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Well, my ex and I broke up for two months. The last time I called him was telling him that I wanted to cancel his cell phone(his phone was sharing the family plan with my dad). I'm making this decision, b/c I saw him with another woman. I'm not the one who saw them holding hands, but my brother-in-law did. At that moment, I know that there's no more hope between us. So, I decided to let everything go. After that call, I thought we won't speak again. But couple days later, he called me and told me all the bad news that had happen to him. He was so stress, and need someone to talk to. He said that I'm the one he trust and understand him the most, so he chose to call me. Since I still have feeling for him, I feel so upset after spoke to him. After couple days spoke to him on the phone, I finally told him not to call me anymore. I told him that he should call his current gf instead of me. Now, I'm so regret what I had said to him. What should I do? Friends said he is using me.

2007-03-22 13:54:39 · 16 answers · asked by BiBi 1 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

16 answers

call him back go ahead

2007-03-22 13:59:45 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I am kinda thinking he may be using you as well. I might not want you to cancel his cell phone. I think that if you saw him with this woman while you were still together, you should let him be. If this was while you were broken up, then I dont think you rightfully be mad at him. If the latter is the case, I would have to know what terms you two broke up on. If he had not called you before you called him about the cell phone, I would be suspicious... Basically, I think that you are right to have said what you said. He should be talking to his new girl, instead of you. Go with what your past experience has taught you though. If you have seen a pattern in him, dont get involved anymore. Good Luck!

2007-03-22 14:03:04 · answer #2 · answered by msnothinbutalady 2 · 0 0

I just had a very similar situation. I know the missing him comes in waves - first you hate him and don;t miss him, then you miss him terribly and just want to fix everything.

You need to keep reminding yourself that he uses you. Ask yourself do you really believe he will be a better boyfriend if we get back together?

Don't regret what you told him - he needed to hear it, and what you said was correct, and you had a right to let him know how he makes you feel.

I suggest you don't answer his calls or text messages. He will get the message that you want no part of it. It's hard for about 3 months, then you will find that you have just had enough, and will cope.

If he makes you feel guilty about his bad situations - tell him to call a counselling place for help instead of you. It is wrong for him to play you like that - and make you think that you can fix things.

Good luck. I hope you can be persistent with him.

2007-03-22 14:07:23 · answer #3 · answered by Puss in Boots 4 · 0 0

ok him calling you and telling you all the bad news that has happened to him "right after" he was told that you were cutting his cell off...first off he needs to get his own cell and NO you do not need to call him, HE IS USING YOU and hoping his sob story will work..and the cell phone is a link between you 2...get rid of this guy and the cell phone worry..do not use that as a ploy to keep holding on to him....I mean what a life?

2007-03-22 14:48:32 · answer #4 · answered by Keli 3 · 0 0

Darling, you shouldn't have any regrets for saying what you said. If you feel like you are the woman on the side, you need to break things off anyway. Don't allow him to have control of this part of your life.

2007-03-22 13:58:02 · answer #5 · answered by Jenn 3 · 0 0

U did the right thing... leave the past in the past and never let it destroy the present. Let him go to his present girl he just want to unload his stress on u and to make ur life as miserable as his...Let him be girl he is not worth the trouble

2007-03-22 14:00:08 · answer #6 · answered by Alise 3 · 0 0

he is using your emotions and feelings for him a gainst you. dont speak with him and dont feel bad for telling you to leave you alone. You need a clean break to get over him and that is what you need to do. It hurts it sucks but love can cause heartache. He should call his current gf not you, and tell her his problems he hurt you and you need to have time to heal without him calling you and hurting you

2007-03-22 13:58:47 · answer #7 · answered by bbinqueens33 4 · 0 0

You are obviously a Bimbo, who likes to go out with guys who treat you like garbage. This means you will always be garbage, your looks will be fleeting, and when "Earl" beats the hell out of you for the umptenth time, you will complain, but always end up enjoying it.

2007-03-22 13:59:51 · answer #8 · answered by free_mumia_or_else 5 · 0 0

Let it Go!!! you know that saying having your cake and eat it to.well thats what he is trying to do.Your toooooooooo beautiful of a black woman to be hung up on nothing.Move on and be the Queen that you are.God will find that person for you, step back and give yourself time to heal

2007-03-22 14:12:35 · answer #9 · answered by juicerone 1 · 0 0

i agree with ur friends, he probly is using you. he may act like you broke his heart, but if he was with another girl it probably didnt affect him as much as he may say. just try and move on. if you take him back it will probably end up in heartbreak on your part.

GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!

2007-03-22 13:59:38 · answer #10 · answered by Mo 2 · 0 0

Just let it go and move on..dont be one of those obsessed exgirlfriends!

2007-03-22 13:57:56 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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