It should be the same as if you didn't believe, to be a good, worthwhile and productive, contributing member of the society in which you live.
You should desire to strive to improve yourself in the example set by Jesus. God would know what is in your heart.
2007-03-22 15:32:46
answer #1
answered by hazydaze 5
Sis, don't get the idea it is cheep [cheap] salvation. The very best part of God paid a price that you or the whole world could not pay. What Jesus Christ did was take the hatred and judgement for sin upon Himself so you could be set free from its total effects. You may get in to heaven by the skin of your teeth, but you will miss some crowns that will be passed out and then laid again at Jesus feet. Towards the end of your life as you will see it, will be very sickly indeed if you have not done anytthing in this life for Him.
2007-03-22 22:35:42
answer #2
answered by rapturefuture 7
Oh lady are you ever mistaken. Do not be deceived God is not mocked. If you think God is that stupid then you are in for a big surprise. God is the only one who can judge fairly whether a person has really repented of a sin. What you are saying is foolishness. You are mocking God. Talking about going out and killing people then just giving cheap lip service to God saying you are sorry just to save your hind from going to hell. It doesn't work that way.
2007-03-22 23:51:21
answer #3
answered by angel 7
The Apostle Paul penned a great portion of the N.T.
..but before his encounter with Jesus, he as a Pharisee,precided over the stonning deaths of many followers of Christ,yet became a champion example of God's mercy and Grace.
We all deserve the wrath of God,but Jesus in the attoning sacrifice on the cross,made a way of escape for those who would come to him in faith believing.
God does not grade us on a curve scale. I myself deserve God's fury and wrath just like Hitler and Stalin and apart from the relationship that by his mercy and grace I enjoy with my Savior, I would have suffered the same fate as they most likely are.
2007-03-22 22:45:06
answer #4
answered by bonsai bobby 7
If you are "saved," you would not be able to torture or kill other people, so motivation is not needed to direct thought and action. It is that simple. If you don't understand, you can cherish evil for eternity and keep saying, "see ya in heaven," but the funny thing is that heaven never comes. As long as sin remains here or hereafter, it is punished and heaven is hidden to the defiled heart.
2007-03-22 22:36:16
answer #5
answered by ? 6
What is suffering except the extreme of self-indulgence? It's more of a show than anything else isn't it? "Look how much I'm suffering, oh the pain, the pain of it all." Kind of narcissistic. Like posting on this site. We all care more about our own typed additions to the list than we really do about anything anyone else has to say. We just want to be seen, and heard, and acknowledged as important suffering creatures. Unacknowledged suffering doesn't exist. It needs an audience, just like this. So the deterrent I guess would be that even though your torturing and killing people, you're still just as boring and narcissistic as the rest of us. You're just taking your own petty and vain suffering and trying to put on a different kind of suffering show for anyone who will watch. Just like your victims will put on their own vain and self-indulgent suffering show for you. In the end, it doesn't matter, because the experiences are the same. As much as you're trying to stand out and be shocking and original, you're just plain and ordinary and unexceptional and common and food for worms like the rest of us. So why bother?
2007-03-22 22:41:06
answer #6
answered by James W 3
When you ask Christ to save you, you'll have no desire to hate people but to love people instead. It's quite obvious you don't understand that becoming saved you become born again with a new nature with the Holy Spirit in your life. You don't ask Christ to save you then willfully sin against Him like that.
Paul wrote in his letter to the Romans
'What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase? By no means! We died to sin, how can we live in it any longer?" Romans 6:1
Read the entire chapter 6 in Romans if you're seriously asking this question. blessings
2007-03-22 22:45:00
answer #7
answered by Andres 6
That is the great part about being a Christian, you can kill in vain then repent and when you die you go to heaven, but the person you killed hadn't made that commitment yet and to hell he goes. Dam what a great religion, I see why so many people join.
I wounder how can a Christian be a supporter of a war and tell others that killing is wrong, is that a sin?
2007-03-22 22:40:08
answer #8
answered by man of ape 6
You point out the absurdity in that fundamental belief, but I have asked the same question and the answer is if you truly repent and accept Jesus before you die, even Adolf Hitler and Johnny-come-lately Saddam Hussein can romp in heaven with the best of them. There is something truly wrong with that picture.
See ya in hell.
2007-03-22 22:25:36
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
i don't believe your weally weally sorry... God knows your heart,and he cares about your actions. And he's weally weally patient and just. Just wemember,Hell is weally weally hot.
2007-03-22 22:31:10
answer #10
answered by igottadrive2001 5