to process the new signals..

2007-03-23 09:23:27 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Yes. Any device called a "television" (as opposed to "monitor") has both a display screen AND a tuner, so, with an antenna, you can receive and watch regular television broadcasts. Devices that are called "monitors" are just a display and have no tuner. They require an external video source like a cable box, separate tuner, video game system, etc. in order to display anything.

There are plenty of high-quality inexpensive LCD TVs on the market these days. If you don't want HD, you don't need a widescreen set - a standard square one will do. Just be sure you get one called a "TV" and you're all set.

2007-03-23 04:05:58 · answer #2 · answered by Steven D 5 · 2 0

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