He might stop talking to her because most guys from like15 years of age and on up to and including their 40's and sometimes beyond let their glands do their thinking for them ,,,, And distance makes the heart go wander so to speak ,,,, It's probably that he's found more fertile ground right where he's at ,,,, Guys your age have no idea what the words love and commitment mean let alone what they entail ,,,, 95% of the time or more most of them are just in lust instead of love ,,,,, Their glands do the thinking instead of their brain if they even have a brain ,,,, It's just the nature of the male animal is all ,,,, They are always ready to rutt and most of the time the female takes a chance just being with them unless she's found an exceptional one which is really rare ,,,, I wouldn't worry just too much about it though and I certainly wouldn't put my life on hold where he's concerned ,,,, If he was really interested in you then he'd be on the phone to you every day tending to his garden so to speak ,,,, There are allot of fish in the pond ,,,, Maybe it's time for you to go fishing ,,,, Find some one that's fun and exciting to be with and get on with your life ,,,, They are out there all you have to do is just find one ,,,, Some of them even come trouble and problem free and will treat you the way you should be treated ,,,, Don't waste your time with this guy ,,,, He evidently dosn't want to put any of his time in you ,,,, You'd be smart if you tried to get as wide a range of aquaintances as you can while you are still young ,,,, This would enable you to make a wiser decision as to just who you'd want to settle down with when you are ready for a more involved relationship later on ,,,, Who knows ,,,, tying yourself down to one person too early just might cause you to miss meeting that Mr Right Guy ,,,,
You've posed an interesting situation here though and a good question ,,,, If you get more than one star for this question then one of them is from me ,,,, Give what I've suggested some thought ,,,, Good luck ,,,, Yoda told you this ,,,,
2007-03-22 19:46:16
answer #2
answered by Anonymous