An elderly lady got lost one day driving in the country, and decided to ask directions at a small country cottage. She knocked the old wooden door, and after a minute the door opened and there was a pretty little girl standing there. " Oh, what a sweet child you are," said the old lady, "And do you have a pretty name as well, " she asked. "My name is Petal," replied the little girl. " How sweet, and why were you called Petal," asked the old lady."Well < "began the little girl, "The day before I was born, my mummy said that apetal fell from the rose bush and settled on her tummy, so she called me Petal " Just then a little dog ran from the house past the old lady, and the sweet little girl started calling the dog back. "Porky, Porky , come back," she called. The old lady smiled at the little girl and asked, "Do you call him Porky because he is so fat" "OH, no " replied the little girl, " We call him Porky, because he likes f**King all the pigs"
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