Understanding the Bible--A Pleasure Open to You
What Will Help You to Understand It?
- Preparing the Heart and the Mind
Each of these articles answers the questions --including yours-- asked in its titles & subtitles, Scripturally:
How Can You Find the True Religion? :
1 Are all religions pleasing to God, or is just one?
2 Why are there so many religions that claim to be Christian?
3 How can you identify true Christians?
True Teachings--Where Can You Find Them?
- True Teachings That Please God
- - How Old?
- - How Organized?
- - Can You Trust the Bible?
- - What Does the Bible Teach?
- - What Will You Do?
You Can Understand the Bible! :
- Help to Understand the Bible
- Why Study the Bible?
Before one can know whether a religion follows the Bible, one must learn what the Bible Itself teaches ...
"All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work." -- 2 Ti 3:16,17
" The Be·roe′ans were noble-minded, for they received the word with the greatest eagerness of mind, carefully examining the Scriptures daily as to whether these things were so." Acts 17:10,11
"Make sure of all things; hold fast to what is fine." 1Th 5:21
Read The Bible Online
2007-03-22 11:48:08
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Dear nuvision,
I do not know if you know this but the church age ended in 1988. That year marked the beginning of what the Bible calls the Great Tribulation. The Lord has left ALL the local churches and allowed satan to rule there (2 Thessalonians 2). This means that absolutely NO ONE can be saved in the church regardless of the accuracy of the preaching or teaching. God has commanded those who are truly saved (born-again) to leave the church (Matthew 24:15, 16; Revelation 18:4). Those who remain there are under the wrath of God!
This Great Tribulation is a period of 23 years which will conclude with the end of the universe and the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. This means that 2011 will be the likely year that the world will end. There is a lot more Bible information that I can give you but I do not have the time. Please see my references. I hope this will help you.
2007-03-22 10:58:47
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Every church follows what they think the Bible truly says. The problem is, manmade churches that have separated themselves from the one Church founded by Jesus Christ - the Church the Bible calls "the pillar and foundation of truth" - have no authoritative source of biblical interpretation. And so they read and guess. You can follow someone's personal guesses about the meaning of Scripture in many churches. But if you want to follow the Church that preaches and lives the true meaning of the Bible, you have to go to the Church to which the Bible was given, along with full authority to interpret it correctly. The Church which has not fragmented into thousands of conflicting manmade denominations in a few hundred years because of inability to interpret the Bible. The Church which has consistently taught the fullness of Christian truth throughout the world for 2,000 years, in unity, just as Christ commanded. If you are fed up with the doctrinal chaos and contradictions of manmade denominationalism, then leave it behind, as more than a million adults did last year, and come home to the one true Church Jesus Christ founded for you. The Holy Catholic Church.
2007-03-22 11:09:21
answer #3
answered by PaulCyp 7
Go to various churches wearing tie dies, long hair, and war protest slogans, OR spiked hair, studded leathers, and piercing, OR white robes, bare footed, OR try what I do wear shorts and other comfortable clothes. If you are truly welcomed back you might be on to something. Do not expect everyone to be perfect as no one is. If you cannot find such a church then challenge them and show them how to truly follow the bible by
Walking the talk
2007-03-22 10:25:19
answer #4
answered by mohayrix 3
Here are some things you can read in the Bible then try and find something that fits what the Bible has put out for us. Not what man has put out for us.
Only one true religion.. Eph 4:5,13
commissioned to make disciples mt 28:19; Ac 8:12; 14:21
Recongnized by its fruit.. Mt 7:19,20; Lu 6:43,44; Joh 15:8
Love agreement among members Joh.13:35; 1Co1:10; 1Jo4:20
Jesus condemned false doctrine. Mt23:15,23,24; 15:4-9
did so for protection of blinded ones Mt15:14
Truth made them free to be Jesus disciples Joh 8:31,32
Truth makes free proves many are wrong Joh 8:31,32
God sets the standard for worship Joh.4:23,24; Jas 1:27
Not good if not as God wills Ro 10:2,3
Good works can be rejected Mt 7:21-23
Recognized by fruitage Mt 7:20
Hope this helps you start your search. You may email me with any questions or if you need any help.
2007-03-22 10:17:40
answer #5
answered by mrs.mom 4
visit often, visit many.
The number one thing you should be doing before and during this time is reading Gods word. This way you will know if a church is not following the bible even if they are teaching parts of it.
Once you think you have found one, attend a business meeting, this is where some churches true colors come shining through. IF they bicker and cannot get along during this time, but put on a good show the rest of the month, you will know it during a business meeting.
2007-03-22 10:06:44
answer #6
answered by cindy 6
check the ten commandments, even from the supposed word of God it says " keep the sabbath holy" not " tho shalt attend temple" probably this might have had to do at the time that the jews were a nomadic society and didn't have the need for a temple. Also keep in mind moses himself was a Levite, ( also a lawyer so that's reason enough to be suspicious) the tribe that was solely in charge of collecting guess what? TEMPLE TRIBUTE!!! Now isn't THAT interesting? as the head of the nation that was all Moses' bling. Even Jesus never gave a definate answer on how to keep it holy. Keep the commandments still doesnt say go to temple/church does it? Why dont you try praying on your own, not trying to convert anyone and doing as much random annonymous good as you can? if you meet clergy who really do try to help you without imposing christianity on you more power to them and you. Good luck and peace.
2007-03-22 10:12:27
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Visit churches and allow the Holy Spirit to guide you. You will know by the peace God gives you. But always remember there was Judas even among the disciples of Jesus. Therefore do not allow one or two people or circumstances keep you from pursuing a church home.
2007-03-22 10:11:01
answer #8
answered by scooter 2
Why do you want to attend a church where people follow the bible? Shouldn't you be looking for one that follows Christ?
There is only ONE WORD OF GOD, that is Jesus Christ. To follow anything else is idolatry. So if you MUST affiliate with a church (trust me, you do not HAVE to) look for one that most emulates the teachings and life and love of Jesus Christ.
If what you want is a legalisitc religion with LOTS of rules, then by all means, go attend one that relies on the bible to spell out EVERYTHING for you- how to eat, how to dress, how to run your household, how to have sex, how to enjoy yourself and which political party to vote for.
If you are mature in your faith then you know you cannot curry favour with God by burying your nose in a book and you have accepted that perfect application of all the laws of the bible is IMPOSSIBLE by ANYONE, including the leaders of these "bible fundamentalist" churches.
Only God’s grace saves you, it is a gift freely given, church or no church. I wish you much joy in Christ! Remember his yoke is light and his rules not burdensome.
2007-03-22 11:11:14
answer #9
answered by jessicabjoseph 3
Pray to the Father for answers in Jesus' name and look with an open mind and heart.
You will receive the requests of your heart if you are sincere. The bible says so.
2007-03-22 10:15:22
answer #10
answered by Roxie J Squared 3