He quote me an example of christians in third world countries who live by faith. Also a case of a guy who took his exam even without revision and pass (I call that luck). He believe his faith is so strong that God will help him through the papers. I means if everyone lives by faith like this, then many people wouldn't need to work for food and clothes or studying for exam. Isn't that a bit of abusing faith by giving excuses for being lazy. What do you say?
7 answers
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Society & Culture
➔ Religion & Spirituality
I always believe that one need to take action to do something first and then start praying for strenght and preservance. Rather than just pray, if praying works like that, then wouldn't life be very easier. I just need to pray for food and money and wait for miracles.
23:48:46 ·
update #1
The bird has faith that God will feed it. But it needs to get off that tree limb and get the worm.
2007-03-21 23:57:15
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I never studied for exams yet I passed...it's not luck or faith, it's either knowing the material, and/or the exam being too easy. See, I reckon you're better off only looking for the "spooky" answer when the logical solution is not immediately forthcoming.
Don't most organisms - humans well and truly included - naturally strive to do the smallest amount of work for the largest return? Okay, I'm thinking "ants" too, but they probably only _look_ like they run around without purpose...
2007-03-22 06:57:43
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Of course we should live by faith in that we trust and believe that God will care for us as His children, however we should not put God to the test as many often do and expect Him to pull the odd Rabbit out of the hat when we desire, we cannot treat God as our personal slave to do our bidding when we choose, this guy should try crossing a busy road with his eyes closed and see if faith will keep him from being knocked down.
2007-03-22 07:00:40
answer #3
answered by Sentinel 7
I really do not know if that is living by "faith". I think you are correct in that seems more like abuse of faith. The disciples and apostles worked... Paul was a tent maker, others in the New testament church worked and they pooled their resources. God does not want us to be without work... and He will provide our needs.
I am not able to quote specific scripture, but there is one, in James or one of the shorter epistles which in fact states we are to work, we are to take the necessary steps and not be lazy.
It is still God who is the provider and it is still God who makes our lives profitable, it is still God who makes the work of our hands amount to anything.
2007-03-22 07:50:33
answer #4
answered by thankyou "iana" 6
As a Catholic we are taught to live by Faith and Reason. God gave us a mind and we must consider both Truth and Reality. In fact, God's guidance in the Bible is often to consider nature and the time for planting. God recommends preparedness for each season of life. So we study very hard in order to grow our understanding and we know that no one will do our work for us. We must get good grades. Yet, we also know that God is our helper.
St. Paul said that those who do not work do not eat. God does not send food down on clouds, or weave clothes for us from moonbeams. But he shows us the means to obtain what we need and to share what we have. Often we find gifts, but these are signs of love and to encourage faith during more difficult times when things are not plentiful. Life has difficulty in it, we sacrifice to care for one another.
Faith in God is meant to teach us to wait on His solutions to our troubles, to find our source in Him. But that does not mean do not work through the problems using what He has taught to us. There are some things too great for us and we need to leave those things to God--cures for sickness, war, evil and death. Even David in the Psalms says: I no longer consider these things which are too great for me. You alone Lord supply my need.
We need to defend faith in God and in holiness, righteousness and reverence for life. You are wise to ask.
2007-03-22 07:22:03
answer #5
answered by QueryJ 4
"Live by faith"? You mean "sponge off people"?
As long as you solicit only from people who share your belief system, I guess it's fine. Were you thinking about just begging, or were you going to include prostitution? I'd be very wary about the latter. It may seem attractive now, but it brings a LOT of risks.
2007-03-22 06:49:53
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
If you dont help yourself, God wont help you.
2007-03-22 06:50:19
answer #7
answered by icycloud 3