Yes I believe this but it doesn't mean that we just call on his name only to be saved, like his name is some sort of amulet or something - more is involved.
Romans 10:13 shows that it is vital for all mankind to know the divine name.
This involves much more than just knowing what God’s personal name is. It includes knowing also the person represented by the name and living in a way consistent with the purposes connected with that name. It is the responsibility of all who worship the true God to be diligent in making his name known to others, as Jesus did.
(John 17:6, 26)
Jehovah God promises to bless those who know, use, and honor his great name.—
Psalm 91:14.
Btw- to 'out of the gray' - Matthew 7:21-23 talks about those who claim to follow Jesus - he says that he will reject some who claim to be following him. This shows that not all who claim to be Christians are acceptable to God.
James 2:26 clearly shows that faith must be accompanied by works. It's not enough to just believe. A follower of Jehovah & Jesus would show faith in their works, by the way they live their life. They would follow the scriptures & not lean on their own understanding.
The scripture in Romans is talking about GOD'S name not Jesus' name.
God's name is Jehovah/Yahweh - Psalm 83:18
Jesus is his Son - an entirely different personality
They are united in purpose
2007-03-23 01:51:43
answer #1
answered by New ♥ System ♥ Lady 4
That is also in Joel 2:32. In that passage it says Yahweh. In Romans, Paul says "the Lord"
In verse 9 He had just called Jesus Lord.
Interestingly, Jesus said "Not all those who call me Lord will be saved, but those who do the will of my Father."(Matthew 7:21) A Contradiction? Not really. What is implied is calling upon the name of the Lord in a time of stress. To call on Him for help, he will be there for you. The Joel chapter implies that. So what Paul is saying is whoever calls on God asking for salvation, it will be given.
But what Jesus was saying is that people can call Him Lord for all the wrong reasons and it could be that they don't really know him.
2007-03-22 20:42:25
answer #2
answered by out of the grey 4
I believe that they must call on the name of Jehovah in both spirit and truth as the scriptures say.
2007-03-23 00:20:43
answer #3
answered by Sparkle1 6
Yes and Jehovah has sent his word and it is Yeshewa, which means Jehovah's Savior! Which is Jesus and God says he put everything under his authority, so you must accept the name of Jesus or you make the father out to be a liar!
2007-03-22 20:32:01
answer #4
answered by bungyow 5
yes we do brother. first people have to know that Jesus is not Jehovah. Jehovah is the Father and Jesus Christ is the son. Jesus prayed to his Father in the heavens, he did not pray to himself.
2007-03-23 00:35:01
answer #5
answered by lover of Jehovah and Jesus 7
I am catholic and I do not like when Jahova Wintesses desregard other branches of christianities. I do believe in JEsus the son of God but I do not necessarly call Jesus the Jahonva or I do not believe only a small goup of people such as Jahonas, from Church of Latter Day or Mormones will survive. I believe any christian who confess follow the ten commendements and believe In jesus Holly Spirits and the Lord will survive and not only a small group of Jahova who think only 144000 people will go to heaven!God said 144000 of my saints will come at the end of the world to save those who followed ad believed in me. I think all chritianisties should come together because we all believe in one Jesus and we also I hope we believe in the basic foundemental of Bible. We should stop keep creating new grooups and branches of chritianity and start following only the principal book of Bible! Being distracted by all those new theories would not make us a better christians, but make us even more lost ! I do go to all churches and I do not hate any specific gorup of christianity becaue we are all christian. My focuse is more on how we can serve god and follow him as exactly he told us to do!Remember JEsus said there are so many who will come and claim to be my followers but they will burn in the fire of hale, because the evil will announce his different names to fool you, be careful not to fall for any of his tricks adn you can distingished mein their truth actions!
2007-03-23 05:47:53
answer #6
answered by S.E.E.N 1
That verse must be taken in the context of what the whole Bible says regarding salvation.
Faith justifies initially, but works perfect and complete our salvation. If all it takes to be saved is "to confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead" (Romans 10,9) then why must I change? Oh sure, I should change my sinful ways. I should try to please God. But if I don't does it really matter? My salvation is assured?
Salvation is a process of perseverance through faith, hope and love. Nowhere in Scripture does it say that one is justified or saved by "faith alone." On the contrary, man is not justified by faith alone. A person is justified by faith and works acting together, which comes solely from God's divine grace. Faith alone never obtains the grace of justification. Also, the word "justified" is the same word Paul uses for justification in Romans 4,3 in regard to Abraham (so Protestants cannot argue James is not referring to "justification" in James 2,24 unless they argue Pail wasn't either in Romans 4,3).
(See also: Luke 24,47; Acts 2,38, 3,19, 17,30; John 3,36; 2 Corinthians 10,15; 13,15; Galatians 5,6)
2007-03-22 23:03:46
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Yes ,it is the word of God and it can not lie.
But it is wisdom to read the fullness to understand,that not every one that cries Lord ,Lord shall enter into Heaven.
Calling and believing are different.<><
2007-03-22 20:35:40
answer #8
answered by funnana 6
I have alot of difficulties believing the Joho's. It is such a far fetched belief that everyone who once lived will be reborn - this earth isnt big enough and many other things BUT what i do believe is that IF YOU BELIEVE in God (whatever you want to name him) you are already saved because you have faith... faith in a better tomorrow and faith brings happiness, not doom and misery - I believe and pray everyday and am very content in this material world without all the extra trimmings, perhaps God has blessed me. Hope everyone who reads this believes that you heart and soul are owned by God and if you ask him to bless you, you will be saved - Guess that would be a modern translation. Hope this helps. Gods love to you.
2007-03-22 20:35:42
answer #9
answered by gudsport 2
You can call Jehovah till you are blue in the face. Unless you know the name of the Lord is Jesus, you just won't be saved.
2007-03-22 20:31:36
answer #10
answered by great gig in the sky 7