I believe the bible is fact, is truth, it is exact,
That violence did last, to end with Noah in an ark,
It is meant to tell us how evil does rule to death,
From Abraham, to Lot and Job, see land pirate acts.
Also Sodom and Gomorrah not even ten for a land law,
God's angels aren't safe to visit lawlessness so raw,
They merely survive as nomads upon land pirates soil,
Until all 70 in family, end up in Egyptian's turmoil.
At the time of Moses,all infant males are to be slain,
His parents come up with a plan that works to save him,
By time Moses is age 80, Pharoah has no heir to reign,
Guess he learned how it felt, when he was killing them.
Noah in ark year 1656, now 857 years later heirs flee,
At 897 years, the land pirates land, is all they see,
They are to destroy 7 nations & Promised Land is free,
Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Job, Moses & Joshua be.
A Priest line, a king line, the judges, all are family,
From the 12 tribes of Jacob, past 4 generations to see,
Judges 11:26; 301 years is 1198, land not trouble free,
Now Eli, Samuel, Saul to king David who brings peace.
So heir Solomon at 1Ki.6:1;480 years a temple to be,
He had 36 years to die 1413 after Noah, and 997 BCE
The 18 Judah kings end in 391 years, no temple to see,
All land is desolate and captive to Babylon Empire #3,
At 1804 years after Noah, All rebuilt by Cyrus decree,
Past 1874. Daniel 633-533, O.T. 39 books, done 443 BCE
Soon the owner of the universe amid land pirates to see,
A simple man named Jesus has no freedom here in speach.
All that he owns is clamed by Satan, Romans and priest,
He is crucified, resurrected & ascends to God's presents,
To wait until Satan & 1/3 angels cast down as enemies,
Prepares place for raised up, caught up at last day as his.
To be with him at his coming and he reigns 1000 years,
The heavenly resurrects the earthly to have no tears,
All is made new and perfect and the perfect have no fears,
A new heaven and a new earth is paradise, all forever his.
Rev.21:1-5 [ All is made new ]. 8 [ the second death and dead is dead ];
Rev.20:7-10 [ After the 1000 years, only Satan is thrown into the lake
of fire, the rest are devoured or consumed and I find it hard to believe
that the new earth are going to be missing this many that join Satan.
2007-03-22 06:43:26
answer #1
answered by jeni 7
God did not make Adam faulty. Here is the bible account of what happend in the garden of Eden.
(Genesis 3:1-5) 3 Now the serpent proved to be the most cautious of all the wild beasts of the field that Jehovah God had made. So it began to say to the woman: “Is it really so that God said YOU must not eat from every tree of the garden?” 2 At this the woman said to the serpent: “Of the fruit of the trees of the garden we may eat. 3 But as for [eating] of the fruit of the tree that is in the middle of the garden, God has said, ‘YOU must not eat from it, no, YOU must not touch it that YOU do not die.’” 4 At this the serpent said to the woman: “YOU positively will not die. 5 For God knows that in the very day of YOUR eating from it YOUR eyes are bound to be opened and YOU are bound to be like God, KNOWING good and bad.”
*** it-2 pp. 963-964 Sin, I ***
Adam later partook of the fruit when it was offered to him by his wife. The apostle shows that the man’s sinning differed from that of his wife in that Adam was not deceived by the Tempter’s propaganda, hence he put no stock in the claim that eating the fruit from the tree could be done with impunity. (1Ti 2:14) Adam’s eating, therefore, must have been due to desire for his wife, and he ‘listened to her voice’ rather than to that of his God. (Ge 3:6, 17) He thus conformed to her ways and will, and through her, to those of God’s Adversary. He therefore ‘missed the mark,’ failed to act in God’s image and likeness, did not reflect God’s glory, and, in fact, insulted his heavenly Father.
Here is an article on
*** it-2 p. 604 Perfection ***
It must be remembered that perfection as it relates to humans is a relative perfection, limited to the human sphere. Though created perfect, Adam could not go beyond the limits assigned him by his Creator; he could not eat dirt, gravel, or wood without suffering ill effects; if he tried to breathe water instead of air, he would drown. Similarly, if he allowed his mind and heart to feed on wrong thoughts, this would lead to entertaining wrong desires and finally bring sin and death.—Jas 1:14, 15; compare Ge 1:29; Mt 4:4.
That the creature’s individual will and choice are determining factors readily becomes evident. If we were to insist that a perfect man could not take a wrong course where a moral issue was involved, should we not also logically argue that an imperfect creature could not take a right course where such moral issue was involved? Yet some imperfect creatures do take a right course on moral issues involving obedience to God, even choosing to suffer persecution rather than change from such a course; while at the same time others deliberately engage in doing what they know is wrong. Thus not all wrong actions can be excused by human imperfection. The individual’s will and choice are deciding factors. In the same way, it was not human perfection alone that would guarantee right action by the first man but, rather, the exercise of his own free will and choice as motivated by love for his God and for what was right.—Pr 4:23.
2007-03-22 07:58:43
answer #2
answered by just cruzin' 1