We're in big trouble, Joey.
We were warned about it, and the warning actually created the political/religious situations of our day.
The warning included descriptions of the strife between cultures that would occur, but those weren't the things warned about. They were merely described, and are our keys to unlocking the correct interpretation of the prophetic warnings, and they are also time indicators.
The warnings indicate an event that will certainly bring humanity to its knees.
All evil is the result of people who aren't concerned about the consequences of things they do. It's too bad that our religious beliefs don't include punishment for things we think we are getting by with. It's too bad, because we were warned about that kind of behavior also. It seems as though we will all be where we need to be during the climax of the prophecy. Each man who has deserved to be there, will be there. Most won't be in favorable situations.
The "hope for mankind" is included in the warnings, as well. Christians refer to him as the Messiah. Most other belief systems include such a person, who shows up in the nick of time to trigger a movement to prepare for the cataclysmic event. Christianity however has a slight issue. Their Messiah has to be a supernatural being, who has been living with God since his crucifiction. He's got to swoop in from the clouds, suck up all the good Christians into the protective environment that he created just for them as they wait for the destruction to take place on earth.
That's quite a lot of work, for just one little god.
And of course, he and God are going to create a new world into which the good Christians (new humanity) can be deposited to live the rest of their life in paradise.
There is evidence that supports the things that were just explained. The easiest to see is deliberate "false interpretations" of supposed "fulfilled prophecy." Or "falsely claimed fulfillment," such as the "seize of Jerusalem." It's easy to see that it never happened as predicted in Isaiah 7 and subsequent chapters.
Or did it happen, in 1948?
There were three primary groups who were involved in the seize of Jerusalem following the creation of Israel, which is what was supposed to happen according to Isaiah 7. The Jews, bent on establishing Zion, the heavily Christian influenced UN who wanted to give the Jews a "homeland," and the Muslims who were currently inhabiting Jerusalem.
There's even a "king" of sorts, who is helping Ahaz and family even the score against the two groups who have taken over Jerusalem, as predicted and called the "hired razor," or "the king of Assyria." That would be the man who took out the WTC in NYC.
That's your proof. And be sure to look it up, because you need to know how many years the "seize of Jerusalem" will last, because that will help you know that it's really time to get ready for the Anointed of God to show up.
You might only get one chance to make a good impression, so it would be nice to know what and who to look for.
2007-03-22 22:51:05
answer #1
answered by ChrisJ 3
How we got here:
Because Adam and Eve chose to disobey God.
Why is there gratuitous evil:
Because of selfishness. God is withdrawing His spirit of mercy from the planet. So everyone can see the effects of evil.
what is the hope for mankind.?:
In the promise of Jesus. If we denounce evil and follow God's ways we can have eternal life and joy in the next world. We can also have peace in our hearts for the rest of this world.
2007-03-24 08:46:26
answer #2
answered by SEOplanNOW.com 7
Yes there was evil. Adam and Eve ate out of the tree of life in the Garden of Eden. This was the first sin. After this there has always been evil. We have been here since God had created all of mankind. The only hope is through His Son Jesus Christ who died for all of our sins on a cross. If we accept Him we will have eternity in Heaven with Him forever. If we don't accept Him we will have eternity in Hell.
2007-03-22 22:38:05
answer #3
answered by G.W. loves winter! 7
We got here through evolution.
There is NOT grautitous evil. In fact, this age is more openminded, accepting, tolerant, and understanding, as well as promoting education and logic than any other in history. There is more HOPE now that religion is starting to lose its strangle hold on humanity.
One of my favorite books states this...
"And now we stand on the cusp of an Atheistic age---an age where the Christian faith is losing its hold, as paganism once lost its hold, and the new humanism, the belief in man and his accomplishments and his rights, is more powerful than ever before.
Of course we cannot know what will happen as the old religion thoroughly dies out. Christianity rose on the ashes of paganism, only to carry on the old worship in new form. Maybe a new religion will rise now. Maybe without it, man will crumble in cynicism and selfishness because he really needs his gods.
But maybe something more wonderful will take place: the world will truly move forward, past all gods and goddesses, past all devils and angels."
This age... is the true age of hope. Its an age where superstition has no place and the hope for mankind is greater than ever before. Because now its humans that mean more than they ever have.
Tomorrow promises to be the true adventure. Its only a matter of whether you'll be a part of it, or if you will cause it to crumble around us due to your superstitious religion.
With the destruction of the power of religion, I hold only hope for humanity as we begin to realize that everyone needs to be treated equally. Its a wonderful, amazing time in history that some are so terrified they're doing everything to resist it.
Its time to say goodbye to the old. Its time for humanity to move on. We're no longer cave men and we need to stop behaving like it.
The ages of mankind can be viewed as the ages of a child. And this child... this mankind... is beginning to finally grow up and realize that there is more than just themselves at stake.
2007-03-22 21:44:15
answer #4
answered by Anonymous