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I'm talking about the game played on a snooker table with pool balls and a deck of poker cards. I'm sure most Singaporeans have either seen or played this game before.

Having playing it for years, i've recently started to wonder where did this game originated.

2007-03-22 12:27:03 · 4 answers · asked by icybergie 1 in Sports Snooker & Pool

This is how the game is played.

Each players starts with 7 cards, the balls will then be pushed across the table to scramble them. You have to pocket the ball which represent the card in your hand to have it removed from your hand. 11 12 and 13 stands for Jack Queen and King respectively.

Ball number 14 and 15 are called bonus. Entering these ball after you acquire a license gives you a bonus point.

License is acquired by entering any legal balls (balls which you have the card to respresent it). Committing a foul removes the license (Scratch, hitting balls which you do not have a card to represent it)

Whoever clears all the cards in hand wins.

This game is usually played with money involved.

I hope im clear enough.

2007-03-24 11:10:05 · update #1

4 answers

Not sure if it relates but in the wid west it was played to ues (Expensive play cards) that no longer good enough to play cards with it was played more like kelly the 14 + 15 were not counted thats probley not what your talking about sorry lay down the rules i have a bunch of (cheap) cards

2007-03-22 14:29:57 · answer #1 · answered by havenjohnny 6 · 0 0

Not sure I can help you with the snooker numbered balls but the way other games evolved goes like this.
Many years ago I saw a rack of 15 balls, 7-red & 7 blue with a black ball in the middle. The game was called "Black Ball". Obviously the name was the fornrunner of "8" Ball.
When asked about why there were no numbers on the balls I was told that numbers came about as players wanted more games to play and puting numbers on them was one way to do it. At that time all 15 balls were solid colors.
Then someone decided to make two groups of 7-balls and stripes were added to 7 balls. And since the '8' ball was the middle ball it was left black. In some areas the game is still refered to as "Black Ball" rather than "8" Ball. This is the way it was explained to me.
The "Decks of Cards" - don't know.

2007-03-23 01:26:44 · answer #2 · answered by Jay9ball 6 · 0 0


2007-03-27 01:07:07 · answer #3 · answered by The shadow 2 · 0 0

Never heard of nor played this game bro. How is it played?

2007-03-24 03:13:41 · answer #4 · answered by bribri75 5 · 0 0

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