Ferrets get bored very easily. They might need a little help from their owner to get started to play again. Try buying a squeaky toy and tie a string to it. Then squeak it all around the house until your little fuzzy comes out from wherever hes hiding. Then put it on the ground and pull the string, and let him chase it. Then let him catch it, and he will instinctively take it and hide it somewhere. Then get it from where he has hid it and start all over again (the string will help you to fish it out of wherever he has hid it) This can keep him occupied for hours, and give him tons of excersize.
You didnt tell me how old your furr was... so I do have to add this. If your ferret is old (4 years or more), he may not want to play because he is tired. If the squeaky toy doesnt work, try playing games with him that an "old"ferret can play. Let him run under a dresser or something, and then slowly put your hand in there like you are going to "bite" him between your forefinger and thumb. They love that, he will try to bite you back, but keep going in there and grabbing at his neck (not too roughly), that will give him some fun if he is old!
2007-03-22 09:29:21
answer #1
answered by B 5
Maybe you are feeding him that recalled dogfood I read about on Tuesday,
if not,, get him a partner, I read somewhere ferrets are group creatures, love company of its own kind
2007-03-22 16:25:21
answer #2
answered by rich2481 7
Maybe he's not feeling well or getting older. If you are concerned you may want to consider taking him to the vet.
2007-03-22 16:25:30
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Get him a pussycat to play with
2007-03-22 16:25:13
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
dude wrong catagory
2007-03-22 16:25:17
answer #5
answered by Anonymous