What I don't understand is that the same christians that oppose the Harry Potter series have no problem watching the Wizard Of OZ!!!
I am a christian and have read portions of the Potter books and I think it is absurd for christians to get upset over Harry Potter.
These are the same christians who have taken all of the fun and imagination out of Halloween by trying to tell us that dressing up as a ghost is the same as devil worship.
People will wreck anything for the sake of appearing holier than thou. Very sad.
2007-03-22 17:24:55
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Deuteronomy 18:10-12
There shall not be found among you
any one that makes his son or his daughter
to pass through the fire,
or that uses divination, or an observer of times,
or an enchanter, or a witch,
or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits,
or a wizard, or a necromancer.
For all that do these things are an abomination unto the Lord..
Regardless of what you find out with your theory, the above scripture is God's word for the Christian. Harry Potter books are an abomination and should not be taught to our children.
Wizard, charmers, potions, magic, witches - What portion of God's word do Christians not understand?
1 Peter 4:17,18
For the Time is come
that judgment must begin
at the house of God:
and if it first begin at us,
what shall be the end of them
that obey not the gospel of God?
And if the righteous scarcely be saved,
where shall the ungodly
and the sinner appear?
God said, "If you continue in my Word, then are you my disciples indeed, and you shall know the TRUTH and
the TRUTH will set you free (free from what - Satan's deceptions) John 8:31,32
2007-03-23 18:47:26
answer #2
answered by Jeancommunicates 7
I am a Christian and I approve of the books very much. I have read them many times. I am part of an on-line discussion group for adults and go to academic Harry Potter conferences. I can tell you that the books are VERY Christian, but written in a hidden way so as to not turn off the non-Christian. If you look at the person of Dumbledore you will see Christ... right down to his hanging suspended in the air under the skull.. the place of the skull... now I ask you what is that, if not Christian? The books are written in deep metaphor. If you only read each once and only for the surface story you will miss this.
People who oppose it are only going by what other people, who have also not read the books, have told them. But then J.K. Rowling never meant to preach to the choir. God bless her. She is a Christian, you know. She is sharing the gospel with the world in such a way that people are not put off by hearing it. Follow the teaching of Dumbledore, and you have the teaching of Christ.
I am not alone in seeing the Christian symbolism in the HP books. See here for an author who is a Greek Orthrodox:
2007-03-23 00:22:42
answer #3
answered by tonks_op 7
I think Christians draw their opinions of the Harry Potter books the same way everyone else does. They read the reviews. From the reviews I have read, Harry Potter stories seem no better or worse then your basic pagan fairy tail.
2007-03-23 00:27:00
answer #4
answered by Twoeyes 4
I am a Christian and I have read the Harry Potter books as well as seen the movies. I think they are wonderful. I see nothing wrong with them as long as the reader remembers that they are fiction and not try to view them as some sort of holy book to worship. Some do not like them because of the witchcraft, but witchcraft has been a staple in literature (especially children's literature) for ages. I encouraged my children to read such books and then we can discuss them. A book (or movie) like anything else is not good or bad in and of itself. It is only how people use it that makes it become good or bad.
2007-03-23 00:22:16
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
1 - Approve of the books
2- Have read the books
3- Am Christian
I have some friends from church that let their kids read the first one, but not the second because it was too "dark" or something. I thought it was fine. My kids will be reading them when they're a little older (old enough to read an 800 page book!)
2007-03-23 15:40:50
answer #6
answered by java girl 3
Harry Potter is great. I totally approve.
I've only read the Goblet of Fire, which was confusing since I started with the fourth book, but I've seen most of the movies.
2007-03-23 00:35:22
answer #7
answered by Jay 6
yup & yup!
also have all the movies...will get all the books in hard cover as a boxset once book 7 is out. have most of the games for ps2...waiting on game 1 & 4. & have just about every magazine out there that has a HP actor/actress interview in it. as well as the sticker album for POA which is complete with a 100 or so extra stickers to spare.
i can also play some of the music of HP on the piano.
also a big fanfiction writer & am working on a 7-book part series of my own but for remus james sirius & peter & all what happened form their year 1 up to the begining of JKRowlings HP & TPS (ss for americans *slight eyeroll)
actually thats about the only thing i do NOT agree about harry potter...the stupid SS title instead of the real one...
im jewish/7day advent with catholics for grandparents (who also like HP movies)
2007-03-23 00:23:23
answer #8
answered by swordofmystique 5
I am a Christian, I have read every one of the Harry Potter books twice, and I approve of them 100%. I love these stories...and that is what they are...stories. No harm in that.
God bless,
2007-03-23 00:22:50
answer #9
answered by Stanbo 5
No, I don't support the books of Harry Potter
No, I have not read them cause I don't entertain witchcraft or magic.
I'm a Christian who has chosen not to read the books based on the content in them.
Do I have a problem with others reading them, No.
Now if children read them for pleasure of reading, great. But, if a child or children start performing these "magic" and "witchcraft" ideas from the book, I would have a problem with them.
It doesn't phase me that I fit in your theory at all. :o)
2007-03-23 00:23:03
answer #10
answered by Anonymous