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2007-03-21 19:09:59 · 6 answers · asked by smokinangel 1 in Travel Caribbean Puerto Rico

6 answers

I hope you now Spanish. I copied this from the Penal Code of PR. It doesn't use the word graffitti, but it reffers to any form of poster, painting on private property of a drawing, words, pictures... without the owners knowledge will be fined with no less than $50 and no more than $250. If you are caught more than once then you could go to jail for no more than 6 months, fine no more than $500 or both.

Art. 181 Fijación de carteles. (33 L.P.R.A. Sec. 4287)

Toda persona que pegare, fijare, imprimiere o pintare sobre propiedad pública, excepto en postes, o sobre cualquier propiedad privada, sin el consentimiento del custodio, dueño o encargado, cualquier aviso, anuncio, letrero, cartel, grabado, pasquín, cuadro, mote, escrito, dibujo, figura o cualquier otro medio similar, sin importar el asunto, artículo, persona, actividad, tema, concepto o materia a que se haga referencia en los mismos, será sancionada con pena de multa no menor de cincuenta (50) dólares ni mayor de doscientos cincuenta (250) dólares.

Las convicciones subsiguientes por el mismo delito serán sancionadas con pena de reclusión por un término que no excederá de seis (6) meses, pena de multa que no excederá de quinientos (500) dólares, o ambas penas a discreción del Tribunal.

El Tribunal sentenciador podrá requerir de la persona convicta del delito para que resarza a la parte perjudicada de daños ocasionados o para que asuma la obligación de corregir el mal causado por su acto delictivo.

En cualesquiera de las modalidades anteriores, el Tribunal, a su discreción, podrá imponer la pena de prestación de servicios en la comunidad, en lugar de las penas de reclusión o multa establecidas. (Enmendado en el 1976, ley 4, 1999, ley 306)

2007-03-22 16:48:06 · answer #1 · answered by scorpionitty 4 · 0 0

sure, Puerto Rico is an American Territory. this implies you do no longer prefer a Passport to get there. some regulations are slightly different yet frequently a similar. eating age is eighteen, maximum elementary language is Spanish. a super place to pass to.

2016-10-01 07:45:35 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Humm...I guess they mUst have Laws and Penalties but I have never heard on the TV news or Newspaper of somebody caught doing it.

Puerto Rican Police don't have the Manpower to enforce those Soft Laws....

2007-03-22 08:15:43 · answer #3 · answered by shinningstarofthecarribean 6 · 0 1

As in most US jurisditions, graffitti is illegal in PR. As someone else said, and just like in most US jurisdictions, graffitti artists are seldom caught or prosecuted here. Now, in San Juan the mayor has started to enforce these laws and there was a recent conviction in the news.

2007-03-22 11:34:00 · answer #4 · answered by CCORRA 2 · 0 1

Hopefully it's not as bad as in Singapore. Remember way back when that American kid went on a spray painting spree and got caned like 10 times as a punishment. What an idiot! I believe that when he passed out from the pain, they revived him each time before caning him again. I wonder if he ever went spray painting cars in Singapore after that?

2007-03-21 19:16:14 · answer #5 · answered by jimstanleydavis 2 · 0 1

Unfortunately, not as in Singapore. Grafitti is theoretically illegal, but rarely ever anyone gets caught for it. In fact, it's become a medium for commercial advertising.

2007-03-22 13:48:10 · answer #6 · answered by Raimon 5 · 0 1

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