This is a blatant lie and everyone knows it.
2007-03-22 06:18:34
answer #1
answered by Angelz 5
I don't know what research you've done to come up with this conclusion, but I'm guessing that you're neither a crime scene investigator or an expert on anything whatsoever. Muslims orchestrated, planned, and carried out 9/11. It's a fact. I suppose you think they weren’t responsible for the London Subway Attacks, the Madrid Train Bombings, the Belsan School Massacre, the bombing of the Kobar Towers, the numerous suicide bombings in Israel, the Delhi Train Bombings, or any other act of barbarity committed by Muslims either? It's all a big conspiracy isn't it? Or, just maybe, when something walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and looks like a's a duck!
I have a little research for you my proud Muslim scholar. Look up Qur'an 9:5. Tell me how exactly that verse is supposed to be interpreted. Your religious texts, the Qur'an and the Hadith are rife with calls to violence and murder. It's a fact. If you doubt me, also look up 4:101, 4:89, 5:51, 8:12, 4:34, 2:191, 2:282, etc. I could list you more, but it's a waste of time. Like September 11th, you've made up your mind and don't want to be bothered with the facts. That must be an interesting way to go through life; pretending that your faith is something that it's not.
Or, perhaps you've convinced yourself that strapping a bomb on your body and killing yourself and others is a "holy act."
A tree can be judged by its fruit, my friend. Although it's not politically correct to say so in public, Islam is the most barbaric force upon the face of this earth. It is not a "religion of peace" and the actions of its adherents prove that every day. If you doubt me, I invite you to go to Of course, if you don't live in the United States, there's a high chance that your country blocks that website. In any case, do a little research, open your eyes, and see the truth. If you have the courage (and I doubt you do) to look at your faith from an "outside looking in" perspective, you may see things is a totally different light. I call that light rationality and reason.
2007-03-25 07:25:54
answer #2
answered by godofsparta 2
Who did it? People died and the aftermarth more people died. Whether its Al-Qaida or Pres Bush is responsible, know one thing they have to answer to God on the day that matters. Judgement Day where all actions big or small will be reaveled.
And the guilty will be seized by the Angels by the forlock and the feet and hurled into the bowls of hell.
So as from today lets be excellant to each other and pray for peace.
Plus us Muslims are a easy target now just as the Christians and Jews have been in the past. Maybe sometimes later its the time of the Hindus and the Buddist can be blamed for something which the politions can cunjure up.
2007-03-22 14:54:08
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
The President is not saying that all Muslims are responisible or had anything to do with 9/11. But, it is however a documented fact (video footage), that Shaikh Usamah Bin Ladin had a central role in planning and implementing the attacks. Bin Ladin, on the video, declares the attack as a victory for Allah and Islam. He calls himself a Muslim and is recognised as a Muslim. So how can you say that Muslims had nothing to do with 9/11?
Does Bin Laden represent all Muslims? Of course not. Is what Bin Laden says and does support in the Muslim community? The answer obviously is yes, but to what extent? Are the actions of Muslim leaders like Bin Laden supported in the Quran, the holy book of Islam? Yes. Take a look at the second surah, or chapter of the Quran (2:193). Allah encourages the Muslim to "fight them until there is no persecution and the religion is Allah's". Leaders like Bin Laden refer to this as a "call to arms".
The Quran in the same chapter also tells Muhammad not to impose Islam by force, because "there is no compulsion in religion" (2:256).
May the Muslim world be guided by leaders who are willing to follow the latter admonition.
2007-03-22 06:53:20
answer #4
answered by Rick D 4
Yes, we shouldn't put the blame on all Muslims
and you shouldn't put the blame on all Americans
Indeed no noe talks about how the thing really
started when Pres. Bush sent those Airships
and blew up alot of CIVLIANS (OVER 200)
DESTROYED because of ignorants greed and power
this is why Americans still have race issues today
The most powerful won't allow others to be FREE
2007-03-23 02:11:57
answer #5
answered by manoman 4
Oops you look so depress by this Honey !! You are right that muslim didn't do this...but see even if some redical or ignorant muslims were involved in it.then too whole muslim community should not be accused for this...if 9/11 had killed 3000 or 5000 peoples they had killed 50,00,000 muslims both in Afghanistan and iraq! so they had taken the revenge for a thing which muslims were not responsible for !! Now listen.....this is not about muslim community.this is all about politics...they needed an excuse and thye got that then have spread a propaganda through media that muslims are responsible for it and then attacked a country.their people were brainwashed so they were happy this attack was for those terrorist ! anyways this is a long story...... But i can't blame the peoples even......24 hours they are shown that muslims are so and so...its natural for them to believe this...You can't fight with it honey its media war and muslims do not ahve any better media to project their believes !700,000 muslim have condemned the terrorism under CAIR forum in America....but was it shown to the world? No !! this generalization would continue untill the politics is running this world......Don't get upset.....face it with bravery !
All the best !
2007-03-22 06:41:18
answer #6
answered by ★Roshni★ 6
on the other hand Bush himself is very very tired. Poor little Bush. Tell this president to show where are WMD in Iraq???
All this is politics to fool innocent people.
Well the (9/11) was done by jews?(non-muslim terrorists) i don't know. But surely not Muslims!!!
2007-03-22 08:47:06
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I am not sure if I understand your question... I am assuming that you do acknowledge that the ones responsible for 9/11 do claim to be muslims, and to have been acting on behalf of Allah... That said... It is true that the Muslim faith is not responsible for 9/11 and other terrorist acts, but simply radicals claiming the faith as their guide... I do apologize for that... I know it must seem that we group all muslims together, and unfortunately some do, including some that are responding to your question, but most sensible people do not... I compare those radical terrorists, to a group of radicals we have been dealing with here in the States since the civil war.... The KKK have committed numerous acts of terrorism, in the name of Christianity.... We have no trouble understanding that they are not truly acting on behalf of Christianity, but are simply falsely using a religion to endorse their radical racist views.... I think we need to take the same stance with the terrorists, that are falsely using Islam to endorse their terrorist agenda.
2007-03-22 06:42:37
answer #8
answered by jonbjammin 5
You know - I'm a liberal - and I don't care for our President much at all. But Bush is not stupid enough to blame 9/11 on Muslims. If you can show me a quote where he said anything of the sort - I'd love to see it. I'm very close to positive that you won't be able to show me anything like that. In his speech - which he gave back in 2001 right after 9/11 occurred - he told the American people NOT to lash out at Muslims - and he said "Islam is Love."
Some of the people behind the 9/11 attacks claim to be Muslims. Are they good Muslims or loving Muslims - No. But - unfortunately - they are associating themselves with Islam. Just like Fred Phelps associates himself with Christianity.
It's sad - but every religion has some misguided people claiming to be part of it.
And next time you post - I think it would be a good idea for you to actually ask a question - instead of just stating your opinion.
2007-03-22 06:26:07
answer #9
answered by liddabet 6
This is my highly oversimplified response:
Religion has been falsely used as the medium for explaining political and social strife.
Northern Ireland- Republicans wanted to this territory to join the Republic of Ireland. Loyalists wanted to remain under the control of the United Kingdom. What did the Republic of Ireland want? To officially stay out of the problem as to not hurt its relations with the UK.
Al Qaeda- Pro Arab Wahhabi Islamic group that was formed during the late stages of the Afghan War. Fashioned after the Mujahedeen, they saw their purpose to fight for pro Arab and pro Wahhabi Muslim ideologies. When Saddam Hussein and Iraq invaded Kuwait, they (Bin Laden) approached King Fahd bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia and proposed a Mujahedeen be formed to defend the Kingdom and fight back the Iraqi's in Kuwait. I like to think of the Blues Brothers, we are getting the band back together, to put it into context.
King Fahd being wary of letting extremists into their kingdom or Kuwait and having to trust them to leave after the war (if they won) instead looked to the West for help. Basically Bin Laden got his butt hurt because he wasn't picked to defend the Islamic Kingdom and beat back the Secular Tyrant Hussein. The Coalition Forces beat back the Iraqis, defend the Kingdom of Saud and liberate Kuwait. So what does he do? He recruits Arabs and later non Arabs who are poor and uneducated. He then wages war on the west through terrorism because his feelings are hurt. Later the Saudis and the Americans try to assassinate him, further fueling the fire.
Look, I think these guys prey on the unfortunate, brain wash uneducated people with their ideology and their false religion and then throw them away when they are done with them. A lot of the people that support them in the Middle East view this war as a Culture War and religion is the easiest way to perpetuate it. You put yourself in the place of a lower class father or mother in Yemen and look at your young unmarried daughter. All they see coming from the West is a decadent culture obsessed with sex, drugs, alcohol and rebellion. Your world and cultural view is 7th Century Islam and you want remain in this time period. I can understand (at a certain level) why these people hate us (the West). But ultimately, I can’t understand why someone would want to cut my head off, kill my daughter and rape my wife. There is no excuse (regardless of religion) for doing such things.
2007-03-22 07:55:15
answer #10
answered by Martin Chemnitz 5
I can and can't believe the ignornace of people on here, the Muslims as a whole didn't have much to do with 9/11. Their religion is actaully a fairly peaceful one and almost a mirror of the Jewish Crhistan faiths. If they did help in 911 don't Crhistans/jews more responisble for the lives lost in past several cneturies by the wars in europe/asis and America?
2007-03-22 06:21:48
answer #11
answered by emt_dragon339 5