You should already be brushing! I started brushing before their teeth came in. When both my children were all gums I would clean their gums with a wet clean washcloth. Once their teeth came in I started brushing using a small soft child's toothbrush with baby toothpaste that is safe to swallow, you can find them on the baby isle, Gerber has one. When they got old enough to know how to spit out the toothpaste then I switched to the children Oral B or Children's Crest toothpastes. At 2 years old I began taking them to a Kids dentist every 6 months. It is important to care for your children's teeth, even their baby teeth since cavities to baby teeth can cause problems with the underlying adult teeth as they develop. I see many kids with cavities by the time they are 3-4 years old (My best friends daughter had 4 cavities by the time she was 5yrs old). It is not a pleasent experience to watch a child get a mouth full of shots to repair a cavities so it is very important to brush your babies teeth everyday even if there are only 2. You can also start flossing around 2 years old, but it is easier to use the ones with the plastic holders and then by the time they are 5 you can start using mouthwash, I use the brand ACT for kids.
2007-03-22 12:37:44
answer #1
answered by MRod 5
When our daughter started teething, we first cleaned her gums with a cloth (she started teething when she was about 9-10 months old she's 14 months old now). Once her first two teeth were completely through we picked up a toddler toothbrush for her. We brush her teeth before her naps and before she goes to bed at night. I don't use toothpaste just yet, though they do have toddler specific toothpaste that we will be using eventually.
She and I will go into the bathroom, run a little water on her brush and then I'll brush her teeth (she has four now), her gums and swipe her tongue (a good habit to get in to, it supposedly helps with bad breath). I brush them thoroughly, she "spits" into the sink, then I give her the brush. She brushes her teeth (ok, she chews on the toothbrush for a little while, but at least she is getting into the habit). Then she spits, we rinse off the brush and she goes into bed.
It's become a habit for her to the point where if I try to put her to bed without doing it, she pushes on the bathroom door as we pass it in the hall!
I believe that it's good to get them into the habit when they're young, even when they only have one or two teeth. If it becomes second nature to them now, it might not be such a fight to get them to brush when they get older.
Good luck!
2007-03-22 12:42:10
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
When my daughter was 1, I sometimes brushed her teeth with a very soft tooth brush using a tooth cleaner for babies. Other times I would use a cloth with a dot of tooth cleaner on it. So you can really do a combination of both.
2007-03-22 12:45:06
answer #3
answered by klove23 1
We bought a baby toothbrush and Orajel toothpaste and brushed them. But, Baby Orajel Toothpaste also comes with a finger brush that you can use, which may make things easier since she only has a couple of teeth.
2007-03-22 12:36:47
answer #4
answered by It's Just My Opinion 4
There's a great baby toothbrush that's like a finger glove, I think Gerber makes it. You put it on you finger, and it has really gentle bristles for brushing. You just rub it over the teeth. You can even use it on gums, it feels good for them. It usually comes with some tasty cleansing gel that's safe to swallow.
2007-03-22 12:36:15
answer #5
answered by KC 7
I try to brush my 15 month old's teeth, but he doesn't let me, so I use a cloth with a little bit of baby tooth and gum cleanser.
2007-03-22 12:35:35
answer #6
answered by Racheal B 2
you need to go buy the special tooth brush or gum rubber with the speacial tootpaste and put the brush in and start brushing. at first it feels akward brushing their teeth but then you get used to it after a while let your child try it may get a little messy but atleast their learning[: good luck!
2007-03-22 12:37:08
answer #7
answered by crazzychicken_1 2
there are baby cloth "tooth brushes" its not really a tooth brush its just like a little cloth but that is what i would suggest
If anything
2007-03-22 12:34:55
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
We used a very soft bristled childs brush on our childrens early teeth, seemed to work just fine. If your not sure ask your dentist what he/she suggests
2007-03-22 12:35:14
answer #9
answered by Papa Joe 4
Take a very soft baby washcloth and put it over your finger and wet it with warm water. Rub the cute baby teeth gently. Tadah!.
2007-03-22 12:35:16
answer #10
answered by Anonymous