An old priest was going on holiday, and a young priest straight out of theology college was coming to take over while he was away. They met briefly for a quick chat and the Old father Drennan said to the young father Murphy, "if you get stuck what to give for pennances, just ask one of the choirboys, they'll tell you what my usuals are"
Right said the young priest, and the old father goes off.
later on in the day, a 'lady' of ill repute goes into the confessional box and says
"Forgive me father, for I have sinned
''What is your sin, my child?" the priest asked
"Well father, for drinks or money, i give men bl** jobs at the back of Hannigan's bar"
"Hmm, i see" said the young priest, not sure how many Hail mary's and such to give the woman the young priest opens the confessional door and says to a passing choirboy, son, how much did fatherDrennan give for a bl** job?
The choirboy said,
"usually he gives us two kitkats and a packet of polos!
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