A baby combing it's hair with a potato peeler!
10 answers
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Entertainment & Music
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What's red, screams and goes around in circles?
A baby with its foot nailed to the floor.
Why do you put a baby in the blender feet first ?
To see the expression on it face!
What's more fun than stapling babies to a wall?
Ripping them off again.
Why didn't they crucify baby Jesus?
I don't know why they didn't either.
What's purple, covered in pus and squeals?
A peeled baby in a bag of salt.
How many emos does it take to change a light bulb?
None, they would rather sit in the dark and cry.
03:31:33 ·
update #1
How do you stop a baby crawling round in circles ?
Nail its other hand to the floor.
03:32:56 ·
update #2