obviously he's making a satirical comment on belt factories.
i think you can consult ashida kim for a black belt grandmaster certificate.
2007-03-22 19:30:37
answer #1
answered by vinhthekid 2
Bro', first off....there's no such thing as "ninja doh"...and if you were looking to buy fraudulent certification from an imaginary martial arts style, so your sister could teach fraudulent b.s., you should be ashamed of yourself.
The legitimate forms of Ninpo Taijutsu out there are taught within the Bujinkan, and elements of which are taught within the higher levels of the Yagyu Shinkage Ryu.
Neither one of which will grant you fake menkyo or fake Sokeship license for the purchase of a gift based on deception....or any other reason for that matter.
Go talk to the frauds like Ashida Kim, Haha Lung, or Frank Dux....they're made up every aspect of what they teach, I'm sure their rankings can be bought.
Scammer..... you're pathetic.
2007-03-23 08:47:43
answer #2
answered by Manji 4
And what's she going to teach her students? How she bought her way into a black belt? She needs training, education, and experience if she is going to open a dojo not some certificate anyone can print out or purchase over the internet.
2007-03-22 17:47:04
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Buying one means nothing. If she wants to teach Ninjitsu she should go to Japan and study under the grandmaster for at least a year. Once she has achieved 2nd degree black belt she can open a school anywhere she wants.
There is one instructor I know of that is qualified to teach up to 2nd degree here in the states, I think he's in NY. All other instructors here are only 2nd degree themselves so they could not bestow that level on anyone.
2007-03-22 19:08:20
answer #4
answered by jjbeard926 4
Another stupid idea arise in Martial Arts and another self proclaim instructor is born. I can't believe you are asking this in here. Real martial artist don't buy their ranks we earn them with hard work, dedication, sweat and tears. You and your sister are a disgrace to the martial arts, you should be ashame of yourself.
2007-03-23 11:07:54
answer #5
answered by bpshark74 3
why yes, actually Aishida Kim sells fraudulent certificates to anyone looking to buy.
And this pic is for your sister. It should show the huge amount of respect I have for her and you in deciding to open up such a school:
2007-03-23 05:08:29
answer #6
answered by Anonymous